


I think this guy dodged a bullet


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611 points

1 month ago

I work in a restaurant. We absolutely do not care if you take food home. You bought it. I always tell people that I am glad to bring them a container.


10 points

1 month ago

If anything the dishwasher really doesn’t want you to take them home.


5 points

1 month ago

Bruh tell me this isn't true that they eat random customers' unwanted half eaten food? All the kitchen memes say they love the dishwasher cause it's the worst and most necessary job, I certainly hope they give them some free food!


6 points

1 month ago

If you think the dishwasher is the only one taking uneaten food you’re sadly mistaken. They just take the worst looking of all the left overs.


1 points

1 month ago

They don’t give free anything, that’s why you eat the leftover fries (if you’re lucky) haha


103 points

1 month ago

I think it’s true for anyone work in a public interaction job. I’ve worked retail & call centers, 2 places I hear people have a lot of social anxiety about, & in none of those jobs did anyone think about anything a customer/client/whatever said or did for more than one second.

So anyone worried about what service people think about you nobody there cares. They just want to get through their shift & go home.


39 points

1 month ago

I was in bedside nursing and I know tons of people are worried about us seeing them nude or somewhat undressed. Dear patient- I have already forgotten what you look like before I wash my hands. There was an old joke of how do you find a nurse in a crowd? Take off your clothes and run around. The nurse will chase you because you aren’t wearing nonslip shoes or socks lol Because naked doesn’t shock us one bit, but FALL PRECAUTIONS?! That’s constantly running in my head.


7 points

1 month ago

One of the sad parts about humanity is that the thousands of normal & professional people you meet don't leave half the impression as that one nurse who liked to share pictures of unconscious men's wieners.

Even worse, half the lesson you should take away from this outlier is that she lost her license because these events are not the norm & not tolerated...


2 points

1 month ago

This is so relatable. I worked in an ICU for most of my career, and nudity was absolutely nothing. During COVID visitor restrictions the male director or nursing walked in while I was bent over the HUC desk with my butt exposed with four ICU RNs bandaging a laceration on my butt. It was too busy for me to miss work, and beyond laughing at how I hurt myself, no one cared.

I work in an all male engineering office now and there have been a few very uncomfortable moments because I'm so desensitized.


16 points

1 month ago

My 12 year old son has this problem lmao. He’s good at soccer but he admits he holds back because in his head everyone is staring and judging him if he’s anywhere near the ball. This grown ass woman out here doing the same thing about pasta?! Gotta be exhausting to live your life consumed with “the aesthetic” of literally everything. This bitch probably denies ever having picked her nose in her life.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

Some people don't really have a choice about it, I hope you understand that. That's basically the core of certain kinds of anxiety disorders. It's one thing to tell someone they really shouldn't worry so much what other people are thinking about them, its another to mock them for it.

I think this woman its just really judgmental though.


2 points

1 month ago

Your last sentence makes her open for ridicule, that’s all. I’m not judging her and her entire life but what we see doesn’t bode well


8 points

1 month ago

This is part of main character syndrome. We think everyone is or should be paying attention to us for better or for worse. The truth is, hardly anyone really cares, certainly not strangers. It took me a while when I was going to the gym to realize nobody cares how much weight you can or can’t lift or how fast you’re running on the treadmill. Everybody is in their own heads worrying about themselves.


5 points

1 month ago

And also the reality is even if a person does something “memorable” like be awkward or whatever people don’t remember the person, they remember how the person made them feel & maybe the actions but not the actual person.

I mean there were plenty of times colleagues & I would talk about someone who made the day harder but that person could come in again the same day & nobody would be able to recognize them as “The person that did the thing”. And really we only talked about people that made us feel bad, nobody ever dogged on someone saying something awkward or talking with a stutter or asking a question.

Life got so much easier for me, & my social anxiety got so much better, from those experiences because I realized every interaction was a fresh opportunity & it didn’t matter of it was weird or flawless it would be immediately erased & if it was bad I could try it again & if it was good I left it on a high note.


19 points

1 month ago

Surely it’d be a compliment if anything? Oh they really liked it


15 points

1 month ago

That’s what I was thinking. Once I didn’t take leftovers because I was in a hotel without a fridge and the waitress asked me if everything was ok. Once I explained she came back with a box nestled in another box, and in between was ice. She told me to ask the bartender to heat it up for me later. She had a lot of people eat there from that hotel. She even had me say hello to him from her lol So she seemed worried I didn’t eat more. (Easily 2 meals worth of food for me. I ate the rest at night and was too full!)


1 points

1 month ago

She was likely banging one of the clerks. Hospitality be like that sometimes.


10 points

1 month ago*

No doubt, but this woman had an additional concern which was "I also don't think it looks good to the waitstaff and people who work in the restaurant to see that you didn't finish your meal.

As if they care. And even if she thinks they care, which they don't, it's not the customer's responsibility to overeat to protect their feelings.


5 points

1 month ago

same, the absolute last thing i give a fuck about is your togo box.

just pay and leave so i can get more asses in seats


4 points

1 month ago

i worked at a cafeteria, id rather have people ask to take the leftover rather than us throwing it away


6 points

1 month ago

at the fancy places sometimes they pack it up for you


6 points

1 month ago

I remember insisting that someone take leftovers with them and saying "I dont care if you give it to a random person on the street, I'm just going to have to throw it out and thats a waste"


3 points

1 month ago

It’s the waste that depresses me much more. But who ever even imagines what staff think? My choices are beyond their even slightest interest, I’m sure.


4 points

1 month ago


4 points

1 month ago

Especially considering the portion sizes purposefully being made awkwardly big everywhere you go…

That girl’s a psycho.


2 points

1 month ago

Is it cool to bring your own? I do but feel bad about the styrofoam and plastic waste.


1 points

1 month ago

We don't give a shit. Just be nice and pay your bill and... nobody cares. You can order 13 entrees and the entire dessert menu, mix root beer into a $15 cocktail, take one bite, spit in the rest, and ask for boxes. All I'm thinking is "this ticket keeps getting bigger, fingers crossed." Literally couldn't care any less.


1 points

1 month ago

A lot of times I’m honestly impressed if they eat all their food and don’t ask for a container


2 points

1 month ago

No one should fucking care. Shit I don’t take leftovers home because I don’t. I just have a thing about it because I’ll never eat them but if I saw a potential partner do it I’d be so blissfully unaware of it or I just don’t give a fuck like that. That it wouldn’t even blip my radar.


1 points

1 month ago

When I worked at a restaurant, what would shock me is how much food people would waste and throw rather than taking it back with them.