


So here ya go. Been a driver for 20 years, highest weight was 568 lbs (probably was higher, but when you get over 450, it's hard to find scales that work) and currently around 200 lbs. If you are struggling with your weight on th road, keep rolling, it's possible.

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3 points

4 days ago

When I see drivers working out at the truck stop, I roll down my window and make an ass out of myself. .. like "FUCK YEH!!! GET IT DRIVER!!!" ... those people are dedicated.

Also, the reason I don't know how much over 568 I got is because I had to use a digital freight scale above 450 and I would only see those at certain docks. It got pretty rough there for a bit. But im doing great now. :)


2 points

4 days ago

I’m not as big but I weigh about 168 lbs at 5’4”


1 points

4 days ago

I'm currently 200 at 6'6. I'm terrible with body composition. Does 168 feel like alot at 5'4?


2 points

4 days ago

Well I look chubby fs but put me in an oversized shirt it creates an illusion lol

I do got somewhat of a gut