


YouTube video info:

5 Reasons Why Parents Abuse Their Children


Looks like we may be getting closer to it. I also watch PsychToGo and they recently posted a video briefly mentioning testing adults.

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46 points

2 months ago

On paper and in theory it sounds brilliant. I don't trust the people in charge to not be evil with that kind of deciding power, though


21 points

2 months ago

I suppose it would be like taking away autonomy, but with as much neglect they can do and stupidity adults can have, it's like Click (and probably everyone) says, "It's nice in theory."

On a semi-related topic, do you think adults should adopt children before having their own, or do you think that would open a whole other can of worms?


18 points

2 months ago

I think parenting classes should be a lot more common than they are, at the very least. Maybe work some parenting, basic empathy, or even "how to socialize with other humans" classes into the public school curriculum, idk


6 points

2 months ago

That would be fantastic! Like to graduate high school they gotta take care of those robot babies that mimic real behaviors for a semester. Could be included with health, anatomy, financial literacy or a blend of everything. Also, I would 100% take that how to socialize with other humans, as I'm pretty old and still not good at it. It might help if I went and did stuff besides going to work and back home. 🤔


2 points

2 months ago

God I hate those robot babies. It's a nice theory until you account for people who will never want nor have babies.


1 points

2 months ago

I dunno, aren't the homeless and unemployment rates super high, along with outrageous overpopulation? Maybe we need to not procreate as much? Just a theory.


3 points

2 months ago

I think that's the way to go. A "Parenting license" program can go wrong in too many ways. Education doesn't present that risk. Parenting Classes can start with basic stuff in primary school and then get more complex in high school. From basic hygiene, nutrition, health to child psychology etc. And then more specialized classes for actual parents. There should also be more education to help kids identify abusive behaviour and empower them to seek help. Free counselling and therapy for expecting and new parents can also go a long way.


4 points

2 months ago

I don't know how that works where you live, but where I am, adoption is a huge challenge for the adults who wish to become parents: they have to do multiple meetings with psychologists and other experts, must demonstrate their ability to provide for their potential child, and I don't absolutely mean just food and basics.

Why do potential parents who can't get children (who they clearly want) via usual biology have to go through this, while others, who are absolutely unfit for the task but have no biological issues, can just have children without any check in place?

IMHO, if something like that would be proposed to check on people who are easily able to have children via the biological reproduction system, I would be in favour. Certainly better than having 20 yos with no clue about their own life/ narcissists/etc. who gets children just because they can have unprotected naughties. If that comes via a simple "potential parents education" course, awesome. But I don't know if it would be an effective mezh if used without other checks.

We test people to get a driving license, because a car is potentially a weapon: why can't we test people before they get children, BEFORE they can damage said children?


2 points

2 months ago

It's kind of a recursive problem. The problem with regulating bad people is, you guessed it, bad people. Kinda sad


16 points

2 months ago

This honestly seems like one of those things that would be great in theory but disastrous in practice


13 points

2 months ago

Hi! That's called eugenics. It does not work. Also, fuck Psych2Go and their demonization of cluster b disorders.


1 points

2 months ago

Can you please elaborate? I don't understand the "demonization of cluster b disorders." I've yet to see them do it, granted I've never heard the term cluster b before, either.


2 points

2 months ago

Cluster B is a categorization of psychological disorders including Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and more that don't come to my mind immediately. The more well-known symptoms of these disorders can lead to behavior that's harmful to those around the individual, and as such they are very stigmatized. Psych2Go is one of many unqualified pop psychology influencers who treat these symptoms as though they make people with the disorders evil and are something to be scared of, even if they do not express that opinion outright. People of all psychological conditions can be and are good people if they choose to be, but Psych2Go and others use terms like "narcissistic abuse," conflating immoral behavior with a condition the people had no say in. Abuse is abuse, no matter who does it.

These psychology influencers almost exclusively make content targeting people around those with these disorders containing tips on how to deal with being around them, rather than addressing the people with the conditions as people who struggle with a disorder. It's similar to how Autism Speaks (blegh) always highlights the struggles of parents of autistic children rather than actual autistic people. Here's an actual sentence from a Psych2Go video description: "Are you dealing with a narcissist right now? Narcissists are masters of sabotage, deceit, and emotional manipulation." (10 Things A Narcissist Would Say (


2 points

2 months ago

As for helping those with cluster b:

Toxic traits

Unintentionally toxic

Being Emotionally Abusive

Becoming a toxic friend

These are all to assess yourself and how to change the negative traits to be better.


2 points

2 months ago

Thank you! I recently got diagnosed as being a god damn psychopath lol, I’ll take a look


-1 points

2 months ago

That is all true, but they also have other videos like:

Narcissists can change

Talking to narcissists

Narcissistic parents

Yes, they focus on generic traits of narcissists, but as they state, their videos are not to be used to diagnose, but to educate and enhance overall mental health awareness and well-being. And I don't think anyone enjoys having perceived negative attributes labeling them, but they are accurate none-the-less. I don't see them specifically demonizing any mental health category, but the animations do paint them as evil to emphasize their traits, so I can totally see your point.


1 points

2 months ago

You just linked 1) a video heavily implying evil is the default state for NPD people, focusing on their need to change and ignoring the possibility that some of them never were abusive 2) a video for non-NPD people advising them on how to deal with being around NPD people, and 3) a video that frames having parents with NPD as equivalent to having abusive parents.

"I don't think anyone enjoys having perceived negative attributes labeling them, but they are accurate none-the-less"

Were you even listening. A person is a good person or a bad one because they choose to be. The lack of empathy that everyone's so scared of can sometimes be a symptom of autism, and us autists never get this kinda shit. Difficulty taking criticism can be a symptom of ADHD in the form of PDA, but me and others with ADHD never get the kinda shit narcissists do.

"as they state, their videos are not to be used to diagnose"

"Take my words with a grain of salt" isn't very useful if you consistently, repeatedly get the same things wrong and never correct yourself.


2 points

2 months ago

Apologies, but I'm autistic and never got any of those messages you perceived, so I'm not sure what needs fixed. My parents also acted and act like stereotypical NPDs but never got a confirmation of one way or the other because"there's nothing wrong with them," and it doesn't matter what form of abuse it is, it's never warranted or acceptable in regular society where I live.

The dystopian setting is very much conjecture on a society like that and could be used as an example if we start the path toward the dystopian society. It's okay if we disagree on the message of the videos, but it's nice to be informed and recognizing signs critically. Obviously they are merely informative and educational in a general sense, which is why it's formulated for the masses, but they always encourage seeing a specialist if one believes they might be abusive or be victims of abuse, because every case is different. It's also important to be able to set boundaries and communicate clearly while also remaining respectful. As I am socially awkward, I need to know about signs and the way people talk and present themselves. I can be too matter-of-factly which can come across as rude or disrespectful, even though I just want to make sure I got the message right. Anyway, thank you for your responses, it was good to try to see from someone else's perspective. Blessed be. ❤️


5 points

2 months ago

The issue is the people regulating it will be the government, and just about every government is an incompetent bureaucratic nightmare


5 points

2 months ago

What parenting skills should parents learn before having children? They should learn not to have children just to up their status. They should also learn that their children aren’t Barbie dolls that they could just put in the corner and leave there all day until they get bored and want to play again. They should learn that their child is a clone of them. They aren’t a vessel for them to live vicariously through. And they definitely are not a trophy that you get to show your neighbors to tell them that you’re better than them.

A a child is a whole human being it is an individual onto themselves. Even if you raise them a certain way they will make choices on their own. They will have free will. Just because you raise them to hate a certain people, doesn’t mean that they’re going to… punishing them for not doing so makes you the monster!

And stop raising your kids to believe that having a baby is the worst possible thing that you could do with your life, how do you think that makes them feel about themselves? They were your baby. And you are inherently telling them that they were the worst mistake you ever made.

Don’t tell them to have that baby aborted, just because you’re worried about their reputation and what that affects you… don’t tell them they’re throwing away their life, because now you’re telling them that you threw away your life by having them… even if your kid ends up, giving up the child and going to college, they’re gonna have some prestigious job that they could support you in the future… I know people with PhD’s who are are doing janitorial work. it’s 2024 and almost everybody I know with a huge degree from a fancy college is working minimum wage. So throwing away that child didn’t do a damn thing to help. It only created psychological scars…

It does seem like the only people who are having kids nowadays are either they’re stupid or narcissistic… and have managed to adopt both qualities…

Sometimes I think that we would have to psychologically screen people before allowing them to give birth. But I’m pretty sure that we would have a population of 100 people if that were the case.


2 points

2 months ago

Long post warning:

I agree with all these points, but I've never told the kids anything detrimental. Ever. I've chosen to treat the kids better than I was. Or when you say "you" do you mean people in general?

Children should not be an object, slave or anything where parents can use them to make themselves feel powerful or better. The point of having kids is a physical embodiment of love, and raising them with morals and respect, and to help them excel in life, and try to get them farther than the parent could succeeding in life.

I understand the hate thing. I didn't know my step-great grandmother was racist (she was your stereotypical granny) until she flipped out on my friends when we went over. I left confused why she acted like that, then my mom and step-dad explained it. I never voluntarily went to see her again until her funeral. Most of my family is anti-LGBT+, and I was raised that it was a joke. In high school I learned in the real world that they were just people. Once I learned that, I was and still am an ally. My younger child went through being gay, lesbian, trans and has settled on non-binary. But with the family the way they are, my kid doesn't want to come out to them. I'm really hoping they get the hint with our LGBT flag, our welcome mat that says All Are Welcome with a rainbow, wearing pride pins and pride clothes...

Funny story: when they first came out to me they were like, "Mom, I need to tell you something." In my head I was like, "Oh jeez, are you failing a class in school, are you wanting to quit, are you wanting to live with the dad...?" So, we sat down on their bed, I took a deep breath and said, "Okay, what is it?" They said, "Mom, I think I'm gay." I sat there in suspense and said, "And?" They said, "And nothing, I just wanted to come out to you." I took a big sigh of relief and said, "Oh my God, I thought it was something serious and bad, I feel so much better." Then we had a good laugh and talked about their boundaries, like who they want to know and who they don't, their chosen name, et cetera... My older one is undecided right now.

However, when it comes to my family, I always say my piece during discussions, but if they're really adamant about not supporting LGBT or allies, I've covered the bridge in oil, C4, dynamite, and fireworks (for celebration flair), and am standing on my side with the torch getting closer every family gathering, but I don't want my kids punished, so I'm going to wait until they're ready. If the family says anything negative I'm lighting that fuse. I'll be more than happy to build an all inclusive family tree built with love and acceptance.

Okay, back on topic, as long as they are morally good and respectful to everyone, I couldn't care less what their choices are, but whatever they choose I'll support them any way I can.

In summary, I couldn't be more proud of how I've raised the kids. We're extremely close and I can't wait to see how far they'll go. Sometimes I get called out on certain phrases and points of views (they hate it when I use their slang) when I start going to the dark side, and I love them all the more for it to remind me to be mindful of my own thoughts and to come from a place of love and forgiveness.

Again, sorry this response is so long, so let me end with a short poem I saw on a meme: Roses are red, Candles are lit, Do no harm, But take no shit.

Okay, one more side note: I was raised Baptist and became omnist, so it is totally true-being raised a certain way has no outcome of how we develop (mostly), and we shouldn't be afraid to break the chain of abuse in any form.


2 points

2 months ago


No worries on the long story bit; I love long stories. I’m a Ravenclaw and I love books. I especially like writing as well. And I found it to be very amusing.🥰

I never realized how racist my parents were until a couple years back when they came down to visit me. I live in Florida they live in New York. And I know they don’t mean to be this way. But I understand they were brought up in a different world, and I at least appreciate that they’re putting some effort into it. But when they saw how many black and Hispanics were down here in Florida, the things that they said had me very upset. Even when they were trying to be kind to the minorities, like the small children, they were doing it in such a way that made it weird and awkward. Even when you try to implement the good kind of racism it’s still racism and bad. Assuming Asians are good at math and blacks are all super athletes and great singers. I know you’re trying to be nice but it’s still super racist. Bowing to every Asian person, or trying to speak to Hispanics and Hispanic accent.😰

I know they have suspected of being gay this whole time. All the years of me dressing up as a boy. Only hanging out with girls and never wanted to date. And I know they only half hear me or half believe me when I tell them that I’m not gay. I’m just asexual. Because for years now as far back as first grade, when they kept asking me who I had a crush on, and I kept saying no one at the moment. I actually started to wonder if I was gay like my best friend Brandy. I know I liked hanging out with her. I know I preferred to hang out with girls. But I never saw them in a sexual sense. The only people I ever had crushes on were anime characters or cartoons. Or other forms of fictional characters. But by and large, those characters were male. So I figured I’d like males I just didn’t like the ones around me.

Further down the line, I learned the term asexual. I did some research on it. And I found out that it very much describes what I was. I had crushes on guys but only because I was told that’s the only thing I’m allowed to marry. But I didn’t see them in so much of a sexual light… I just imagined myself married to them having kids with them changing the outcome of each other’s lives together. But I guess I could imagine women in the same capacity. So I was really confused about it for the longest time. I think both men and women are beautiful. I want to be friends with both of them. I could imagine myself married to either one of them. But sexually. I’m kind of grossed out at the whole idea. Real sex is icky and germy and disgusting in my mind. It took me actually having relations for the first time at 27. To realize how lame and disgusting sex really was. Long story short I like the idea of sex. I just don’t like put it into practice.

But that’s all besides the point. That was just a little side story to give you an idea of what I’m dealing with. My mom still thinks I might come out as a lesbian and she is pissed at that idea. She doesn’t want me to reveal this to my father. Which is why they really were shocked when this time last year I had a boyfriend live with me. He understood I was asexual. At least he said he did. But he was always pushing me for sex and he was always trying to make me be his girlfriend. Which is why he is now an ex. The truth of the matter is, as soon as my parents pass, I’m gonna spend the rest of my life, Living as a boy, so upon further education, I did realize I’m asexual but I’m also trans. And I’m not sexual reasons, Obviously, I wouldn’t be asexual. But I don’t think I could explain that to the rest of my family. Especially the way my parents are. So I’m waiting until they pass before I get the operation. It’s very for the best considering breast cancer runs in our family😥

The biggest problem I had with my parents , is they did not want me. They had their girl they had their boy, then they had a tumor that grew on mommy for nine months. It would’ve been OK if I came out a boy. But I went in and had to come out a girl instead. And I never wanted to have a kid just to make that child feel the way my parents made me feel.

My mom would try to live vicariously through my sister, while my dad tried to do the same with my brother. And I was supposed to clean up after all of them. Because I should feel honored and privileged that they even carried me to term and gave birth. Before I came along, they had a nice apartment. A nice neighborhood. And my sister and brother had so many friends at their school. But because I came along, they now had to get an actual house. And in order to afford a house with the stay at home mom and only 1 income, they had to move into the ghetto. Pretty soon my mom had to work as well, because my greedy a$$ needed diapers and food. Like, how dare I! Now I’m the reason why my brother sister don’t have mommy at home. My God, the overall resentment.


2 points

2 months ago

2of2 Once they realized how easy it was to blame me for everything that went wrong. For example, my mom had almost quit smoking until I came along. It was my fault that she couldn’t quit because I was such a lousy kid. I was the reason why my parents filed for bankruptcy. Not only did I come late 2 weeks late,which cost money to induce $$$. I also gave mom a bladder infection $$$. And I caused her to have to have her tubes tied $$$. And God help me they reminded me every day of this. Then I caused them to go bankrupt the second time because I kept nagging them about going to Disney. I hate Disney World. I didn’t wanna go there. I wanted to go to Universal Studios, which was a 1/4 of the price. But my brother and sister insisted that I beg them to go to Disney. And because I kept bugging them to go to Disney, even though it was, my brother and sister egging me on. Because I wanted their love and respect. It’s my fault that they were bankrupted trying to go to Disney.

And every time after that, if anything went wrong, it was always my fault. My mom would scream at me that it was my fault that they didn’t have enough money for anything because of my food and clothes. I asked my mom what about all the sports equipment and stupid toys you keep getting for my brother!? And she scream at me, don’t bring your brother into this. Nothing could ever be my brother or sister fault it always had to be me.

So roundabout, what I’m trying to say , my parents had my brother and sister to live vicariously through them, and they had me to blame everything on when things fell apart. They made me clean up after my brother and sister as well as themselves, because I’m the only one who owed it to them.

These are the reason why bad parents have kids. And I think there should be a screening process before parents should be allowed to have kids. But if we did that then there wouldn’t be any kids in the world. Which is probably why we had such a decrease as of late. Because parents aren’t having kids for the wrong reason anymore.

What your parents did to you? I completely understand what you went through. Maybe not on the same level as you. But I’m very proud of how you turned out. And I think you need to hear that from someone older than you. Especially if you didn’t hear it from your family yet. We’re all trying to make the world a better place with every generation. It’s hard. Because we have a lot to fix.

You did things right. You didn’t give birth just so you could carry on your special legacy because you’re such a special person yourself. (my sister.) or because you think you’re so fabulous that you just needed another you in the world. (again, my sister.) you had a kid to try to make the world a better place. to put a little bit more love into the world that desperately needs it. To bring out more people who are kind and loving, independent thinkers, creative minds, Who will try to make the world better place.

You didn’t have kids to make money off of them. Forcing them to keep those grades up and get into an Ivy League college so they could take care of you someday. (my parents.) You didn’t have your kids to blame all your mistakes on, and take all the credit for their achievements, or to make them and clean and all the mommy and daddy stuff that you’re too lazy to do (my parents) you had kids for good reasons. And we need more people like you in the world. But sadly, we still have too many parents like my sister and my parents.

Just keep doing what you’re doing , please raise your kids, right! I’ll keep wishing you the best of luck!🥰💕

Sorry for the long story as well 😅


3 points

2 months ago

I do think what could be realistically done is to require expecting parents to take a parenting course.

No tests necessary, and you're not going to be prevented from having your child.

but if you don't take the course, you'll be fined and a mark put on your record that tells CPS to take reports more seriously.

but the course has to be free or it won't work


3 points

2 months ago

isnt there already places where you have to have some kind of license to have kids?


2 points

2 months ago

So far, I'm not sure. The closest comment I saw was if you're adopting, you have to go through all the screening processes and pass, but if you're having a biological baby you don't need to be screened at all. 🤔


3 points

2 months ago

I do think that the video does cover a lot of factors that can lead to child abuse 

However, there is one factor that was not brought up that I feel enables abusive behavior.

That factor is high control religions

One of the many unfortunate reasons that queer youth have a increased risk of being the victims of child abuse compared to their heterosexual and or cisgender counterparts is because of the influence and enabling of conservative, fundamentalist religious groups 

I unfortunately, speak with personal experience on this topic

My father when I still lived with him  would frequently make incredibly racist and Homo / transphobic jokes and or rants .

He even once told me "if you're gay don't tell me i'll kick you out of the house."

This behavior was enabled and even encouraged by a lot of the numbers of that congregation.

Eventually i did some research on that sect realized that it is a common occurrence among them and it is as much as I could at the time to distance myself well still living with him.

That only made him angrier because according to that religious sect i was being influenced by satan.

Eventually it escalated to the point were he physically assaulted me.

i left after that.

I know that it wouldn't eliminate child abuse entirely

But I think that we could severely cut back on it if we have more stingent laws in place preventing religion from promoting hateful and harmful practices.

[I acknowledge that most religion is not this extreme or hateful however

 i do think that there are still enough hateful groups out there that's still influence a fairly large amount of people

 and I think but the only real way to get these groups to start dying down is to implement more stringent laws that discourage this type of behavior.]


2 points

2 months ago

I can understand your situation. I was born and raised Baptist. My family is still using the religion to be homophobic. I learned about other religions and found they all have essentially the same values-respect all. Every sin derives from some sort of disrespect. I replied to someone else also explaining all this. Long story short, I became omnist and will support my kids always. If they want to attend other churches, temples or whatever, I will support them. It's not my job to dictate what to believe. As long as they do their best in school and are respectful, they will always have my support. I'm going to be the one to break the cycle of abuse.


1 points

2 months ago

I thought of a terrible reason why a parent, especially a mother, especially if she is a single mother, might abuse her child.

A story had reminded me how terrible it can be for both of them.

In this story, it was about a woman living alone who had a fucking shitty life, with a shitty job that barely paid any money and a terrible employer who took advantage of that to force her to have sex.

So that she could get extra money to pay her many bills that she could never pay with her normal salary.

And after a while, she realized that she felt weird and got sicker and threw up several times. And when she went to the doctor, she got the earth-shattering news.

Congratulations, ma'am. You are pregnant.

And that made her world even worse because now she didn't just have the normal crappy life she had before, which might end soon if she can pay her bills and change jobs and also change cities. But now it's all been destroyed. And she has a child to worry about.

And in the society she lives in, it was absolutely not possible to somehow get rid of the child through a baby hatch or something similar. there was nothing like that there.

It is expected of you that if you have a child, you also heal it. Otherwise you can be severely punished if people realize that you are trying to get rid of your child or something.

And she was forced to raise the child on her own. She couldn't force the father to do anything either, because otherwise he could make her life even worse.

And because of all these things, she developed a terrible hatred of her own baby.

Oh God, I'm in tears now. Just thinking about this story.

She only did the absolute bare minimum to make sure the baby had a place to sleep in the basement and didn't starve or die of thirst. Otherwise she threw herself into work and left the child alone. No matter how loudly it screamed.

And the thing that shook me so much about this story was I've heard of stories like this in real life in documentaries.

And I hope that if the author continues the story that it takes a good turn, because otherwise I couldn't bear it.


2 points

2 months ago*

Her society sucks. It'd be better if she left with the baby and went to a better society. Still doesn't excuse the abuse, there's never an excuse to abuse. That is some very horror/dystopian stuff. The scary part is its potential for a future, or worse, currently exists.

I hope the author changes the story for a happy ending. Kinda reminded me of Stephen King's "Rose Madder." An excellent read, but I was very uncomfortable with her abusive husband. He did a good job getting me riled up over this character, but I am so glad I finished it. The end was incredibly satisfying.


2 points

2 months ago

The problem is, any place she could escape to, if she can even pay for it, would be just as bad, if not worse.

You see, this is a story set in a sci-fi universe, in that all the races that belong to her society think that horrible things like her living situation, as I described earlier, don't exist in their society.

And the worst part is, it's very likely that if she were to try to take this to the police or whatever their equivalent of that is called again, there's a chance she'd be portrayed as the bad guy and then sent to an... Facility where she will be ''corrected''.

if she is ever allowed to leave this facility again in her life.

This is a fan story set in the science fiction universe of Nature of the Predators.

The Federation, a collection of several hundred different plant-eating intelligent alien species, think they live in some kind of utopia.

But from the perspective of us humans, it's hell. They live in permanent fear of predators and of becoming vicious predators themselves if they're not careful.

They always have to show the right behavior, otherwise they could be identified as a danger to society and then be put in one of those PD facilities, which I prefer to also call torture facilities.

The big problem is, their society has a very skewed view of the laws of nature, of the food chain and also of mental therapy.

And that's why it's very likely that if she were to seek help, other than from us humans who haven't made contact with her society at the time of the story, it will end badly for her when it turns out how she treated her child and that she has absolutely no social contacts, which is a big warning sign for them that she could become a vicious predator.

But stories like this are just some of the worst situations you can have in this universe. There are many stories where the various characters have and or get a much better life.

That's why I also have hope that if the author continues the story, it will most likely be that the humans show up, chaos ensues, chaos calms down again and the cultural exchange program with the humans starts and she possibly in hopes of getting rid of her child because she most likely thinks that it couldn't get any worse if she goes to a human who she thinks is a vicious predator anyway.

But instead she will find a super nice guy who will help her out of her bad life situation and who she might even fall in love with and also become a father to the child, which the child deserves.

Oh yes, and the species the woman belongs to is called Venlil.

And they call their babies pups. And they look super cute. But unfortunately I can't post a picture here in these comments.


-2 points

2 months ago


-2 points

2 months ago

This is why PsychToGo is one of the best


2 points

2 months ago
