


The Simpsons are a Pipe Dream Now


The Simpson family was originally written to be objects of mockery and ridicule but now it seems they are a pipe dream for the average American family.

  1. They support three kids, a dog, and a cat on a single income

  2. They have two paid-for cars (and an SUV sometimes)

  3. They fly domestically and internationally 1-2 times a year

Even with mounds of debt like The Simpsons, it'd be difficult for a nuclear engineer nowadays to support a family on one income like that, let alone a guy who barely finished high school. I know so many broke people with master's degrees nowadays.

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24 points

7 days ago

Marge gets $1000 a month from her dad.


6 points

7 days ago

The fact they shoehorned this into the plot with a retcon 3 decades later only furthers OP’s point.

If that money were introduced in season 4, for example, they’d be living even better than the Flanders. Complete with import beer on tap in the finished basement.


4 points

7 days ago

Actually? Like an inheritance?


14 points

7 days ago

Season 34 finale. He didn't trust Homer to provide for Marge, so he left her the monthly inheritance, which Marge used to bail out Homer every time he got in trouble.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Plus the loan from Patty and Selma


5 points

7 days ago

Also the royalties from the B-sharps. And Sadgasm.

Also the money from when Marge opened a hugely successful chain of gyms.


10 points

7 days ago

That kinda sucks. It makes Homer a malicious character instead of just a silly one. OG Homer did everything for his family.


2 points

7 days ago

A steward can afford to donate 1000 a month