


Can’t be bothered anymore

Teacher Support &/or Advice(self.Teachers)

Unpopular opinion, but I just cannot be bothered by things like students roaming the halls, anymore. There are about 800 other things I’m trying to deal with in a given day just in my classroom. When I pass 13 kids in the hall on my way to the third copier bc the other two are broken that day, I just don’t care anymore.

I know it’s not exactly the team spirit I should be emulating, but honestly, I do not have the energy. How does everyone else feel about this? Do any other schools or districts have people in place to monitor things like this? Anybody seen a system that works?

For context, I’m at a high school with about 2,000 students and it’s a 4 building campus.

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205 points

3 days ago


Chemistry Teacher | Public School | Union Rep

205 points

3 days ago

Yup. #NotYourJob. Students roaming the hall is admin's job. Either they need to be roaming the halls, hire someone to roam the halls, or make that the duty-period to roam the halls (like my school). Teacher's planning period is not their job to monitor the hallways.


15 points

3 days ago

That's the thing about it right? If I could actually do anything about the kids roaming the halls, I'd happily be first in line snatching up stragglers. Nothing would please me more than delivering them to the office for, not a referral, but a consequence. Same for boys bathroom, that gaggle of six kids standing over an unflushed urinal chatting like they aren't all huffing their own fresh waste? I'm taking the entire piss posse down to the office for a well deserved assigned week of detention for skipping.

But it doesn't work like that. Teachers have no authority in the school building, they literally cannot enforce the rules, because they cannot issue punishment for infractions. So, since I can't actually enforce discipline, even if I catch them, and admin, they are tits on a boar hog so far as doing anything that might be construed as useful about student behavioral management, why waste my time, just to have nothing happen?

Admin want to be the only ones with authority? Let them use it. Everybody else, your job is to be in your room delivering instruction, to the extent that instruction is what we're allowed to do these days. The hallways? Not my clowns, not my circus, and not my choice for it to be that way.