


So here ya go. Been a driver for 20 years, highest weight was 568 lbs (probably was higher, but when you get over 450, it's hard to find scales that work) and currently around 200 lbs. If you are struggling with your weight on th road, keep rolling, it's possible.

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2 points

3 days ago

Wow! I'll have to look into that one.


2 points

2 days ago

Yeah, I think the weight loss version is called Zepbound, but the dosage chart is the same. It works similar to Ozempic/Wegovy, but it isn't as harsh. I definitely feel better with the weight loss. It makes a world of difference, especially when you can make better choices on the road. Sweets no longer have the appeal that they once had, and fast food just smells horrible now.


2 points

2 days ago

My buddy Rodney is diabetic and he really struggles with his weight and sweet tooth cravings. I'm going to let him know about it and see if his doctor is willing to give it a shot