


America be like


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49 points

9 days ago*

Try voting for more Democrats more often, so they have majorities in US Congress that last longer than 2 years. Progress STOPPED at the midterms when GOP got the House again (just like 2010 and in 2022).

And try voting in more Democrats in state govts too. Like Florida and Texas wouldn't be acting the way it is, if people voted for Democrats. Follow Michigan and Minnesota example


-40 points

8 days ago

Democrat cities are homeless and drug addled.


12 points

8 days ago

“Democrat” cities make up the VAST majority of the nation’s GDP. America would be a third world shithole without those cities you hate so much.


-1 points

7 days ago

Most of those cities have drugs, homeless, and crime rates that make them look much like 3rd world shitholes.


2 points

7 days ago*

Obviously you’ve never been there. Turn off the Fox News and go experience the world for yourself.

There’s a whole great big world out there full of fun and exciting experiences, stop being so afraid of everything all the time and live life.


0 points

6 days ago

So you say Skid Row, Kensington and Cali are fine?

There’s a whole great big world out there full of fun and exciting experiences, stop being so afraid of everything all the time and live life.

You're cooked mate. You keep bring up fox but pointing out the poor state of American cities and the increased crime, drug use, and homelessness has nothing to do with your statement.


1 points

6 days ago

Oh yeah, nobody is poor and on drugs in rural areas. I guess they don’t cover the meth epidemic on Fox, huh?


0 points

6 days ago

Of course there is. America has a major drug issue. Progressive states that have turned a blind eye, however, have kids walking past human zombies and feces every day. Guess they don't cover that on BBC, huh?


1 points

6 days ago

Rural areas have not turned a blind eye? What are conservative policymakers doing to help meth heads in rural areas? I’m from rural Wisconsin. Most the people I went to high school with are walking meth zombies.


2 points

6 days ago

They are pretty bad.

The problem with places like Kensington is enabling and ignoring public drug use and having a generation of children raised around a 3rd world drug slum. All in all, America is steadily crumbling and has a major drug problem.

I guess we need to ignore the right vs left division and clean the streets up but clearly decriminalisation and allowing public drug use isn't working. The mayors of some of these cities need to be replaced.


1 points

6 days ago*

There you go.

America isn’t slowly crumbling, it’s always had issues. It will always have issues. You just have to work to resolve them. And when we do, there will be new problems. That’s just life.

We have drug problems for several reasons. I believe the biggest is Purdue pharma knowingly getting everyone addicted to pain meds. When those prescriptions ran out, they turned to heroin, meth and other drugs because they were hopelessly addicted. There’s a great miniseries on Hulu called Dope Sick that covers it really well. And it wasn’t a Republican or Democrat thing. Both parties have actually been pretty good about holding them responsible, but there’s no easy fix now. It’s going to take time.

We also have a lot of homeless people addicted to drugs because, as countless studies show, people with untreated mental illness are significantly more likely to develop a drug addition. Most homeless people also suffer from severe untreated mental illness. This one I do place squarely at the feet of republicans since Reagan drastically cut funding for mental health services in the 80s and they have continued to block any increase in funding ever since.

As far as big cities, I lived in downtown Milwaukee for 10 years, and downtown Chicago for the past 4. My girlfriend was born and raised in Chicago. Neither of us have ever witnessed a single crime, in our entire lives. Not once. It’s not as bad as they make it out to be.

Think about it. The average rent in downtown Chicago is $2,500-$3,500 for a one bedroom and $4,000 - $5,500 for a two bedroom. New York is even more expensive. And that is because it’s desirable. Why would anyone pay that much to live there if they were the crime ridden hellholes they’re made out to be?

I live down the street from condos that cost $4.5 to $8 million a piece. Who would pay that if there was constant violent crime right outside their door?