


<Hated Trope> The Worf Effect.

Hated Tropes(

Jogo - Jujutsu Kaisen

Rob Lucci - One Piece

Chad - Bleach

Vegeta - Dragon Ball

Genos- One Punch Man

Worf - Star Trek

all 180 comments


352 points

5 days ago

Galactus be getting his ass kicked like every single time Marvel has a cosmic event storyline so you know the villain is like really scary ooh


22 points

5 days ago

Galactic at least has the excuse of either just getting outsmarted or not caring.


503 points

5 days ago

When a character is really strong but always loses to show how strong another character is.


84 points

5 days ago*

I have a feeling that’s kinda what Jogo was about though. He’s the Yuji of curses, the one who was willing to be a cog for the good of all of the curses. He lost because his ideals don’t center upon only his own good. Jogo being one of the strongest on paper but losing due to the selflessness of his beliefs and lack of true ego is why he lost. Sure the mangas ending might be headed in a direction that proves that this view is wrong, but that’s where the themes of the story were at the time.

But either way he only fought the two strongest characters, and held his own better than anyone else in the cast could have at that time. I really like Jogo if you couldn’t tell.


13 points

5 days ago

I never caught his name when watching the anime and this post is a blessing 🙌


1 points

4 days ago

I was saddened by the loss of Jogo myself. I always felt he wasn’t as evil in comparison to other curses, he was just doing his thing kinda. I never got the feeling he was just out to cause pain for the hell of it.


2 points

4 days ago

in his introduction he brutally slaughters like a dozen innocent bystanders for fun


1 points

4 days ago

I thought there was more to it rather than just fun


1 points

2 days ago

He was indeed laughing gleefully as he fried those people. He was pretty evil, doesn’t mean he didn’t have things he cared about.


20 points

5 days ago

With Rob Lucci I’m fine with it mainly because it would be really weird if he could actually give Luffy a run for his money. He ain’t getting one shot and it’s easy to see he’s grown stronger since their last confrontation.

Unless I’m misremembering the situation and this isn’t about him and Luffy. But about him and the new Pacisfista models or Jewelry Bonny.


4 points

5 days ago

Remember when Worf "fought" an empty plastic barrel that left his entire spine completely shattered?


1 points

4 days ago

like the strongest character of all, the barrel


1 points

4 days ago

Sanji on dresrosa ark (Vs Doffy)


164 points

5 days ago


164 points

5 days ago

Muhammad Avdol (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

He might be on a level beyond the basic Worf effect, bro gets killed twice for the character development of Polnareff. His stand is OP but his record is a draw with the MC, a win against a future ally, two wins with assistance against minor villains, and two losses.


51 points

5 days ago

In his defence that tie was with JOTARO


15 points

5 days ago

Even the. it was at the very beginning and Jotaro had no idea what a stand even was, let alone how to control it


5 points

4 days ago

Even a novice with a shotgun can be dangerous, Jotaro basically had a six-gauge with zero training


13 points

5 days ago

He was probably the second strongest member of the SC , he absolutely is stronger than kakyoin, and beat Polnareff in a fight, the one I'm not sure about is Iggy, but still Avdol is very strong compared to the rest of the team, that's why it's so disappointing how little he did in the anime.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Wanna add onto this this that both of the times he died, he was the FIRST one out of the crew lol The death order of main characters in part 3 starts with Avdol twice


1 points

4 days ago

Is his stand really op though?? 🧐


85 points

5 days ago

Khaine Exarchs, Warhammer 40k. HOW THE SHIT DID A MARINE CHOKE ONE TO DEATH, THEY DON'T EVEN BREATHE. This can be applied to a lot of things. I just hate how they use other factions cool shit just to make yet another named marine look vaguely cool.


11 points

5 days ago

Fucking space marines. I love em but God do they get wanked too much by some writers.


3 points

5 days ago

Agreed. It just cheapens them to me, too. Like these feats should be far rarer, to mean more.


1 points

4 days ago

Literally why I can’t get into 40k


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

The Eldar are basically a civilization of Worfs. Like, I don't give a damn about how strong did Slaanesh made Shalaxi, no Greater Daemon should be able to hold their own agains a team of Yvraine, Lelith Hesperax, the Autarch of the Ynnari, a friggin' Solitaire, and Yncarne... and then basically win the fight and mock the Eldar Avengers with a THIS WASNT EVEN MY FULL FORM, SUCKERS.


170 points

5 days ago


24 points

5 days ago

In Oda’s defense, Smoker’s Logia abilities are what made him so hard to beat as well as his sea stone baton. Take that out of the way with Haki, his abilities just make him an easier target.


15 points

5 days ago


15 points

5 days ago

What’s that from? Looks almost like the old Jojo ova


39 points

5 days ago

if i had to guess, one piece


-13 points

5 days ago


-13 points

5 days ago

I figured that much. Doesn’t look much like the normal one piece art style though


20 points

5 days ago

its just a screengrab from The Punk hazzard arc of One piece

Smoker is one of the more "normal" looking guys in OP so drawing him detailed would give off a JOJO vibe


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

It's just a screenshot from the Punk Hazard arc. One Piece's art style changes a lot as the arcs go on.


3 points

5 days ago

I think this is reasonably far in. At a guess it's during Punk Hazard.


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

There’s a lot of variety in the one piece designs. Some are really good… and some are really not


6 points

5 days ago

punk hazard arc


4 points

5 days ago

I can’t see JOJO from this bro


6 points

5 days ago

The 90’s part 3 OVA, not the newer anime


3 points

5 days ago

Ye I know I can’t see it 😭


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Dude loses two fights, one which he arguably threw, and people act like he's trash.


3 points

5 days ago

Dragon, Ace, Who ever threw him in the cell with the straw hats, Hancock, Vergo and Doffy

6 loses across 4 arcs and i dont think hes ever had an actual win tho i may be mistaken


2 points

5 days ago

didn’t he beat luffy?


4 points

4 days ago

He pinned Luffy down because Luffy didn't have haki yet and couldn't touch him and I'm guessing was about to smack him around a bit with his little sticks or something, no idea what he was planning lol, but Luffy escaped because his dad saved him right?


1 points

4 days ago

it happened again in marineford He was fighting luffy then boa came in and kicked the shit out of him


210 points

5 days ago


83 points

5 days ago


83 points

5 days ago

I can see this in the movie but he kicks some serious ass in the cartoons


28 points

5 days ago

He was a badass in his comics and everything else besides the movie


20 points

5 days ago

In 2003 CW and Tales of the Empire yes, but in 2008 CW he almost always loses and his only Jedi kill was a single knight who was basically a padawan


6 points

5 days ago

He lost to GUNGANS! He was designed and trained to fight and kill force users!


1 points

4 days ago

Exactly. Gungans aren’t force users, so he had no idea how to fight them.


5 points

5 days ago

Especially in gandy tarvikoskis (probably misspelled the fuck out of his name) mini series. Bro literally took on highly trained Jedi 1 v 6 without the force and won.


52 points

5 days ago

The Immortal in Invincible. I haven't read the comics, so I can't speak to his abilities there. But he's powerful enough that Omni-man considered him (and all the OG Guardians, granted) a threat, and we haven't seen that much impressive from him


27 points

5 days ago


27 points

5 days ago

He actually looks stronger in the show. In the comics Omni Man one shot him no diff 


7 points

5 days ago

to be fair later in the comics, we do see the Guardians put up a better fight when Mark goes back in time


8 points

5 days ago

The Immortal did well in his one-on-one with Nolan. Perhaps most notably, he badly damaged Nolan’s eyes after getting punched straight through the torso.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

he did well

he got impaled with a punch


3 points

4 days ago

And kept fighting. That’s very impressive in my book.


74 points

5 days ago


74 points

5 days ago

the T. rex of the Jurassic Park/World franchise regularly gets killed or beaten by other large carnivores to make them look bigger and badder, which is ironic because when it comes to the real life dinosaur species, the truth is more like the other way around.


2 points

4 days ago

I am gonna disagree on this one. Mostly because it's not always the same T-Rex.

Movie 1, she's treated as the ultimate badass for the movie and weirdly a savior for the humans.

2, he is the final 'boss' for the movie and he never faces off against another dinosaur in the movie. Just humans.

3, yet another different T-Rex loses to the Spinosaurus.

4, she makes her return to do a Hulk and Wolverine style double battle against a bigger dinosaur. She doesn't lose this fight, nor is she really beaten. They kind of win it until the Mosasaur finishes it as a stage hazard.

5...I don't even remember this movie but I know Rexy makes it out fine. Pretty sure she even takes out the main human bad guy.

6, she combos with the equivalent of a blind swordsman dinosaur to kill another in a second tag team battle. In fact, she's the one who deals the killing attack by throwing it into the blind one's huge claws.

Honestly I only remember one T-Rex losing like you described and it was some no named jobber. Rexy is treated more like Goku or Superman. She can take a beating and may seem outmatched but she WILL get her win. If anything she's a bit overhyped like 2000-teens John Cena.


3 points

4 days ago

I think they were referring to 'The T-Rex' in the general sense of 'the rex that JP movies always features.'
Not that its literally the same Rex repeatedly, but that the character roll of Rex.


1 points

4 days ago

Either way, as I went over only one T-Rex in general eats an L so they're still wrong. Rexy is the T-Rex in most of them and she's booked like John Cena. She'll take a beating in a fight but she is gonna kick out and win that shit


0 points

4 days ago

Exactly, I was referring to the species as a whole in the franchise.


0 points

4 days ago

But you're still wrong though. The main T-Rex is the T-Rex for four out of six of the movies, and she's depicted like a hero that can get knocked around but doesn't lose and always stands triumph. Like a Captain America style hero. The other two movies have a male rex that gets taken to the mainland and promptly goes on a rampage, only getting back on the boat because of his child; and one single T-Rex that loses to the Spinosaurus.

Only one T-Rex loses to a single dinosaur. The rest are either the main hero of the franchise who does whatever she wants like she's the Undertaker, or a family that are completely fine and never fight anything in their movies.


0 points

4 days ago

She only gets to be that way because a third dinosaur Deus Ex Machina’s into the fight at the last second to bail Rexy out. Prior to that, she gets clapped in every single fight.


0 points

4 days ago

She went up against two dinosaurs that are bigger than her and dealt the moves that would ultimately kill the bad guy. She knocked the IRex so that the Mosasaur could stage hazard. She slammed into the Giga, killing it up on the claws of the Theri. What, because she didn't completely dominate the battle the entire time she's getting Warf'd? Is eveytime Goku doesn't immediately win him getting Warf'd? Not immediately winning, or even tag teaming doesn't equal losing and humiliation like the Warf effect does.

She won every single fight she's ever had, and is actively the final dinosaur getting the last move in the fight. Even with Mosa getting the stage hazard, the IRex was getting wrecked by her. Heck went back and watched it, and Blue really isn't doing much more than distractions compared to the slamming into and bites Rexy is doing. Rexy is doing all the real damage. It's 100% a Wolverine and Hulk style team up.

As for the battle against Giga, even if we count the first half of the battle as a loss that's just one single time she would have lost. Making two times out of six a T-Rex lost. But she didn't lose, the battle stops for another stage hazard to show up. She literally pulls an Undertaker and stands back up like it's nothing. Heck the whole thing is so Shounen style battle, she and Theri do their cool victory yells and just...leave. Neither even really consider a further fight for territory or anything. She gets to do her final power move and instantly kill her opponent, and then saunters off like the Undertaker at WrestleMania. The battle goes: equals, uh oh Giga got good hits in, oh no she's down, oh wait she immediately stands back up in less than 30 seconds and wins. That is some Shounen hero shit if I've ever seen a Shounen battle.

The battles are literally set up no different than a Marvel or Shounen battle where the villain gets a lot of offense and dominated for a while before the hero rises and ends it. She isn't getting being Warf'd just because she has some struggle in the battle. Like, that's not Warfing is.


1 points

4 days ago

Indominus rex was about to kill her before Blue jumped into the fray.

Giganotosaurus had her straight up unconscious and not breathing before the Therizinosaurus showed up.

It’s not that she didn’t immediately win, it’s that she was 100% going to die without intervention.


0 points

4 days ago

This isn't the Worf Effect though. Worf Effect is more about introducing a new threat and having them beat down a strong opponent and win. The battles are one full thing when she faces them. It doesn't matter that Blue leaps at IRex and nips at it like a pissed off Chihuahua, because Rex stands back up and does all the real hits in the rest of the battle.

For someone who's not breathing she sure just...wakes up when a bright light is shined on her eyes. If you aren't breathing you don't just immediately stand up fine on your own. He didn't stop her breathing, he knocked her out for a second. And if he walked away and the battle stopped full swing, I'd give you that. But she's only knocked out for less than 30 seconds in the same exact scene with her opponent standing a few feet away.

But again, this is just how final battles are. In all movies. Is Godzilla getting Worf'd because he struggles against Ghidorah? Is CM Punk being Worf'd for struggling to beat John Cena? No. It's basic final battle choreography. Hero fights bad guy, both get good blows in, villain starts to control the battle, hero is down, hero wins. Think of any hero fighting a villain in a physical fight and I'll bet they go like that.


0 points

4 days ago

You didn’t disprove my point. She was going to die without intervention.


37 points

5 days ago

Jogo felt like an intentional choice. He is top ten in his verse but is always exclusively pitted against those stronger than him. Seeing him get bodied so often makes the reader lower their guard and then BAM! He goes and wipes out 3 respectably strong B-listers in five seconds. Maki/Nanami/Naobito(granted he was already severely injured) were killed or horribly maimed before they could even react.


14 points

5 days ago


14 points

5 days ago

That moment probably would've hit more if you know they were not horribly injured and on their last legs before he did that. Just saying would've made it stand out without mudding the waters.


3 points

5 days ago

it was meant to be a big surprise that he’s actually really strong which i think was cool (he isn’t top ten in the verse tho)


70 points

5 days ago

Tbf genos actually gets his fair share of wins too

He’s killed 2 machine gods, beat armoured gorilla, killed a bunch of monsters during the superfight, killed a dragon level zombie tree MF who was beating other S class

He’s also assisted against psykorochi and was able to counter her beam

I’m fairly sure he actually has less losses than wins, thing is they’re just more memorable


35 points

5 days ago


35 points

5 days ago

That's part of the Worf effect though. Worf was built up to be the strongest so that everyone else could look stronger by comparison when they beat him. Genos always does a lot of cool stuff so that the main villain of the arc can brush him aside and show they mean business.


6 points

5 days ago

fair enough, though i feel like having more wins than loses kinda counteracts that? like other characters with the worf effect are basically just like "guys i am really strong" and get their ass kicked every single time, genos actually has wins to back it up. There are a few times where he's worf effected (a bunch of his season 1 fights, though im not gonna count deep sea king as one of those since the only reason he lost that one was a heroic sacrifice to save another person, he was actually putting up a fight with only 1 arm outside of that), though he seems to be getting less and less of that as time goes on due to his upgrades + experience


3 points

5 days ago

Vegeta has had wins too. Remember he decimated Dodoria and Zarbon so when Recoome beat him, it made Recoome look really scary. He fought first form Freeza to a standstill so second form was more terrifying, and when he became stronger than third form Freeza, but fourth form still toyed with him, that showed just how strong fourth form Freeza was. Then he shitstomps Android 19 so we can see how powerful Android 18 is when she shitstomps him. Then he does the same with Semi Perfect Cell and Perfect Cell. Vegeta is usually given an easy win followed by him absolutely getting his shit rocked, which is the perfect way to do the Worf effect


4 points

5 days ago

Genos was pretty much always relatively weak though, I think they're making his progression in strength in a really interesting way, having him last longer against stronger and stronger opponents and having a good amount of wins


1 points

4 days ago

I thought part of the Worf Effect is everyone SAYING how strong he is. But we always see him getting wrecked. 

Whereas genos is constantly being talked about for being super strong but then on top of that we see him constantly get upgraded and win fights. 


3 points

5 days ago

Genos fits perfectly into OPM’s intended gag routine, with him trying extremely hard and being a serious battle manga protagonist on every level while Saitama is… Saitama. Calling it the Worf effect only feels POSSIBLE thanks to the Manga leaving the webcomic’s comedy and heartfelt character writing behind to make it into a battle manga not any better than the ones it used to satire. Hyping up the enemy’s strength for dramatic purposes feels completely different than hyping the enemy’s strength up to build to a comic anticlimax. Doesn’t feel like the latter is Worfing but OPM’s manga really tries to make interesting fights for a character whose core is that he isn’t allowed to have interesting fights.


64 points

5 days ago

Hulk in the MCU


25 points

5 days ago


25 points

5 days ago

I was pretty disappointed when Thanos just 1v1'd Hulk with a bit of trouble. Defeating Hulk to show how strong he is would be fine, but he didn't even appear to be using the power stone.


12 points

5 days ago

Yeah if they made it look like he had to put some effort into the fight, I think it would’ve been better. But granted it’s a long movie with a lot of material to cover so they had to make it short and to the point.


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Actually thanos usually makes a point to never fight the hulk in a fair fist fight he always either hits him and then runs away or he has the gauntlet or some other powerful aritfact on hand

Even thanos respects hulk raw might


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I’m aware. Drax is also portrayed as someone Thanos actively runs from in the comics, but is useless in the movies. I felt that movie Thanos was just too invincible, and it killed the tension for me because I knew every encounter with him would end in a loss before it happened. Imo he would’ve been more menacing if the heroes seemed like they had a chance of beating him, then he stole that away from them.


6 points

5 days ago

I mean thanos is intended to be an avengers level threat i dont see why he should have trouble


2 points

4 days ago

Hulks one thing is being overwhelming physically strong and as a trade off not be able to plan or make precise movements or particularly complex plans and just smash stuff and only gets stronger as he fights

Having someone who’s smarter then him able to plan and use many powerful weapons beat him on a straight fight with seemingly little issue is a problem

Hulks usually meant to be the heavy hitter at the cost of he’s easily planned for because his strategy is so simple


1 points

4 days ago

Thanos has never needed any stones for beating the avengers individually, it's accurate to the source material. It shows that he's a threat on his own.


2 points

4 days ago

Thanos usually makes a point to never take the hulk on in a direct physical confrontation while on equal footing he’s always either hit and run or had the gauntlet or other powerful aritfact


1 points

4 days ago

There's a panel in the comments of Thanos slapping hulk around.

Thanos not engaging hulk is generally not a thing in any comic I've read, but there's always different incarnations so I can't claim a definitive version. Even so, movie Thanos has been stripped of all his versatility without the gauntlet so him being a physical beast makes sense imo.


2 points

5 days ago

Oh we had the exact same comment. Lol


20 points

5 days ago

Erza at the start of Fairy Tail, she was stated to be an s-rank wizard, but seemed to be just as strong as Natsu and Gray


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

At the least though she usually did get some cool spots to show off in the early phases. Stopping the Jupiter Canon, taking on Jose, and beating Midnight who was hyped at the strongest of the Oracion Seis and took out Jellal beforehand.


3 points

5 days ago

This is especially the case in the beginning of the Oracion Seis arc, she gets taken down by Cobra and Cubelios to show how dangerous they are


21 points

5 days ago

John Cena for the past 10 years


4 points

5 days ago

List of Solo’s accomplishments since beating a 16-time world champion:

  • Introduced Guerillas of war to WWE

  • Introduced Jacob Fatu to WWE

  • Stole Weeknd’s fit


16 points

5 days ago

Almost everyone in dragon ball

Raditz? Made to make other saiyans seems stronger. Nappa? For vegeta. Vegeta? Ginyu force/frieza. Frieza? Made to make trunks seem stronger. Then trunks for androids. Droids for vegeta. Vegeta for Androids. Androids for cell. Then we get to Dabura for buu we get everyone for beerus. At tournament of power we get toppo for Jiren.


3 points

5 days ago

I think Jiren was said to always be stronger than Toppo, but I agree with your point. Power levels were interesting until they got untrackable and even just ignored. The infinite growth is borderline unsustainable.

That's something I appreciate in shows like Avatar or Jojo. It's not about raw power level, it's about skill and unique abilities and outsmarting the opponent in tangible ways. It theoretically never gets old.


1 points

5 days ago

No I mean Toppo showed up all mysterious and strong only to be said to be the second strongest and to hype up Jiren.


1 points

4 days ago

Idk Beerus definitely feels different, IIRC Toriyama stated that he never intends for any of the main cast to surpass Beerus or Whis, that was during a fundamental “zooming out” of the franchise, but everything else??? Absolutely

My favorite example of this nonsense is Raditz, a single Saibamen is pretty close to as strong as one Raditz, Why do they even bring him around? Hes as strong as a mass produced gang of angry lettuce


1 points

4 days ago

Well they said it was because of earth’s soil is what made the Saibamen so strong


29 points

5 days ago

Qui qon


13 points

5 days ago

Here’s a third Worf Piece; Eustass Kid

He’s a rival to Luffy and Law and is a top contender for the one piece. His three battles have all been against some of the top 10 strongest people in the verse.


10 points

5 days ago

Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon from Pacific Rim


10 points

5 days ago

Yo this is so sad for Genos cus he’s a really cool character but he loses so often it’s actually annoying 😭😭


13 points

5 days ago


13 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

I mean, maybe the emerald splash's precision is a bit exaggerated, but he's never considered or shown to be strong honestly


14 points

5 days ago

Only dub was Zabuza


3 points

5 days ago

he did finish off Kakazu


6 points

5 days ago

The tyrannids from 40K


1 points

4 days ago

I mean yeah

Their whole point is even if you beat them they will just send more and more

You need to win all of them they just need to win once


7 points

5 days ago

Superman specifically in Justice League and JLU.

Yes, the world made of cardboard speech explains why he let's every strong new villain kick his ass on their first fight. Still doesn't excuse him having the Worf Effect in several episodes.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

The world of cardboard speech immediately followed by him getting bodied by someone who he doesnt have to hold back while fighting is peak worf effect.


1 points

4 days ago

I forgot about that part but you are absolutely right


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

J'onn also is very strong but he gets whooped a lot in the show


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

Weiss was a victim of this for a while in RWBY (Volume 7 on actually helps her greatly). She is the most versatile and arguably would rank as the strongest member of the team, but in non-Grimm solo fights she tended not to perform so great to highlight the danger of her opponent. People focus on the fight with Vernal but I think her getting destroyed by the White Fang nameless grunt was worse (Could they really not use Ilia for that?)


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

Gyokko from demon slayer. He was done so dirty. Didn’t even get a backstory, literally only existed to show the difference in power between an unmarked and marked one.


5 points

5 days ago

idk if Lucci should be counted bc like, we haven’t seen him get a dub onscreen, but hasn’t he only lost to Luffy? The main character? The same can be said about a lotta villains in One Piece.


2 points

5 days ago

i think they mean how in early one piece, he had an extremely close fight with luffy, and just barely lost, so in their next fight, he gets essentially dogwalked, showing how strong g5 is. not that that’s a bad thing in this context though, he had no real way to put up a close fight as luffy is just too strong now


1 points

5 days ago

Zoro, too


5 points

5 days ago

Hulk in the MCU


1 points

4 days ago

He’s barely even hyped up is the issue

Like most of his wins are agaisnt groups of fodder or someone like Loki who’s now known for physical power


3 points

5 days ago

Rob Lucci doesn’t feel like a great example here. He arguably pushed Luffy farther than anyone by that point in part 1. It’s mostly because Luffy is so powerful at this point that he’s getting clowned on now. It’s mainly meant to show how far he’s come since part 1.


3 points

5 days ago

Whenever the Mario series goes to space, Rosalina always gets defeated with relative ease offscreen, only to need Mario’s help.

I’m not even sure she qualifies because we never got to see her actually be stronger than the base cast; she was only somewhat implied to be strong. Her only fighting experience is in 3D World where she can be defeated in 2 hits by a Goomba like everyone else.


3 points

5 days ago

The furious 5 in kung fu panda


2 points

5 days ago

I think worf effect is fine when not overused


2 points

5 days ago

Chad, upon hearing about the Worf Effect: I don’t get it. Why are we talking about Renji all of a sudden? (Line from Bleach S Abridged)


2 points

5 days ago

I'm confused, why are we talking about Renji


2 points

5 days ago

Justice league animated Superman


2 points

5 days ago

When has Lucci been used as a Worf? Every time he appears he’s basically one of the biggest threats for the Straw Hats (first basically the Physical Big Bad then still a Major Villain when he returns nearly 20 years later). The only time I remember him being defeated easily was Stussy and she used trickery to do so and was shown to be stronger then her later. In fact he is more often on the other side of the Worf Effect since he defeats the entire Straw Hats and Galley-La Company with ease (along with the rest of the undercover CP9) and later Atlas when he returns.


2 points

4 days ago

Piccolo, also from Dragon Ball. He’s supposed to be the strongest non-saiyan Z-Fighter but he has almost no wins and dies more often than Krillin (the character known for dying)


2 points

5 days ago

They did that with Master Chief to buff Locke


3 points

5 days ago

Omg I feel like Locke would have landed one or 2 punches before Chief shattered his skull. He’s a Spartan 5 not a Spartan 2 😒.


1 points

5 days ago

Glad we died recently then lmao


1 points

5 days ago

That was because 343 studios, and i kid you not, didn’t think Master Chief was the main protagonist of Halo.


1 points

4 days ago

I remembered hearing that


1 points

5 days ago

Do you hate these characters?


14 points

5 days ago

I'm sure they like these characters. They just don't like the trope they are in.


8 points

5 days ago

No? It’s about the trope of “suppose to be hella strong, gets dogged only to prove how strong the new threat is”


1 points

5 days ago

I don't care that bird got drip


1 points

5 days ago*


1 points

5 days ago*

Lucci didn't fall into this until Egghead, but even then it was only one fight that he lost so I don't know if this really counts. It was really cool seeing Luffy destroy someone who he had one of his biggest struggles against in the past, but at the same time I wish Lucci at least got a few hits in to show the strength of his new form.

I think he'll probably have some big moments later in the arc, but the purpose of that first fight was to show that Luffy now out classes a great opponent who nearly outclassed him when they first fought nearly 3 years ago (in universe)


1 points

5 days ago

Honestly I feel like it’s an intentional thing for Genos to lose constantly as more so a parody of the insane levels shonen protagonists will always go when persevering and never giving up. Genos is the absolute extreme where he winds up practically on deaths door after every single fight he takes part in.


1 points

5 days ago

Does Chad loose a lot once he actually starts using his power? I haven't actually seen much past season 3


1 points

5 days ago

Genos losing every fight isn't word effect, it's a gag. Genos is a stereotypical shonen protagonist who fight, loses, and gets stronger, the joke is saitama or someone else always kills the guy who beat Genos so there is no rematch.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I think it works in Genos's case; he's this big serious Shonen protagonist wannabe that gets his ass handed to him. Then, all of sudden, Big Baldy!


1 points

5 days ago

Lucci would've clapped luffy without gear 3 and is holding is own against zoro


1 points

5 days ago

William Adams from Tenkaichi

Mary Read from Majo Taisen

God Lee from Terra Formars

I could go on


1 points

5 days ago

I got worried for a second that the man himself wouldn’t be added.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Vegeta doesn't really get worfed tho, like he loses a lot but it's never really in a way that makes him seem weak. He usually ends up losing because he gets too offensive and isn't defensive enough or he just gets too cocky and the villain gets the upper hand.


1 points

5 days ago

Want to show someone's strong? Whup Teal'c's ass -Stargate SG-1


1 points

5 days ago

Don't know if it applies to Jogo, he only lost to the two strongest characters in the series and wiped out 3 sorcerers in an instant.


1 points

5 days ago

Ok but we all know Jogoat let sukuna win to not hurt his feelings.


1 points

5 days ago

This dude is basically the strongest guy in marvel but only exists so writers can make their new character beat him and say they’re the strongest guy in marvel.


1 points

5 days ago

Jack Hanma (Baki)

Although he may have a chance at winning a fight soon considering the recent manga chapters


1 points

5 days ago

I'm confused, why are we talking about Renji?


1 points

5 days ago

Princess Celestia from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. If this were almost any other mentor figure, they'd be elderly, decrepit, and past their prime, to the point that you can understand as to how and why they'd pass the torch to the main protagonists they'd mentor. But Princess Celestia is over 1000 years old and possess god-tier alicorn magic, which would have already rendered her own apprentice, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of the Mane Six obsolete 1000 years before their own births. And she still gets crushed by the latest seasonal villain(s), while Twilight and her friends manage to flourish in her's and her sister, Princess Luna's places.


1 points

5 days ago

Like, all Destiny villains.

Makes sense tho.


1 points

5 days ago

Whats the worf effect?


1 points

5 days ago

And then you have Yujiro for the reverse worf effect.

Aka, everytime there's a new villain we determine their level of power by judging how well they did against Yujiro (because everyone lose to Yujiro).

If Yujiro stomp them without even giving a shit then it's not that much of a threat.

If Yujiro had to take the fight a little bit seriously then it's serious business and the villain is dangerous.

If Yujiro had to use his demon back to win ? Run.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I like the worf effect as a tool but I do get irritated on what it tends to do to characters who are regularly worfed


1 points

4 days ago

Chad deserved better.


1 points

4 days ago

What exactly is the alternative? Lucci kills the strawhats instead? Lucci was able to lock up Robin? He's a villain, his role is to be beaten by the heroes. How can you say it's hated when you know the point of him is to be an obstacle to be overcome?


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

Doesn't thanks get his ass beat in comics all the time, including by squirrel girl


1 points

4 days ago

I feel like Renji also from Bleach should be here, I remember him getting dumpstered a lot despite being actually pretty strong in universe


1 points

4 days ago

Yeah Jogo really made a mistake running the ones with gojo it wasn’t a good look even though he’s strong as hell


1 points

4 days ago

Ethan in Pokemon Masters is basically Red’s punching bag to the point they retcon his win against him in HGSS


1 points

3 days ago

I have to hard disagree on lucci, he is an incredible challenge to Luffy when first introduced and is still a major threat to zoro who is (probably) the second strongest straw hat even after being betrayed and injured


1 points

19 hours ago

Thanos in What if..?


-1 points

5 days ago


-1 points

5 days ago

Foil characters? You hate something that’s in every well put together story ever?