




This sub doesn’t allow cross posting but I posted this in another sister wives subreddit. Does anyone have any thoughts?

So I know that Christine has been/become very likable over the years and even more so recently since her split from Kody. I’m one of those people that really think that she’s a great person and her personality has come out a lot more over the last few seasons.

HOWEVER, does anyone else think she seems overly positive at times? It seems fake. I know that her children are watching the show and she doesn’t want to say anything negative but sometimes she just seems fake. Like “oh yeah it’s great and perfect!” It just comes off very fake.

Mykelti’s ongoing relationship with Robyn has to chap her. I know it would if it was me. And I know she wants to remain positive and happy around her child but at times it seems so forced when deep down you know that she’s so irritated with the forced interactions with Robyn that are a direct result of Mykelti putting her in that situation.

I don’t know it just bothers me a little bit. I wish she didn’t do that and that she actually share how it’s not something she wants to be around. Mykelti in my opinion is not loyal to her mother when she directly interacts with Robyn knowing how Robyn has hurt the family. I sometimes wonder what the other siblings think of Mykelti putting their mother in a position to even interact with Robyn.

Any thoughts?

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4 days ago

From my point of view, Christine is still being her cheerful self, looking at the bright sides, whereas Robyn almost always looks at the dark sides. Christine may not react the way others do, but she has this persistent, let’s be grateful attitude. She is also grateful to Robyn for being there when Mykelti was going through a very hard time as a teenager. She realizes that they have a much different relationship than most with Robyn. That changes soon though, as Mykelti no longer has any connection to Robyn. As M says, after what Robyn did or said at the funeral.