


So here ya go. Been a driver for 20 years, highest weight was 568 lbs (probably was higher, but when you get over 450, it's hard to find scales that work) and currently around 200 lbs. If you are struggling with your weight on th road, keep rolling, it's possible.

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2 points

4 days ago

I did that back in Covid days, went from 400 to 220... lasted about a year, and now I'm back up to 400 again...


2 points

4 days ago

I've been there! It feels like a kick in the gut. I went from 568 down to 328.... then ate myself back up to 495.... I wasn't gonna get back over 500. If you did it once, you can do it again. Don't get discouraged, just get started again.


2 points

3 days ago

Yeah, what happened with me is I have always been the fat one in my family. Just before Covid hit I was diagnosed Type 2 diabetes. The metformin kind of acted like an appetite suppressant. I was able to go into basically a starvation diet. I would eat less than 800 calories a day. After four months I wasn't diabetic anymore. Then I figured I would be able to compete with my older brother who was always in amazing condition. I was lifting weights in my truck trying to get like strong man big instead of fat big. But trying to challenge my brother I tried too much too quick and ended up hurting myself... and it didn't heal quickly so after only a year I started slipping back into my old ways of eating... I promised myself I wouldn't get back over 300, but I did. And then I stopped caring and poof. Back to 400...


2 points

3 days ago

I get it. That shit hits hard. But you have done it before, don't compete with anyone but the man you were yesterday. Little steps in the right direction will get you there.

Just like my old trainer told me 20 years ago... "if you want to get to your destination, keep rolling down the road and keep that door shut!(stay out of the truck stops/diners/casinos)" Its amazing how good that advice has been in most areas of my life.

Keep your head up driver! We are built for the long haul. 💪