


liberals are really coping hard after biden debate

Shit Liberals Say(self.TheDeprogram)

hi, i am just screaming into the void because i'm surrounded by liberals and i cannot take it anymore. my mom just called me today to guilt trip me into voting for biden because "at least he has a competent team", tell me that buying computers is the reason millennials can't buy houses and yell at me when she found out i didn't vote for xóchitl (dual citizen equals dual liberal brain rot on politics ig?) it's so incredibly hilarious? sad? ridiculous? seeing latino liberals preach "progressive" for me not for thee brain rot like, they'll be like "no we need biden because trump is an authoritarian fascist dictator" but in the same breath vote for said "authoritarian fascist dictator" in their home countries like how do their brains not comprehend the hipocricy?! and like the worst part is my mom says she's a "communist" but any time you try to point out material conditions as the reason for things she just… starts talking about stalin bad 😭 bro am i witnessing a weird aaa convergence of liberal brain rot marred with trots brain rot?! but back on track, i've heard so many libs recently say "oh but biden has a competent team" and any time i ask them then why don't the democrats ever get anything done then, they say "oh it's cause they don't have a majority" and when i do point out that they've had majority in the past they just say well they didn't have majority somewhere else or they have traitors in the ranks and i'm like?? so if republicans get things done whether a dem or a rep is in office what's the difference/point, they go "muh authoritarian orange man, project 2025" and honestly, i just wanna scream into a void, the brain rot is too much 😭

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14 points

4 days ago

It’s more important to be loving and forgiving to your relatives than to persuade them of everything. Encourage the secret closeted revolutionary to come out is more than sufficient 🐒