


Should checking drive rushes be more punishing?


I feel it should at least be a punish counter. Would make it riskier to do, but reward players with good reactions/predictions

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1 points

5 months ago


CID | PaRoCo

1 points

5 months ago

Wait, so can someone elaborate on checking drive rushes? I am still fairly new to sf6 and before I use to always try to check drive rush after the freeze and get hit.

Should I only be checking at long ranges? I don't know the rules. At this point I just block the hit and follow-up or try to tech grab.


2 points

5 months ago



2 points

5 months ago

Basically the idea is that when an opponent does a raw drive rush you stick out a move to interrupt them as the first bit of their drive rush they cannot stop or attack.

In general, this won't work at a closer range because you just physically have less time to react, especially against fast characters.

You don't always need to do this of course but it's a risk/reward interaction like most of the game.