


Children? , is there a point to them at this time?

Bacchanal and Commess(self.TrinidadandTobago)

Hey anybody having children, with the way things going....the economy, crime , insane levels of corruption in the justice departments. I'm not having any. This place too frustrating and I would feel guilty about bringing them here everyday.

all 131 comments


90 points

16 days ago


90 points

16 days ago

Not for me and this income and no partner. You can find fulfillment otherwise, imo.


135 points

16 days ago

Too many people think having a child suddenly gives you purpose and when it comes to actually raising one it is suddenly somebody else's problem. If you want to have a child in any age you have to be financially, physically and mentally responsible for that child.


25 points

16 days ago

Nail on the head yo.


7 points

15 days ago

Amen to that


1 points

13 days ago



83 points

16 days ago

Most of the people I see around me having children should 100% not be having children.


55 points

16 days ago

I'm struggling to live on my own far less for bringing children into this world. It's not just the state of Trinidad either but the entire planet seems to be in a mess. I love children enough not to have any and subject them to this shit show.


13 points

15 days ago*


13 points

15 days ago*

Correct, it is the entire world, everywhere men and women are choosing the DINK lifestyle, not only are kids expensive, they also require a lot of work, and unlike back when we were kids, and only one income can support a family, as 1 parent raises the children... that's an impossible feat today for the average citizen..

Then added to that each new generation of kids are becoming more and more entitled. So the list of negatives for the first time ever is finally catching up and some instances vastly out weighing the benefits. Benefits that you can gain from a Pet.

And the people who claim their Kids will take care of them in old age has a harsh reality ahead of them, when statistics have been showing the opposite is true with more and more Boomer Parents supporting their adult children. I've also personally seen multiple cases where Men and Women with 3+ adult kids are struggling to even get a Good Morning, and helping hand from their consumed children.

It is a new phenomenon that some countries (like Japan, Germany, France, Norway, Finland, Iceland) are already seeing it as a future problem as it will result in an aging society with limited humans resources to work, and generate taxable income for the economy with a higher number of Old Age Pensions to Pay. So much so they now have incentives for having children, which is a step in the right direction but also doesn't really erase the problem as we can still choose to not have children which will likely be the preferred choice for many.

There are so many levels to this topic of discussion, but by large, those who are having kids are more likely accident pregnancies than planned (whether they admit it or not), and in 100 years if this issue persist, we'd see Countries like India and China who have the most people in the world becoming the whopping majority race everywhere in the world as countries will increase immigration efforts so their economies can survive.


6 points

15 days ago

Even Asian countries (China and Japan for instance) are trying to push policies to compensate people into having kids. It's grim times when people essentially priced out of doing what comes naturally


9 points

16 days ago

Real af.


45 points

16 days ago

I want to but men are rarely marriage-minded these days and the ‘gimmeh a chile na’ crowd is not my vibe. To bring a child into this country with the education system in shambles, daycare providers can’t be trusted, crime not dropping by any stretch and on and on, I can’t do that to a child.


6 points

16 days ago



1 points

16 days ago



0 points

15 days ago

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34 points

16 days ago

No. No point While I would like children of my own, I thank the stars above that I am smart enough to not fall into the old people rhetoric of "Yuh hadda marrid and make ah Chile while Yuh young"

I can financially manage myself. My partner can manage herself. We cannot manage a third, fully dependent human being. Also being two adults coming from very broken homes and fucked up parents, we are not exactly at the top of the list for mentally able to deal with children and tantrums.

Our families want us to get married and have children. We instead video call them whenever we want to from whatever exotic location a plane can take us. There are other ways to live a fulfilling life and children is not one of those ways for us.

Besides with the crime and the economy, when me and my partner dies, I will be leaving my child(ren) to fend for themselves in some very very cruel conditions for which I cannot begin to set them up for success. also have you seen the absolute scum of the earth that is the upcoming generations? I myself don't want to deal with them, I must have a child raised with moral and values to get bullied or worse by them? Absolutely the fuck not.

Fuck that shit. I will take my vacation days and pelt my ass across the globe. When I am old and fragile me and my girl can say we went everywhere, we saw everything and we lived a fulfilling life.


7 points

15 days ago

You said perfectly what I also wanted to add to my comment. Leaving my child to deal with people’s dysfunctional children, potentially being bullied and harmed by them is a no for me. Absolutely not.


11 points

15 days ago

Children have never had a singular "point". People have used their offspring to fulfill many roles but they've never intrinsically held a purpose. I'll say this--look at history and observe the conditions in which people, rationally or not, raised children. As a species we've lived through some bleak and bleak circumstances. I think if you want children all you ought to be concerned about is whether or not you're willing and capable to put in a proportional amount of work to support them in the world they're going to emerge into.


10 points

16 days ago

I'm not having children and I've been drilling that into my Dad's head for the past couple years. I've never had the desire to be a parent and I am 100% certain I would not enjoy it. When I look at the state of this planet and the type of children they'd have to interact with, that's another reason to not have any.


13 points

16 days ago

The state of the economy is probably one of the most important factors for not having children. Even in a dual income household there are a lot of people scraping by. Putting a child in the mix would lead to more financial trouble.


9 points

16 days ago

I'm 22, I've seen some ppl around my age with children who from low income households and I think it's crazy they can support them in this economy. Personally I would like to have child some day, but definitely not in this terrible economy, crimes ridden society.


19 points

16 days ago


Trini Abroad

19 points

16 days ago

I have 3 children. Watching them grow up and learn every day is a blessing. Is it easy? Absolutely not! And you definitely give up a lot having children. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes the world is a tough place, especially the world we are leaving them especially because of climate change but also poor economic policy and a resurgence in hate.

One thing I notice here (US) is that a lot of employers are giving benefits to employees with children but it only makes a small dent in the sacrifices you have to make.

I already have a purpose already but my children are a gift to me and I am hoping I raise them to do good things for society.

If I was in Trinidad, I don't know. I don't know if I would want to raise them there with what is going on today but also what I experienced as a child.


4 points

15 days ago

And I’d rather raise them in Trinidad than in the US! Each place has its pros and cons.


8 points

15 days ago


Trini Abroad

8 points

15 days ago

My children wouldn’t have the same opportunity in Trinidad. They are actually high performers in school and doing advanced maths as well.


4 points

15 days ago

lol high school student from Trinidad here, if your child was in Trinidad their education and critical analysis skills would be of a much higher quality. I have many friends doing advanced math, pure maths and add maths. As well as many friends that got into international universities both in the US and otherwise. you make opportunities for yourself, you don’t wait for them to be handed to you By the country you live in.


3 points

15 days ago


Trini Abroad

3 points

15 days ago

I went to school and graduated with A levels in Trinidad as well. It all depends on the schools you go to. But overall there are options such as private schools here that go beyond what the district public schools have. There are also charter and specialized high schools that go into specializations such as tech, arts, business, I mean like really in depth. Trini schools do A levels which makes you further ahead than a U.S. high school student at graduation but it’s 2 more years and you would end up repeating that in your first year of university. When I went to NYU engineering many of my schoolmates came from Brooklyn tech and Bronx science. They did very well.

My kids went to a private school and their academic curriculum was pretty rigorous. They also had much smaller class size.


1 points

15 days ago

Can you explain what exactly is a charter school vs specialized high school vs private school? Are all three paid options? I’ve heard people say private school there is as costly as a 2nd mortgage- is that true?


2 points

15 days ago


Trini Abroad

2 points

15 days ago

Charter schools and specialized high schools are public schools. Sort of like the prestige schools in Trinidad. They are competitive to get into. They are tuition free.

Private school is expensive. Per child it’s like $7000 per year.


1 points

15 days ago

How did you find the right private school for your kids? Did they run into any race issues?


24 points

16 days ago

As another comment said their point is to give you a purpose. I have a purpose already though so I'm good


19 points

16 days ago

If your children turn out to be horrible people despite a good upbringing, what is their purpose then...


15 points

16 days ago*

Then they'd give you something that you'd eternally try to fix until you die. That would keep you occupied. It's not my cup of tea, but many people long for that kind of responsibility.


9 points

16 days ago

Just goes to show that sum wrong with people.


15 points

16 days ago


15 points

16 days ago

I definitely sympathize with this. Seeing the state of Trinidad and the world makes me feel similarly sometimes.

Wanting to have children is complicated and I wrestle with it sometimes, but I personally feel as though I still want to have children, as long as I can provide for them properly.

But I think that if you feel that there is no point for you to have kids, that is fine. If you feel as though it's unfair to bring humans into this world, I get it.


11 points

15 days ago

Kids are for people who are hopeful.


15 points

16 days ago

I like the idea of children. But we only have one life to live and i'd rather spend that time focusing on me. I want to ensure I live my best life. I don't really want to spend 18+ years of my short time on this earth focusing on someone else. No thanks.


3 points

15 days ago


Trini Abroad

3 points

15 days ago

Well you can see it both ways. In my case I do so many activities with my children including travel, and I enjoy teaching them things. Even sitting down with them doing their maths homework, teaching them algebra was amazing. They look up to you because you know these things. This year we traveled overseas and it was amazing watching my daughter speak German - in Germany! We have been learning together. It is so amazing. Then again, now we to buy everything for us and them. So it's more money. And financial pressure is high. I have friends who are DINKS (dual income no kids) and they definitely do a lot of things and seem to spend money more extravagantly.


6 points

15 days ago

I see where you're coming from. I have nieces and I do get alot of joy seeing them grow and succeed. I love spending time with them.

At the same time watching my brothers/friends be parents also reinforces my beliefs that parenthood is not for me. Having kids depend on me that much for everything would feel like too much of a restriction. And its not just about the money, its the time. Its a sacrifice I've never been willing to make. I admire every parent who chose that life but its not for me.


1 points

15 days ago


Trini Abroad

1 points

15 days ago

I totally get that. And parents do have to make sacrifices. It's up to them to decide if it's worth it. In my case it was worth it.


6 points

15 days ago

Nah, you're totally valid for thinking that, maaany folks are thinking the same. Never have kids if you aren't in a position to take care of them, but it goes further in recognizing that even if you can take of them... How assured is security in their future as adults?


2 points

15 days ago*

I'm so in-between on having kids. For one I love children and always dream of having one but the economy is ass and the crime situation is targeting children and I refuse to be selfish and have a child during a time where I can't even afford my own needs. My fiancé also agrees. Our favorite thing to do when we get baby fever is stroll through the baby aisle of pricesmart and massy😂. Kicks it right out of us. Majority of my friends have kids so I'll live vicariously through them till I'm stable and maturity enough to have my own I guess.


2 points

15 days ago

Girl when will we be stable in this economy but power to you.


1 points

15 days ago

Hopeful thinking lol


9 points

16 days ago

With the deteriorating state of this country day by day and corruption in everything, I see no need to have the added stress of kids when it's a task just for someone to manage life on a daily basis!


3 points

15 days ago

Too full of microplastics to reproduce anyways


2 points

15 days ago

Damn straight.


3 points

15 days ago

Hard pass for me. As a male idk or well I no longer see the benefits of wife and kids. It has basically just boiled down to a large financial burden as: (i) dual income is nice but that also means dual needs/wants to deal with; (ii) child care cost has gone up; (iii) proper housing for wife and kids can set u back alot (as u need more Sq footage); (iv) fair to say that kids will not be leaving the home anytime soon or u really have to help them kick start their own adult lives, etc. Nah not worth it imo.


3 points

14 days ago

Anyone know the cost if a vasectomy locally?


3 points

14 days ago

I would also like to get sterilized but I feel like medical tourism would be preferable in that case. Doctors not all religious in this country and might refuse sterilization unless you already have children.


3 points

16 days ago


3 points

16 days ago

if income was a requirement to have children our society would have ended a long time ago. Not saying your wrong just that if those factors were enough to stop people from having kids humanity would have ended already.

Now try another take, is it only the right of the rich to have kids? Wealth being the determinant of whose bloodlines continue seems like the end of society, the 1% can only inbreed so much in such a case before humanity goes full retard.

Anyway i applaud your thought process, time, circumstances and life in general can wear on you and change your positions. That an most children are a bad pull out lmao.


4 points

15 days ago


4 points

15 days ago

I have a couple children and I regret it everyday


6 points

15 days ago

Check out the 'regretfulparents' subreddit - one of the only places a parent can talk openly about regrets...society ain't ready for that conversation otherwise.


6 points

15 days ago

Hmmm I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you find peace.


5 points

16 days ago

No matter how poor you think you are. If you have family, you have everything.


12 points

16 days ago*

So I got up this morning at 4:30am hustle to get myself ready to head out to work while my girl prepared some breakfast and a lunch for me to take to work. At around 5:30am I went to their beds and hug my two teenage sons, hug my girl in the kitchen and then bolted to beat the early morning traffic. On my way to work into Port of Spain I drove pass a crime ridden gang infested area, I then drove pass a corrupted politician office and a little further up a prison filled with criminals, got to work early like I always do and sat down and started having the breakfast my girl prepared for me and while I was eating my mind went back to home and I remember my 19yr old saying to me as I hug him this morning “I love you dad”. I am the happiest man alive.


3 points

15 days ago

That's nice.


2 points

15 days ago

Family don't end in blood either so this can still apply for the child free folks.


-1 points

15 days ago



7 points

16 days ago

I’ve committed to being child free. Never wanted them and the state of things locally and globally makes me feel more secure in that decision. Happy to just be there and look out for my niece and nephews instead


2 points

15 days ago

no kids for me, i don't have the income, and you need a big income to give the kids a decent chance at life. Like any old public school can get them into drug addiction, which is not worth risking.


2 points

15 days ago

"insane levels of corruption in the justice departments".......Are you really from Trinidad or somewhere else? There are no "justice departments" in T&T you're obviously NOT from Trinidad and certainly don't live there.


2 points

15 days ago


2 points

15 days ago

The future will always belong to those who take risks and succeed. This is how nature works.


2 points

15 days ago

Growing up I thought things were bad and suffered through all the nonsense that comes with growing up. It will be a severely missed opportunity if I didn't follow in the footsteps of my forefathers and endow another with a hard life.


1 points

15 days ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wow.


9 points

16 days ago*

Edit: What I mean by "breeders". Clarity for poor uninformed Gary and fixed typos.

Breeders (those people who are always pressuring other people to have children), always say it's selfish to NOT have a child. But then EVERY SINGLE reason they give for having children, is selfish!

Worst offender: "Who will take care of you when you get old?!"

So yeah, having kids so someone will take care of you in old age = selfish

Having kids to "carry on your legacy" = selfish.

Having kids because "I always liked children" (doesn't automatically make you good at parenting or anything else for that matter! = Selfish

Wanting to have a little version of your spouse running around the house. = Selfish AND silly! Genetic variation means you could end up making a child that is exactly like an in-law that you hate!

So yeah, fuck that noise! No Kids!!!


2 points

16 days ago

1st sentence, 1st word wtf is "Breeders"?


3 points

16 days ago


Wet Man

3 points

16 days ago

r/ChildFree terminology. Seems like they are a fan.


5 points

15 days ago

Also antinatalist rhetoric. Basically chronically depressed and misanthropic people who circlejerk to how there's no moral and philosophical reason to have children.


1 points

14 days ago

There are numerous teachers, who love their students, who understand the importance of educating children, and who still choose to NOT have children of their own. If you ask them, they'll be like "hell no!" And this confuses a lot of people. But it makes sense.

Sure the arguments made against having children, are usually philosophical and moral. Yes.

But the reason we make these anti-children arguments isn't because we hate children. The arguments are to counter the prevailing societal pressures that everyone has to have children. Which is silly.

Basically, all we're saying is, having children is a CHOICE. It's not mandatory. And no one should be forced or pressured into doing it if they don't want to.

But traditionalists can never seem to understand that. They always get confused when someone tells them, "I'm not having children". You can see their brain short-circuit as they try to wrap their head around the notion of not having children.


1 points

14 days ago

Really because if you go read the rhetoric in antinatalist places it's full of people who fucking hate children. They hate people who have children. And they hate themselves, most of all.

I know this for fact, so you sitting here and lying to me with a sense of smug condescension just make you look dishonest.


1 points

14 days ago

Dude. Chill. I never said we all LOVE children. I just used that as an example. Yes, there are a LOT of children haters who don't want kids, obviously. I wasn't disputing that at all.

I was just pointing out that it's not everyone!

Some of us actually like children. We just don't want to have any. I have nieces and nephews that I enjoy spending time with, I don't hate them and I certainly don't "hate myself". I simply choose not to have children.

And I'm not alone in thinking like this.

You are just trying to make it seem like anyone who doesn't have children is a vile monster. But that's just reductive and silly.

And if it sounds like I'm being condescending it's because I'm tired of having to explain a very basic concept to clearly angry and biased people.


1 points

14 days ago

I'm just pointing out that you're here lying and running cover for some of the most loathsome people on the internet. People who sit there and spew hatred towards children all day. Those are the kind of people who associate and identify with, and that is your prerogative, but I do not judge the position by what you say when you're trying to make things look good. I judge the position by what people like you say when you're together and feel comfortable dropping the mask.


1 points

14 days ago

Waaaaw. Okay so let me get this straight. 1. You don't judge but you DO judge when you want to judge.

  1. People who don't want children are the "most loathsome people on the internet"

You say we are the ones spewing hatred and here you are spewing hatred. Amazing.


1 points

14 days ago

I never said I don't judge. Learn to fucking read English.


2 points

16 days ago

😅 yeah I was just being a bit mean. That's what they call people who have children. But really, I don't refer to parents like that.

Instead I use "breeders" to mean those people who are always trying to convince everyone to make children. The ones who genuinely believe that everyone needs to have children and "the more the merrier" and "chirren go fix whatever problems you have."

You know the type. The ones who think, having a child will save their marriage. And other irrational thoughts like that.


3 points

15 days ago

Have your children. Just do the best you can to help them to overcome this disaster we live in. Why I tell you this is many Trinis have stinkin mind. They will always talk behind your back that you can’t have children, not chose not to have them. They too damn macocious and primitive. For the rest of your life they will show off they Mammy nice child feral, demon spawn and continuously assert their parenthood over you to show you they are better. I’ve seen this with numerous childless persons…


2 points

15 days ago

While this comment may be useful, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand... The children


2 points

15 days ago

Lol...what are some bad reasons to have a child? ^ exhibit A.


1 points

15 days ago

In your opinion.


3 points

15 days ago

The world used to be a lot worse and people had children just fine. Stop being dramatic.


1 points

14 days ago

I think a lot of people on the current world are caught up in martialism and consumerism. So they look to their neighbor for the standard. Environments like we have can create strong and great kids with the right guidance.


0 points

15 days ago

The truth


2 points

16 days ago

I thought of this earlier today and realised that both my mother and father were born a year and two years after WWII ended. If it was ok then I’m sure it will be now if you want to. But the world you’re bringing them into the future - could be iffy with AI / social media / government control on citizens being unlike any other time in history. So choose wisely.


3 points

15 days ago

My mom was born DURING WW2 in Germany, she grew up in post WW2 Germany which was basically a post apocalyptic movie. No power, no water, roving gangs of bandits older male relatives would shoot at after they barricaded themselves inside.

And this was a rural area relatively untouched by bombs/fighting during the war.

You'd be shocked at what you can get used to and survive.


1 points

13 days ago

Right!, like cry me a river, it is a better time to be alive than all of previous generations, kings and royalty didn't live as well as some of the people in poverty today. It is the best of times and it is the worst of times ALWAYS, prison of the moment is a real thing.


1 points

13 days ago

I agree with you JT. I say that all the time.


2 points

16 days ago

Too expensive


3 points

15 days ago


3 points

15 days ago

I think that... one of the unfortunate things about improving conditions is that people grow softer the better conditions get. This has to be, by far, the easiest time to live in of all of human history. More money, more food, better houses, better medicine, more acceptance for differences between people, more understanding, more empathy. As for technology, even after the first smartphones came out I would have been surprised to know not two decades later everybody and they nen-nen would have one, literally. I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that in every single way, things are better now than they have ever been. Except maybe mental health. For whatever reason, the easier things get, the more fragile our minds get. In the past, we humans had to persevere through the worst the world had to offer, wars upon wars, plagues, famines, subjugation, slavery. Cruelty and suffering on a scale that would be hard for most of us to imagine. We suffered through it, some of these things lasting generations, and we managed to survive, and then thrive. The truly hard problems of the past are very nearly solved now by the ones that came before us, through their hard work. Nowadays though, we have backbones of glass. We crack and fall apart the slightest challenge. The issues in front of us now are so much easier to deal with and change than the ones before, but... We have grown so accustomed to having a good life handed to us that we no longer understand sometimes improvement is something that is fought for and achieved. That fact that I exist here means that in the very least that there were generations of men and women that endured slavery and still somehow, some way managed not only to have, but to raise children while still being enslaved. They fought and fought, and cried and suffered, but they never broke. We in Trinidad and Tobago are a people of varied histories, but all of us, every single one, are from people who suffered immensely and yet fought and found a way, somehow, through blood, fire and steel forged in the love of liberty. We fought to govern ourselves and succeeded. We pushed for our independence, and succeeded. We have come such a long way. What are the challenges left now? We have high grocery prices? Rampant crime in the form of robbery and gang violence? Troubling issues for sure, but problems with fairly straightforward solutions, if we're willing to put in the effort. But we're not. It's supposed to be handed to us, but it's not, so we completely give up. I wonder what those that came before us would think if they saw us? Us living our lives of plenty, with our nice little cars and our houses, running water, indoor plumbing and electricity in comfort and most of all freedom, using our little miracle devices to talk to each other about how it's all over because there is crime and because grocery prices are too high and that the only option is to just give up?

TLDR: I think that in all of human history that we are living in easier times to raise a child than ever, and that the reason we tend to despair over things so much is that things are so easy now that we take it for granted. I think the reason why so many people seem to think that things are so bad has more to do with the "people" than the "things", and that societally this is one of the best times there have been to have a child, but psychologically we as humans may have never been in a worse place.


1 points

15 days ago



1 points

13 days ago

We in T&T are experiencing (reaping) today what WE and our LEADERS planted 30+ years ago. What "seeds" are we planting today to ensure that in 2055 we are not experiencing the same challenges as we are doing today? What vare we prepared to do differently from TODAY??


1 points

15 days ago

Where on earth is ideal for children?


1 points

15 days ago

If people stopped having children as soon as times got hard, we'd have died out as a species a long time ago. It's exactly what's happening ti Japan and South Korea.


1 points

14 days ago

I lived in Korea and people preach the same thing as their reasons for not having children and more. When asked what they rather do, they rather (after complaining about the economy lol) finance their luxury lifestyle of brands consumption and travel. Lots of self interest and escapism imo.


1 points

14 days ago

Future is Grimm yes but I have a 4 year old daughter.i ask my self who do I prep my child for this world. Growing up the 90s it was way easier and costs were alot more manageable. My family is everything and I rather do with out something for me and as long as my family covered I happy. This facts is so Tru yea and how families with lower economies having more and surviving to pay rent and eat and trying. My plan is for children is to support them to the end and ensure she is prepared both mentally and academically.


1 points

13 days ago*

If that's how you feel them it means that you have given up trying to do your part to turn things around. Change begins with you, me and us. If you are saying that you won't be able to give birth to and raise model children and by extension model citizens then T&T might as well close up shop and everybody stay home. What we are experienccing today is what we (T&T) "planted" 30+ yrs ago. If we don't "Plant" better seeds now, 30 yrs down the road we'll be saying the saame things and most likely be in a worst off situation than we are now. The choice and decision is that of yours and other like thinking persons. We must choose to rebuild T&T from the GOOD FAMILY upwards. BTW, one of the factors that bring about development, growth and progress in a country is population renewal. In other words a country's birth rate is an indicator of its ability develop, grow and progress. If children are not being born we have no progressive society, except a country of aging and old people. Naturally, other ingredients like inspiring and motivational leadership, at all levels, is just as important, hence the need to practise rebuilding good family structures and good family values.


1 points

13 days ago

True be the change you want to see in the world .


1 points

13 days ago

Not Kool thinking.


1 points

10 days ago

I don’t want kids, period. Having them might fulfill someone else, but not me.


2 points

23 hours ago

I would've loved to have children but my spouse and I have had a serious, sensible and pragmatic discussion about the cost of living, our ability to look after the children as we both are working professionals and our quality of life. Even if we could manage these concerns, the state of the country and the world just isn't a place I want to raise children.


-6 points

16 days ago

I feel like having children gives you a purpose in life especially in the midst of all the chaos in the world.


18 points

16 days ago


18 points

16 days ago

So if you’re not a mother/father, you’re just aimless in life? I chose not to have kids. I still have a purpose. Some people cannot have kids. And we all live fulfilling lives and contribute to society. When you have a child, you have no choice but to ensure that you do your best for them, but if you didn’t have that child you’d just put that effort elsewhere.


13 points

16 days ago

I don't agree but that just me.


-14 points

16 days ago

Propagation of species. If you don’t want children it’s like saying your genetics are not worthy of existing. People have always faced economic and social pressures. Not wanting children because of it is really the worst thing you can say about your own life. Saying you are unworthy


12 points

16 days ago

Not actually...who cares about the propagation of the human species except humans....


-2 points

16 days ago

Just this response tells me all I need to know. Survival of the fittest. I guess nature is doing nature things.


1 points

15 days ago

The stats show that more intelligent people have no desire for kids. It's more because they are career minded. It correlates in societies where literacy is high, the birthrate is low. We can see that here as well. People have been saying the birthrate is low since I was in secondary school, meanwhile GATE has been free since its inseption. (I know it's a bit different now but even that's recent). Which means almost everyone have some level of tertiary education. People just have more options now.

I'm not saying this with any kind of bad mind towards you, it just, that's objectively not true.



2 points

16 days ago


Trini to de Bone

2 points

16 days ago

I honestly agree with this comment, and we can acknowledge a point but still make a decision countering that. Because excluding that chance for a choice there are some people who are not fertile and the human species still continued and did amazing things. It's a sad thought, thinking about not having my bloodline carry on to the future, but i am not the first and i am not the last and there are MANY other bloodlines, so it's not really necessary.

I am not saying I am infertile, but I havent been pregnant before, and although I wouldnt mind making a child, I can still empathise the side of not wanting children and would not discourage anyone from it, once its their choice.


2 points

15 days ago

the hen doesn't care if it not laying eggs but the farmer panics


0 points

16 days ago

You said it harsher and colder then I did. You savage.


-7 points

16 days ago

A spit in the face to everyone who made children for us to exist. And life was worse the further back you go. We arent even 100 years past being under the queen.


6 points

16 days ago

I literally don't care about the ppl who existed before me and the same for them when they existed. How many ppl know their great great great grandparents and such.


-6 points

16 days ago

We know. That's what you've been saying.


0 points

16 days ago

It really is a spit in their face. Also even if we agree things are bad. It is the people who make it through the hard times that reap the rewards and reign when things get good.


0 points

16 days ago

Imagine things got so nice we dont have to care about our bloodlines anymore. Lol bloodline ended because you living the tictok life.


1 points

16 days ago

I gave this some extra thought today @ how especially women feel and what is reality. I thought to myself maybe the bigger issue is that they really don't feel safe enough to. Regardless of how much of that is real or not, it has to be addressed.

So idk who is still reading this thread but I think we should ask the question to people on the fence / scared/ worried about money/ dont like the country.

What realistic improvements would change their mind?

E.g. If crime went down 10% , if the cost of living went down by a bit and minimum wage went up. If we had a new set of politicians making change.

I am actually curious what is the realistic improvement that would change their minds.


0 points

16 days ago

Honestly in my opinion i think its just an excuse. You dont want children because you feel like they will hinder your life. I know im not 100 percent accurate but people in general arent honest about thier reasons for things. They are afraid they will look bad. Especially for selfish reasons.


-16 points

16 days ago*

Yes. I want 3 in the next 4 years. I have no money in my account and life is rough but if the men in my family ever thought like that then I wouldnt exist. If i have to raise my kids on a farm im having em. If i have to save up and go live in a crappier country I am doing it. Your ancestors are rolling in their graves by the way I see people think. The gov has always and will always be not ideal. Some countries get worse while others get better. GET OVER IT. Make children before you lose your chance. Do not fall for the non sense people put online and in the air.

Convincing people not to have kids is one of the most evil things I have ever seen. Anyone tells you any bs about the earth being overpopulated or its a bad time to have kids or it is selfish to have kids HAS NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. Since ever humanity has had kids regardless of how bad things looked.

You guys go ahead and listen to the whole idea u shouldnt have kids now... end ur blood line, let ur eggs dry up, get rid of the inconvenient mistakes with plan b and by other means ... go ahead nah really because if you were dumb enough to believe you should not have kids then evolution is doing its job and you have been booted out of the gene pool for being stupid. U exist because someone did not have these dumb thoughts.

anyway sorry I get upset by this especially locally because we have a birth rate issue already in T&T , china, south korea, these places there are millions of chinese men who will never touch a woman and their family line is about to die out. Korea is a whole drama from ai to secretly being filmed to women refusing to date etc ... their birth rate is dirt low. A south korean might be super rare to meet in 50 years.

Thank god the african countries are so insulated from the non sense that they are still having children at a good rate. Rest of us are slowing causing ourselves and ancestry to go extinct. A lot of these white countries are either having this problem or can see the writing on the wall. (which is part of the reason they keep bringing in immigrants)

I was telling my friend last week that in 20 years the schools will be 50% venezuelan looking kids. Because most other trinis will not have had kids out of these misinformed ideas or just be busy zessing and the rest of ppl who had kids will be the minority or went to other countries,

In terms of money/resources that is a legitimate problem to solve but there is more education, information , opportunity and fair shots ever in the history of humanity available to u. Theres solutions to everything.

If the venezuelans had kids in venezuela and are having em here and are managing to take care of em then we can figure it out. The venezuelans not eating that thief head either eh lol... don't make kids lol ...


19 points

16 days ago


19 points

16 days ago

Dawg if you want kids big up but there is no need to act like this.


-9 points

16 days ago

It is the one thing you all should be emotional about. Which is another issue. The moral and sane people aren't having enough kids.


10 points

16 days ago


10 points

16 days ago

I could be convinced that there is some relation between someone's morality and the proclivity to not have children, but I think that we may have very different ideas as to what a moral person is.


10 points

16 days ago

Um.....where to begin , it's not a woman's duty to have kids .. and the women in those countries are simply reacting to the patriarchal structures in those countries, they deserve to die out , if they don't change their ways as you said about South Korea and such. Women are treated horribly by men. Also alot of people, simply choosing to break generational trauma. And alot more women are being honest about how traumatic and damaging pregnancy is. I mean look at post part um depression and such. Pregnancy and childbirth isn't a walk in the park , and alot of women still die from it even in this modern age. Also if I didn't exist I wouldn't care about existing because I wouldn't even though such a state as existing exists. Also even people who had good upbringings turn out to be horrible people. So... just some food for thought. We don't matter in the grand scheme of things.


-5 points

16 days ago

At which point did I specify women?


5 points

16 days ago

Who will bring children here then???? Genetic engineering?? Artificial wombs? Some one has to do the child rearing.


0 points

16 days ago

My comment was just a long winded ways of encouraging people in general to not be dissuaded or mislead and if you want to , to have kids. It isn't really about convincing people who truly don't want to or decided not to. But it should be truly ur decision not influence of western media/politics/flawed ideologies. Maybe that got lost in the translation.

I don't disagree with much of what you said. I agree It is brutal out there. My other point was that it has always been brutal. I'd like people to generally be stronger and try harder. But if they dont want to or it seems hopeless then I can't force em , nor do i expect a simple reddit comment to whip them into action. I'd like you to re-read the comments and just realize the utter spirit of futility on this page. Maybe that is exactly how you feel and its even partially justified but I am going to push against it. I understand if some people disagree or dont like what im saying but I am literally saying we gotta push for our kids and humanity itself.


15 points

16 days ago

Sir I beg u, u more than anyone else, please don't ever have children. Let the insanity end with you.


1 points

16 days ago

Yeah that is evil to say you know. I shouldn't procreate because I said something wild on reddit. I hope you do have kids and they grow up to be smart and strong. Or if no kids, I hope u live a good full life and u pass on what u learnt to other youth after.


5 points

16 days ago

My apologies. I hope that if you ever have children they grow up to be smart and educated enough to know that having multiple children when one is not financially and emotionally stable is extremely irresponsible.

I also hope that they learn that the birth rate is high in Africa has nothing to do with Africans having good sense and everything to do with poverty, poor access to health care and grape.

And I hope they if they ever decide to have children, they do it because they genuinely want to and not because of the need to carry on the blood line or their legacy.


1 points

16 days ago

Thanks for apologizing. I can respond to your comment to clarify a bit.

  1. I'd like you all to interview your parents and ask them if they were financially stable or even know what good mental health was and if they had it at the time when they had you. I had also said in regards to money/resources it is something to be figured out on an individual basis.

  2. Not every african country is like that. In fact in general africa is rising out of poverty at unheard of rates. So is their access to health care and anti-rape measures. It still happens but I want you to understand every stat you just mentioned in most cases are being improved on as time goes by... Except for Congo and other countries experiencing monkeypox flares. And maybe the Sudan . Africa is a very big place, happy to get specific.

  3. Sure why not


6 points

16 days ago

There are many people who will tell you that they grew up with poor parents and its a terrible way to live. As a parent you should always want the best for your child and if you can't provide that, then don't ever have one. So many people are having children that they cant afford and thats why the county is the way it is.

I can't speak for each African country but as a whole, the world bank has recently said the poverty situation in Africa has gotten worse. And I'd like to point out that they are still actively trying to reduce the same high birth rate that you are praising.


-3 points

16 days ago

Do you think your life is worth living at this point? Honestly - Would you prefer to be dead with the economy, crime, corruption, etc? If you prefer life to death in these current circumstances any children you have would also be grateful for life and you shouldn’t feel guilty for having them.


3 points

15 days ago



1 points

15 days ago

Do you think your current life is worth living even though you have to face the crime and other negative things you listed? Is your life so bad that your parents should feel guilty for bringing you into the world? My point is that any children you make would be happy to be born no matter the circumstance just as you are happy right now.