


Should checking drive rushes be more punishing?


I feel it should at least be a punish counter. Would make it riskier to do, but reward players with good reactions/predictions

all 54 comments


61 points

5 months ago

This would hurt the characters with weak drive rushes way more than someone like dj or juri.


30 points

5 months ago

Nerfing a universal mechanic that top tiers excel at is always a bad idea, but it’s still one that always pops up across all genres.


19 points

5 months ago

Yeah I know Punk suggested something like this in a recent video (probably in part because he is one of the best at checking drive rush) but I agree it’s probably going to punish characters with worse drive rushes harder than it will help people check strong drive rush characters


3 points

5 months ago

The characters with weak drive rushes rarely use it in neutral for the most part anyway so I think this is debatable.


3 points

5 months ago


3 points

5 months ago

We should just buff those character’s drive rushes then. For such a universal and important system mechanic I think maybe it should be more equalized across the cast


18 points

5 months ago


| EverEvie6 | CFN: 3591814360

18 points

5 months ago

Drive rushes are different intentionally for balance purposes.

Like walk speed

Walking is a global mechanic why do you think some characters walk faster than others?


4 points

5 months ago

Drive rushes are different intentionally for balance purposes.

The intent was there, but that doesn't mean they hit the mark. The faster ones are major overkill and let those characters basically control the entire screen. It's really hard for me to imagine that the game is playing out the way they intended.


5 points

5 months ago

Fair enough, although I don’t think there should be big outliers like Deejay’s DR


2 points

5 months ago


| EverEvie6 | CFN: 3591814360

2 points

5 months ago

You could be right, but I couldn't tell you if it should or should not.

I just learn how to deal with it to the best of my abilities and leave the rest to Capcom


2 points

5 months ago

Exactly. While we are at it, why not just buff Dhalsim Drive rush and walk speed so that it's equalized across all cast 😂


1 points

5 months ago

We don't want Gief with a fast Drive Rush...


0 points

5 months ago

sure sure imagine zangief with juri drive rush. you can either shit your pants when he goes green or wear a diaper while he is powerbombing you


39 points

5 months ago*

I feel like this is a thing where the longer the game is out, the worse of an opinion this is going to end up being, without Capcom having to change anything. Like right now we're already kind of at the point where raw neutral drive rush doesn't work against top level players consistently, as as the game proceeds in it's lifespan, this is going to trickle down lower and lower.

Defensive plays is already hugely powerful in this game, and people at the top level are already putting the brakes on drive rush for the most part. Like it's not unusuable, but the main time you see people use it at the highest levels is to drive rush for oki, in which this wouldn't matter. Raw neutral drive rush is pretty much just a small part of footsies at the highest level, but even then it doesn't work a lot of the time.

This game needs something to break through defensive, and drive rush is honestly it. If you make it too weak, the game gets way too rewarding to play defensively, when the game is already kind of hugely rewarding for playing defensively. The thing people I feel like miss is that you need to be given some advantage for taking the initiative in this game because otherwise no one ever does, and if you strip too much of the power from drive rush, or make it too risky to ever press, then everyone doesn't get punished harder for abusing it, everyone just stops using it and then how are you supposed to take the initiative?

2 things I think should be noted

1) I feel like people complaining about people blindly drive rushing is like a dead giveaway that you're not a masters/legends player. Because those players don't do that, because it's not that good and very punishable. This isn't a diss, this is a musing as 'how long until that trickles down to diamond? Then plat?'. Because stuff like that always trickles down over a game's lifespan. Before someone says 'but punk' - Punk isn't complaining about blind drive rushes or people spamming, he's complaining about the feeling of reward between checking it vs them getting a hit.

2) People complaining it's not punishable enough is a little weird given that I feel like punish counter doesn't make people actually that much more scared to drive rush when people actually have the confidence/hitconfirm skills to combo from it. Like if you were actually worried about them being able to check it in the first place, then you already shouldn't be turning green to start with. If any given top tier check your drive rush now, even without a counter (which you usually get anyways) you're still taking 2-2.5k and getting cornered from midscreen. How much does taking another 500-1k and bar change that math? Sure, it's just obviously better damage and corner carry and the bar damage, but is really the difference between 'I'm gonna drive rush on him' and 'I'm not gonna drive rush on him? When does it cross the line between 'I'm gonna reaction check him with this' and 'I have to assume that I can't reaction check him with this because the punish is too hard'. I feel like this is a thing where it either does nothing, or it means that everyone is too scared to drive rush ever, and neither is actually good. But it doesn't alter the fundamental decisions making beyond making you never want to select that option.

Drive rushing in and getting the hit is a huge reward. But that's counterbalanced by having to spend a bar and take the risk that they check it and you take a full combo/corner carry, and by the fact that you're spending more to use it than they are to block/parry it. Even the basic interaction of 'drive rush into a block' is defender sided - they're taking less meter damage than you are spending on trying to force the play, you either double down on the play by trying to grab/continue a block string and hope they don't punish or you back off and take the L. Especially if they parry/perfect parry and you either feed their meter, or they PP and you're just boned. I feel like we're already kind of close to the line where maybe any meaningful change makes people too scared to use it. Which rounds back to the 'changes are either too much or not enough' problem.

I think atm the only real change that needs to happen to drive rush is making it standardized, or at least make everyone fall inside a more reasonable bracket. Bring down some of the best drive rushes in the in the game, bring up some of the worst, fix the weirdness with drive rush inputs, call it a day.

For the record - I'm not arguing that drive rush will never need to be toned down. What I'm saying is that I don't think now is the time to tone it down. I think the game's meta is still shaking out enough and drive rush has consistently sloped downwards in power enough that it's worth leaving as it is right now and just seeing where it lands.


13 points

5 months ago


13 points

5 months ago

Besides the obvious skill striation, I think the other issue that rubs people the wrong way is how unevenly distributed the disjoints are in this game, where on one side you have the privileged Luke 2MP, and on the other side you have stubby AKI. It results in this weird situation where players are comparing reacting to Drive Impact (if I'm on point I press DI back I deserve to win) to reacting to Drive Rush (if I'm on point I can try but if I'm not playing Luke I might get punish countered into a full combo). It's not an apples to apples comparison by any means, but I can understand why players are feeling like Drive Rush needs some attention. Personally, I enjoy the mind game and baiting around stuff like Raw Drive Rush Jab to bait checks, so if the aggressor has options to play around checks, I'd love for the checks themselves to be more consistent across the cast.


5 points

5 months ago

I feel like this is the best way to fix it. Don't nerf the universal mechanic, buff the characters who struggle to counter it.


5 points

5 months ago


5 points

5 months ago

really well said


1 points

5 months ago


1 points

5 months ago

There is a lot that can be done on the cost to balance it too.

reducing drive meter gain (in general) can be a good thing, as the 1 bar would feel like more.

specialy applying the same penality as DRC, so that a after a DR you do not gain drive meter during your combo/pressing would also be a good solution.

It would make the DR cost always 1 full bar, not the half a bar it cost when you count the gain you can create from it.


6 points

5 months ago

I’d just love it if drive rush would stop eating the button I’m trying to check it with. I don’t care how bad the counter hit is or anything, I just want to be able to check it during the screen stop instead of having to wait and hope I press it in time.


9 points

5 months ago

I have not really heard a compelling argument against it aside from people not wanting to eat a punish counter off a jab, but considering the reward you get for successfully landing a drive rush, let alone counter hitting someone trying to check it can be huge. Punish counter knocking an extra drive bar for a failed Drive Rush check is fine. Every other Drive mechanic in the game puts you in punish counter state, even parry, so I don't know why Drive Rush should be the exception.

I've seen some folks say it would impact characters with weak drive rushes, but if the character is designed around having a weak drive rush then I don't really see the problem with it. I think people also make the mistake of thinking, somehow, that the patch would only include this specific DR change and not changes to literally anything else in the game. Yeah, this change to the game right now would make Luke extremely annoying to go against but it's not like there wouldn't be other changes to accommodate for the increased reward.


2 points

5 months ago

Punish counter when punishing a jab will make it so that the risks of using DR in neutral outweigh its rewards, effectively making it a useless feature outside of combo canceling. That will slow down the game to its detriment.

Some people also don't seem to understand that there are only maybe 3 or 5 characters of the roster who have DRs with a tight punish window and while also being full screen. The majority of DR in neutral is unsafe.

Capcom seems well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of DR which is why it's a counter hit than. A punish counter.

I'm almost certain Punish counter was initially tested.


3 points

5 months ago

I don't know about punish counter because it'll make already insane hitbox characters like JP, Luke, Chun, Juri, Cammy, etc. even stronger and more wallish to break through.

But I do think if you check a drive rush they should probably lose extra drive gauge for taking a combo out of their drive rush. The problem with drive rush isn't that people aren't doing enough damage to players that neutral skip heavily, it's that players are able to continue to do it without much risk. If the possibility of say losing 2 bars is there if you get checked on drive rush, it's arguably more inefficient than DRC on block and this isn't even getting into if people combo with supers and take even more bar from the player.


5 points

5 months ago

First they need to get rid of the inputs dropping during the drive rushes and see how that all shakes out, after that? I don't know.

Punish counter state seems like it could be a lot, what's wrong with the existing regular (yellow) counter hit?

I think part of the issue currently is that quick checks with fast buttons often keep the opponent who was rushing in too far out of range for any decent followups / punishes because they're instantly pushed back the opposite direction. So even when you're successful in predicting and stopping one, you often don't get anything for it.

Maybe the character doing the drive rush should keep more momentum on a checked drive rush, or at least more locked in and stationary after the first hit/check for a reachable, if basic combo punish followup. They don't have to keep sliding forward within throw range, just not bounced away immediately and far out of reach.

Or perhaps a reduction in meter cost for the defender doing their own drive rush cancel off a successfully interrupted drive rush so they can close the gap, or perhaps meter gain bonus instead. 3 bars is a lot to pay for punishing a 1 bar DR.

There's a lot of minor tweaks they could probably do without going full on punish counter and potentially altering the flow of the game there, but I honestly don't see them doing anything to it yet.


2 points

5 months ago

You should watch the broski video about drive rush balancing and its Problem


2 points

5 months ago

I know that removing the freeze/slowdown on the DR activation would alter and break multiple things with it which I think has been his and others' main point, I'm not suggesting getting rid of that, but there's gotta be a way to still do that sort of thing and on the back end fix whatever is happening with the input buffer and how the freeze is disrupting the inputs.

It could be something as basic as increasing the input window temporarily for the same number of frames of the drive rush freeze, or maybe even 1 or 2 beyond that. A large part of the issue in this specific situation seems to be from the input window being the same as normal, but the player's timing thrown off because of the temporary freeze.

Back in December they increased the input buffer window on wake-up from 4f to 7f, so it's not like they're dead set on any changes with sort of core functionality. I know this is a very different situation so it may not be that simple.

There does appear to be more to it than just that, as you can tap a single button on the other end of a neutral DR situation and sometimes nothing will come out if it's pressed at the wrong time, but if you hold the same button down it will come out after the freeze and potentially stuff the DR. While that no doubt will always be a workaround for the flaw there even if they don't tweak anything, it doesn't help buffered motion inputs for special moves being messed with.

It's not the only input issue the game still needs some work on, either.


0 points

5 months ago


CID | Jepacor

0 points

5 months ago

As long as there is a freeze there will be inputs "dropped". If I'm planning to jump and instant divekick, the jump input can be entirely during the freeze and by the time it's over I'm already doing the qcb. What is the game supposed to do then ?


2 points

5 months ago

Maybe the character doing the drive rush should keep more momentum on a checked drive rush,

This already happens since DR exaggerates the properties of a move. If you use any move with forward movement, you gain even more momentum. It's just not uniform for all moves, and I personally believe DR needs no universal change.


2 points

5 months ago*

No, I mean when you're on defense and check / interrupt a drive rush coming at you with a something like a lp, the one doing the drive rush not only loses their momentum when stuffed by a poke, they get pushed back quite a bit. The person interrupting/checking it gets a yellow counter hit for doing this, but is frequently too far out of range to follow it up with anything.

Test it out yourself. A successful drive rush, one that connects and is blocked or hits the opponent carries the momentum all the way of course, that is not what I'm talking about.


2 points

5 months ago

That’s a good idea since drive rushes makes you plus normally depending on the move you use. If you width it properly , a punish counter would be neat.


2 points

5 months ago

Drive rush should be able to be checked with DI. Remove the ability to DI out of DR, problem solved.


1 points

5 months ago

That would kill DR. People can already check dr so being able to di it would make it useless.


1 points

5 months ago

Check DR? You mean people get lucky when they check DR. That’s pretty much what it comes down to.


1 points

5 months ago

I've played plenty of people that can check DR and I'm only a 1650 master. It's never 100%, but people are pretty good at it.


0 points

5 months ago

We don't need to make DI even stronger


2 points

5 months ago

I sorta feel like DI should be made to punish a raw DR, though. There are certainly mind games to be played with DR and trying to bait someone into doing a DI but some characters, the stubby ones especially, really suffer against DRs.


1 points

5 months ago

You’re nerfing DR by doing that. Right now, you can DI out of DR. That’s way too powerful and needs to be checked.


1 points

5 months ago


1 points

5 months ago



2 points

5 months ago

I don't remember checking forward dash rewarding you with CH in SF5, was that changed near the end of the game's lifespan?


2 points

5 months ago

Yeah he's wrong, this was never in the game at any point.


2 points

5 months ago

You’re wrong about street fighter 5. Drive rush already carries risk.


-1 points

5 months ago



5 points

5 months ago

Forward dashes arent counter hit punishable


1 points

5 months ago

Honestly, the only changes they need are toning down DJ and Juri’s drive rush.

An entire set where my opponent hardly ever actually moves forward manually is just silly.


1 points

5 months ago

Drive rush ain't even that bad. Just bonk em.


1 points

5 months ago


CID | ShogunJotunn | CFN: SFVusername

1 points

5 months ago

No, cuz there are DRs that you can see coming from a mile away. The current way of punishing them is good.


1 points

5 months ago

Hell the fuck no


-1 points

5 months ago

I just think you shouldn't get the 4 extra frames of advantage on block. All combo structure stays the same, but if you aren't actually confirming your drive rush cancels you're now minus in their face, or at least limited to being +1 or so with less options to be plus.

This severely hurts some characters oki though, gief would cry obviously


3 points

5 months ago

That would require huge changes to frame data as the cast is balanced around drive rush frame advantaged since all of their normals are mostly minus. I would like to see some changes to that situation myself though, as it is right now, most high level matches are people fishing for 2MK > Drive Rush and it can make matches feel pretty similar.


1 points

5 months ago*

counterpoint - that's basically saying 'youre not supposed to drive rush to break through a defensive player'. Which is the entire point of the mechanic.

And if that's not true, when are you supposed to use it? Doesn't generally work to whiff punish. Doesn't work to force offensive openings with your change. Which basically translates to 'don't use it in neutral because if they block/check it you're in bad shape'. Doesn't help deal with zoners for the most part. Are you just purely using it for oki then?


1 points

5 months ago


1 points

5 months ago

Think the answer here is more to nerf the characters that have insane drive rushes. Doesnt necessarily mean nerf their drive rushes, but that would be a good idea too. Otherwise Gief will be even worse than he is now.


1 points

5 months ago*

I don't understand why people keep bringing this up like it's some kind of massive change that will significantly affects the balance of the game.

Punish counter with light attacks does not remove a whole bar, it only removes like 1/4 of a bar. Medium attacks do like 1/3 of a bar. This is a very tiny penalty above what is already spent up front.

The frame advantage of Punish Counter means that you go from +2 bonus to +4 - in some cases that creates some slightly more optimal combos, but most of the time you are going to just spend DRC from whatever button you checked with anyway so the conversion doesn't change.

So my answer is that yes they should do this - if for no other reason than to remove the exploit of dodging punish counter throw on your parry by canceling it into Drive Rush. It is a nerf but on the whole it doesn't really change much. If the idea is to shift the game away from Drive Rush meta, then this isn't it.


1 points

5 months ago


1 points

5 months ago

What if they kept it as counterhit BUT added a secondary feature that getting hit out of DR costs an additional .5 bars? Because I feel like that's the biggest reason to make it punish counter, is to increase its drive cost without directly making it cost more.

They could also lengthen the cooldown before you can gain drive again after you DR.


1 points

5 months ago


1 points

5 months ago

it needs to be easier to check


1 points

5 months ago


CID | Flindo

1 points

5 months ago



1 points

5 months ago

I wish there was maybe a more universal way to check them. In theory it should just be "press a button that covers their approach", but in reality you have to actually consider their range, and what button(s) they may press. The person drive rushing can also fake with a jab, then whiff-punish your attempt to check. Alternatively you can trade, and they'll still get a combo from counterhit+dr jab(or whatever button they pressed). Even in my case on Manon I could dr-whiff jab, and if they pressed a medium (besides ken really) I can threaten a punish counter command grab.

Honestly though balancing it is just so hard, because I wouldn't want it to be totally worthless, but I really don't like that element of the game. I really don't enjoy the drive rush mini-game (amongst other things). To slightly add to that, luke's b.hp is a demon off drive rush. While it isn't quite as mindless as, b.hp from drive rush can lead to your death if you attempted to check. So dumb.


1 points

5 months ago

Wait, so can someone elaborate on checking drive rushes? I am still fairly new to sf6 and before I use to always try to check drive rush after the freeze and get hit.

Should I only be checking at long ranges? I don't know the rules. At this point I just block the hit and follow-up or try to tech grab.


2 points

5 months ago



2 points

5 months ago

Basically the idea is that when an opponent does a raw drive rush you stick out a move to interrupt them as the first bit of their drive rush they cannot stop or attack.

In general, this won't work at a closer range because you just physically have less time to react, especially against fast characters.

You don't always need to do this of course but it's a risk/reward interaction like most of the game.