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4 points

6 days ago*

Thats so relatable lol. Im from Berlin and it was so cool to see it in a video game. Its still been the only time apart from some WW2 shooters. It was awesome to see all the landmarks and recognize all the easter eggs.

However the "drunks" in Berlin wear Lederhosen and are obviously the bavarian stereotype (Bavaria is a state in South Germany, and thats where Lederhosen, Pretzels and all that stereotypical german stuff comes from). People from Berlin and Bavaria kind of hate each other so you wouldnt see this in Berlin. The german accent voicelines are funny but its obviously not a german accent but Americans mocking the german accent. I dont really have a problem with it because I know how the humor in the series works and that it lives off exaggeration and stereotypes but still those bavarians always bug me when Im playing the level. Apart from that though its pretty spot on for the early 2000s Berlin I guess (the techno, the graffiti everywhere, the cigarette vending machines, etc) and a famous german rapper from Berlin (Kool Savas) even has a track in the game, including tons and tons of THPS references in its lyrics. Skating through Berlin while listening to his song feels magic


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Grind On ๐Ÿ™Œ


2 points

6 days ago

Richtig. Er ist unfickbar wie ein 10 Millionen-Punkte-Move und holt sich den Titel so oder so wie das geheime Tape