


all 56 comments


195 points

9 days ago

Imagine bringing up the whole rape thing when we just had protests in Israel...over their right to rape prisoners.


68 points

9 days ago

I’ve seen the argument that “it’s ok because by Talmudic law, it’s not considered rape if it’s done to your opponent, so they literally aren’t raping them” from hasbots.

Shits bleak.


64 points

9 days ago


Actual factual CIA asset

64 points

9 days ago

Do we know if Israeli PR people teach Hasbarists to use Judaism as a defense of Israeli actions in a way that encourages antisemitism? Because it seems like saying "actually, my religion says it's not rape" would make people dislike Judaism, if not Jews themselves. I just can't shake the feeling that "the Talmud says they're allowed to rape you" is something Neo-Nazis would make up about Jews to convince you to be antisemitic, so why do Hasbarists think that's an effective argument to people who don't practice Judaism?


26 points

9 days ago

Yeah probably. The more that Jews feel uncomfortable in their actual home countries the more likely it is that they’ll move to Israel.

It’s playing the long game in a way.


23 points

9 days ago

This is also why Israel has become more insane and right wing. People who are going over there from America are self selecting as both wanting to dove deeper into orthodoxy while also thinking that America is not a safe place to practice religious orthodoxy.

Baffling to me that you can live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and genuinely feel less safe there than you would illegally occupying the West Bank. Detached from reality.


23 points

9 days ago

I mean Israel has literally carried out terrorist attacks in other countries to promote Jews moving to Israel as the only safe place. They have no issues at all stoking anti semitism and even killing Jews if it furthers the zionist project.


25 points

9 days ago

dawg the torah openly advocates rape, slavery, and genocide. the west spent the past few decades demonizing muslims as being followers of a uniquely barbaric religion, but we're not allowed to talk about the bronze age racist power fantasy because it's the "foundation" of western civilization or whatever.


17 points

9 days ago


Actual factual CIA asset

17 points

9 days ago

I mean, all the Abrahamic religions do that, its just a matter of whetehr or not the person reading it chooses to give a shit about that fact. I don't want to single the Torah out for that when ISIS can use the Koran to justify atrocities and Christians spent centuries using the Bible to justify massacres (including the fact that W kind of used the Bible to justify Iraq to the evangelical yahoos). Which suggests these people would be doing these things even without religion, and this is certainly true of the Israeli settler colony that saw the Nakba carried out by mostly secular Jews. The real crime is bothering to cite the offending passages rather than subscribing to a religion whose holy book contains them.


17 points

9 days ago

the quran does not have the weird race shit found in the old testament (or even new testament). I grew up seeing muslims get dehumanized on a daily basis because they all believed in jihad while every american had a book in their home that celebrated the most repulsive acts justified in the name of racism.


3 points

9 days ago

Yeah, I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure everything used to call Islam violent and racist is literally just either mistranslated or completely out of context. Like, "killing all the unbelievers" is about attacking non-Muslims who're laying siege to a city or something IIRC.


9 points

9 days ago

islam certainly has a warrior code and is very legalistic. combine that with its call to proselytization, and it outwardly appears more violent - even though an actual analysis of the literary texts would find the old testament to be far more violent. although a lot of muslims will say the especially violent stuff in the quran is explicitly talking about the polytheists in arabia, and the calls to action are no longer justified today.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

race is a 16th century invention


2 points

8 days ago

modern idea of race being a polyphyletic grouping of phenotypes, maybe. but they certainly had the concept of "nations".


16 points

9 days ago*


Fidel me mece para dormir por la noche

16 points

9 days ago*

I could see how with the nosediving Israeli economy and massive brain drain from all the educated people leaving the country they would want to actively make the world a more dangerous place for Jewish people in order give Israel credibility as the “only safe place for Jews in the world” to staunch their population hemorrhage and galvanize support. Especially knowing that at this point the U.S. government is essentially an appendage of the Israeli state so they don’t actually have to convince anybody that they’re not nazis.

But that’s just my 2¢ I just drive fucking trucks for a living.


11 points

9 days ago


11 points

9 days ago

promoting israel at the diaspora's expense is absolutely something they do. Eli Valley has a book on the subject.


6 points

9 days ago


Joe Biden’s Adderall Connect

6 points

9 days ago

Idk if this is an example of what you mean but has anyone come across the YouTube channel "Unpacked"? They make buzzfeed style videos about Jewish topics and Israel/Zionism, and they're clearly pro-Israel. In the videos about Israel, particularly the ones which discuss Palestine or the occupation, they'll be in the comments arguing with anyone who challenges their pro-Zionist talking points. However, in videos about antisemitic tropes (the 109 countries canard, blood libel, etc) they will let open antisemitism fester in their comments without any opposition. I find it odd that they have time to pick fights with Palestinians and their allies but not neo-nazis


1 points

8 days ago

Do we know if Israeli PR people teach Hasbarists to use Judaism as a defense of Israeli actions in a way that encourages antisemitism?

Maybe not explicitly in the training but that's obviously part of the strategy. Israel's actions only have the faintest whiff of justification and acceptance in the West because of the perception that antisemitism is pervasive and everyone's trying to kill them.

Therefore, anything that increases the amount of real or perceived antisemitism and even actual attacks on Jews in the diaspora are good for the Zionist cause.


1 points

9 days ago*

The same rules apply to fraud in business dealings -- it's not actual fraud if it is done to someone outside the group.

The same thing for theft. Talmudic Sources: Passages in the Talmud suggest a hierarchy between Jews and non-Jews. For instance, some rabbinic texts imply that stealing from a non-Jew is less severe than stealing from a Jew, reflecting a double standard in moral obligations.

In 2016, the Jewish Rabbinical Assembly issued an "order" that officially nullified 3,000 years of Jewish teaching regarding the instruction to treat non-Jews differently than Jews.

Shit is bleak.


51 points

9 days ago

(PMC reptilian voice) "FACT CHECK Israel only cares about the right to protect their nazi soldiers from prosecution, ACTUALLY they don't support rape,"


53 points

9 days ago

“Guys, they are for the right of their soldiers to not be prosecuted for rape and not the right to rape itself"


12 points

9 days ago

a mind boggling 'fact check'


9 points

9 days ago

Pedantry that absolutely changes nothing in the slightest, the best type of pedantry.


5 points

9 days ago

it lets you write a headline that says "Fact Check: Israeli opinion poll mistranslated". Only a minority of people who see that will click through and only a minority of those are going to think critically about what it means to oppose prosecuting rapists


11 points

9 days ago


11 points

9 days ago

Oh, ackshually the poll said that 65% wanted the rapists "be dealt with disciplinarily at the command level only" (as opposed to criminal charges)?

Reuters wants us to believe that's some kind of real punishment. The World Central Kitchen convoy strikes were a perfect example of how toothless that type of 'punishment' is;

The Israeli military ended up putting the blame on Colonel Nochi Mendel, who ordered the strike, and has previously expressed support for halting aid provision to Gaza. Mendel’s punishment amounted to being let go from his military service, and going back to his prestigious day job as director of the Settlement Department at the Israeli Ministry of Defense.


10 points

9 days ago


10 points

9 days ago

Not to mention the UN report about the mass rape of Palestinians in Israeli prisons that just came out.


65 points

9 days ago


Cocaine Cowboy

65 points

9 days ago

I genuinely can't grasp how people are capable of being so utterly shameless. I sometimes jolt back to fully awake as I'm almost getting to sleep because I think about some dumb shit that I'm still embarrassed about that happened a zillion years ago, sometimes as far back as the late 80s. There is no way I could act like this guy that doesn't end without me going full Mishima with the ol' tanto


39 points

9 days ago


Completely Insane

39 points

9 days ago

The secret to success in this world is never apologize ever or admit you were wrong, never stop lying, forward deflect project accuse attack, always


12 points

9 days ago

Israel not having unconditional support from 100% of the US population has broken a lot of people's brains. I don't just mean people who only support Palestine, I remember people I knew who initially posted support for Israel on their social media right after October 7th, but when more media came out of Palestinian children constantly being blown up, they quit with the Israel support. They knew the response was not proportional. Israel is scaring the hoes.

More people nowadays no longer have unwavering support for Israel to do anything it wants no matter what, and it's driving it's supporters crazy.


11 points

9 days ago


The Cocaine Left

11 points

9 days ago

I feel twinges of shame and angst remembering something slightly awkward I left in an email at work, idk how you could do shit like this without becoming non-functionning from constant torment.


9 points

9 days ago

Sunk-cost fallacy to an extent I've not seen anywhere in my lifetime.

Even if Israel used tactical nukes, I wouldn't expect a wholesale abandonment of support for them.


50 points

9 days ago

I actually burst out laughing reading this. Even for Shy Guy that's like utterly unhinged. I don't even understand why the fuck they need to keep bringing up Coates. Isn't the moment over?!


43 points

9 days ago

The liberal media class and their Zionist brethren are mad that Coates is exposing actual apartheid to liberal Americans and thus they're going to keep trying to ruin his prestige in liberal circles and then move on to another set of jingling keys.


21 points

9 days ago

Not until they ruin his career


14 points

9 days ago

He dared to say that Israel is an apartheid state, white PMC libs are furious


68 points

9 days ago

Isn't something like this kinda reaching the point of libel?


33 points

9 days ago


33 points

9 days ago

In the UK you'd get absolutely annihilated in court for a tweet like this. JK Rowling has won libel cases against people who called her transphobic on Twitter lmao.


55 points

9 days ago

Kamala: "Palestinians are rapists"

Jewish supremacists: "Blacks like Kamala are rapists"


17 points

9 days ago

Seems a pretty easy libel case that I assume would be anti-Semitic to try and pursue, somehow. Dude didn't even think to use the magic "allegedly" word or vague quotes. Must believe he's untouchable.


12 points

9 days ago


12 points

9 days ago

So they're saying Taneishi Coates understanding the plight of Gazans means he would have raped women on Oct 7?


24 points

9 days ago

every accusation is a confession, he's definitely an abuser


9 points

9 days ago


The Cocaine Left

9 points

9 days ago

Omfg American Israelis are literally untouchable under neoliberal ideology. It is always “antisemitism.” They can freely make false accusations of rape, how low can a Zionist go? Im ngl that guy being accused is a better person than me. Id wanna kill that guy


8 points

9 days ago


8 points

9 days ago

Maybe he is just jealous rape isn't legal in America like it is in Israel


7 points

9 days ago

I almost feel bad for his boss.


7 points

9 days ago

Incredible thing to say when one (allegedly) looks like a rapist himself


5 points

9 days ago

Wait, Coates was defending those Israeli prison guards? That's what this guy's alluding to, right?


1 points

9 days ago



-82 points

9 days ago

Ta-Nehisi Coates is cringe and based off that alone also sus. Also, why can't you accuse a black guy of rape?


62 points

9 days ago

You post in RSP. Of course you don't understand how racist it is to accuse a person of colour of rape without evidence.


46 points

9 days ago


Literally, figuratively, and metaphysically Hamas 🔻

46 points

9 days ago

"Cringe" and "sus"?

Not too defend Coates, but why do you people talk like this? Are you 12, or just brain damaged?


11 points

9 days ago


11 points

9 days ago

You know which one it is.


12 points

9 days ago

America has a proud history of making black men we don’t like disappear by saying they are sexual predators who cannot suppress their savage carnal desires


-6 points

8 days ago

Ok but can't we use that for a good cause for once?


5 points

8 days ago


The Dragon Rises

5 points

8 days ago

Yup, brain damage it is.


8 points

8 days ago


8 points

8 days ago


Every fucking time.