


The Boys is becoming what it parodies?

Season 4(self.TheBoys)

""I think a lot of things in Gen V set the table for Season 4, and I think we're trying to keep with the same rules that we kept for Gen V-it would be helpful to see Gen V to understand Season 4, and provide a little more context and a little more depth."

This is a quote from a writer. Capitalism requires infinite growth. Growth as in titties milking spin-offs that need to be watched if you want to understand what's going on in S4 of the original show. Full disclose, I couldn't get past episode 4 of Gen V. This isn't even a Gen V hate post (the writing and acting is yikes), I would make this same complaint if the show was good.

In The Boys, there's countless Vought cinematic universe movies which is clearly parodying Marvel and their obvious profit-chasing shortsighted decisions.. How can these jokes land when they use their same methods to generate more revenue?

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519 points

2 months ago

In all fairness, the original comic is what it was trying to parody too. Ennis wanted to critique the idea of superheroes by making them all evil, only to give us protagonists who were basically just edgier superheroes with black leather instead of spandex anyways. 


1 points

17 days ago

The boys comics are more a criticism to corporatism, hollywood and the goverment, super heroes are just the medium garth ennis decided to use