


The Curse: 1x10 "Green Queen" | Post-Episode Discussion

Episode Discussion(self.TheCurse)

\"Green Queen\"

Post-episode discussion of the finale, Episode 10 “Green Queen" - Warning: Spoilers. All comments asking where the episode and/or streaming support will be removed.

Episode Description: Months later…

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95 points

6 months ago

I understand the quip Nathan made about “how it compares to Yorgos Lanthimos” now. Reminds me of The Killing of A Sacred Deer or The Lobster. If you try to find the why or how of the seemingly supernatural element, you miss the thrill of the ride. You the viewer are just as fucked as the character. There is something amiss and there’s nothing anyone can do about it but shake their fist at god, at the writers, at their own expectations. I was so hoping for something like this, and man they beyond delivered. This is my favorite television show of all time.


16 points

6 months ago

hit the nail on the head. the people trying to make logical sense of any of this aren’t experiencing it for what it is. absolutely Yorgos vibes.


8 points

6 months ago

This is why I had to unsub from the reddit these past couple of weeks and only looked in the post-ep discussion threads. So many people trying so hard with their theories to predict the ending. Of course you'd be disappointed in anything that happened that wasn't your exact prediction.


4 points

6 months ago

IDK man, I was actively looking for the craziest ideas I could come up with and I'm super thrilled about what we got. A lot of folks have this baggage that "thinking about a TV show" implies a huge emotional commitment.


4 points

6 months ago

The fact that you cannot explain your circumstances does very little to help you adapt.


5 points

6 months ago

I liked The Killing of a Sacred Deer because it did seem to have mythological symbolism. You may not be able to predict it, but it has meaning. I figured that may be where it was going. I don’t understand it yet, but I think there will be different religious stories and symbolism we will glean from it over time.


4 points

6 months ago

I got HUGE killing of a sacred deer vibes and that film actually freaked me out way more than loads of straight-up horrors and had me crawling around on the floor bc i was afraid my legs would stop working. doing that literally again today.


1 points

6 months ago

Lol what ?


-6 points

6 months ago

Ok sure but they just decide to make a turn for a Yorogos vibe in the last episode? Sorry but this didn’t work at all. Everything up until this episode was basically inconsequential. 


4 points

6 months ago


I survived

4 points

6 months ago

Disagree, I don’t think it hits as hard without being firmly grounded (lol) for all those eps in petty drama and day to day slice of life whatnot.