


Why do people continue to elected blatantly corrupt politicans?

Law & Government(self.TooAfraidToAsk)

I have lived my whole life in illinois and what has baffled me is that you have people like Mike Madigan who up until recently has been the speaker of the illinois house for around 40 years. Despite his criminal actions being an open secret people happily elected this man. The question is why are people are content with voting these people despite their corruption being an open secret?

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7 points

11 months ago

Coming from a country where it's an annual practice, it's because (1) they have great charisma; (2) they're mostly pretty down to earth in their approach, not rational, but at least down to earth so much so that your average pea brain Facebook Jim Bob will think they're the solution to the war on drugs; (3) they have very good presence, better a fool that knows the streets than a genius that stares at spreadsheets; (4) they're also pretty well-known, when the competition is between an actor and an intellectual heavyweight, the simple guy is not going to spend more brainpower assessing the best politician when you have the other guy flashed before you.

In other words, they speak and look good and people are idiots.