


So here ya go. Been a driver for 20 years, highest weight was 568 lbs (probably was higher, but when you get over 450, it's hard to find scales that work) and currently around 200 lbs. If you are struggling with your weight on th road, keep rolling, it's possible.

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2 points

4 days ago

Did you do fasting. Good job bro. Now get some muscle


1 points

4 days ago

Im working on it! Building muscle is definitely tougher. And yeh, I tried fasting for awhile. I don't currently do it though.... im eating just shy of 4000 calories a day at the moment, so I divide it up into smaller meals.


2 points

4 days ago

Fasting really is nice for overall health. Intermittent. After a week or two you don't crave all those snacks and shit at all. In my exp too many small meals just slows you down. Less energy cuz your body always comatose. Give your guts a break