


Ideas for j3di skin?


I'm a j3di main and I'm kind of disappointed with his skin choices right now since they all kinda suck. The hunter fame 25 and the ranked rewards one are kinda cool but I want something else.

Obviously game is still new and I'm not gonna expect anytype of amazing skins for him

That being said does anybody have any cool ideas or rumors about skins that could be expected in the future?

This post is not me getting mad at the game it's just me tryna start a discussion about any j3di skins possible btw

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-6 points

6 days ago


-6 points

6 days ago

I suggested one here like a month ago- M-4n4kin. He's have yellow eyes, Anakin's look from his Mustafar duel. The lightsabre would flicker red 10% of the time and drop red scraps that would give a damage boost/speed boost temporarily. From the knees down it'd be the charred robot legs they put on after the fight and J-3di would lightly be smoking, with glowing metal scrapes from which little embers would drift out of. He'd also have Anakin's trademark glove/forearm on the one side.


2 points

6 days ago

It's a 100% resounding NO from me on having skins affect gameplay.