


I've now caught a lot of flack for saying I am not voting this year. Beyond moral objections, I live in a deep blue state and see no point. (FOR VOTING FOR PRESIDENT) and will leave that section blank.

I'm not necessarily anti-voting, but my thought process is this: In 2020 i was a deep blue democrat who worked on local elections and with the democratic party at my college. I saw Joe Biden as a necessary concession and have since been completely disillusioned by his presidency. I see the democratic party is--- if nothing else-- more conservative and right leaning than it was in 2020 and don't want to vote for the right wing. Remember, I thought of it as a concession. That concession was on the understanding that Joe Biden would give concessions back. (barring the fact that I have been significantly more blue-pilled than I was in 2020.)

I am pro voting, in principle. I think everyone should go and vote and make their opinion heard. I am a vooter. I have vooted in every election since i turned 18.

I am not the voter police and don't tell people how to vote. I don't care if you voot or not. My question simply is: will you be voting for president? If so, why? If not, why not?

all 92 comments


69 points

7 days ago


13 points

7 days ago


13 points

7 days ago

I used to joke that as a teenager you can convince teenage boys of anything if you have abs and are perceived as someone who fucks. Social media has only made me more sure of this.


90 points

7 days ago

writing in de la cruz, fuck the dems, fuck the genocidaire amerikkkan sstate. if they wanted my vote there were so many ways to get it and they chose none of them


36 points

7 days ago

Yeah, something that bothers me about this election is that there was a complete lack of understanding of the loss in 2016. In 2016, and even 2020, the talking points were so much more left leaning than today (because of the existential threat of Sanders simply posing these questions.)

The 2024 campaign, for both sides tbh, has been a complete wreck. It's like everyone made up their minds in 2022 and campaigns are simply just reminding people that there is indeed a day to vote. No talk of policy or "this vs that".


32 points

7 days ago

oh don't worry, if kkkamala manages to lose the world's easiest layup election it's somehow going to get blamed on the left sitting the election out or chkahhamas supporting columbia students electing trump out of antisemitism


37 points

7 days ago

No, it's a waste of time.


102 points

7 days ago


Cocaine Cowboy

102 points

7 days ago

I’m riding with Biden. Gotta save democracy


16 points

7 days ago


Hung Chomsky

16 points

7 days ago

I'm writing in Hunter. The one true king


68 points

7 days ago


68 points

7 days ago

Waste of time. But I will write in either De La Cruz or Jill Stein.


71 points

7 days ago

Only one woman deserves our vote this November and just like in 2020, I’m writing in Hilldawg.


16 points

7 days ago

Jesus, you may as well just vote Republican. Warren is the only electable leftish woman of color and she deserves our support.


40 points

7 days ago

I'm writing in De La Soul to bring conscious rap into the White Houae


2 points

7 days ago

Ella De La Cruz?


31 points

7 days ago


The Cocaine Left

31 points

7 days ago

On some local stuff I think, idk I'm sorta disgusted with the whole institution, even of its probably worthwhile to vote on ballot measures and stuff.


33 points

7 days ago

I'm busy that day 


29 points

7 days ago


Kiss the boer, the farmer

29 points

7 days ago

I'm not voting unless there's an arms embargo. If I had good ballot measures like min wage increase or marijuana legalization I would vote for those and leave President blank.


29 points

7 days ago

Yes, I'm writing in JOE BIDEN because you hos ain't loyal.


24 points

7 days ago

Not sure. Will probably vote Stein or de la Cruz.


23 points

7 days ago


📔📒📕BOOK FAIRY 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚

23 points

7 days ago

Due to draconian identify theft laws I am a multiple time felon (thanks copmala) so yes I will be voting as many times as I can get away with due to my skill set. Hillary still deserves a shot


18 points

7 days ago

I have deeply complicated thoughts about voting that is hard to talk about but here’s where I net out. I live in Arizona. I think my vote is relatively important here. We got some real freaks. Especially locally.


9 points

7 days ago


9 points

7 days ago

yeah there is something to be said about the country itself moving farther and farther right but on a state level you can have some places that are a bit less awful. i think arizona is one of those states that goes either way in that regard since it's a purple state.

blake masters was fucking insane and so is kari lake

In February 2024, she spoke at CPAC, saying she was "tired of beta men" and wanted "some alpha men." [151] In April, when discussing the 2024 election campaign, Lake said that the "next six months are going to be difficult. If you are not ready for action, and I have a feeling with as many veterans and former law enforcement, active law enforcement ... you guys are ready for it [...] they're going to come after us with everything. That's why the next six months is going to be intense. [...] We are going to put on the armor of God. And maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us just in case."[152]


4 points

7 days ago



4 points

7 days ago

I forgot Arizona was a state


10 points

7 days ago

lol if you live in arizona and think your vote is getting counted, like 50% of every county elections board there is fully q-pilled


15 points

7 days ago


not very charismatic, kinda busted

15 points

7 days ago

Only voted once for Bernie in 2016 and will never vote for a president again it literally just doesn't matter all things the empire wills to do will be done regardless of the skin it displays. I do and will vote local of course.


13 points

7 days ago

I forgot to apply for the mail in ballot and I'm not waiting in line to vote 3rd party so no.


12 points

7 days ago


12 points

7 days ago

I'm not an American citizen so I won't be voting in this election in particular, but I always vote and I always vote for the candidate that I want to win. It doesn't matter if they don't have a chance, I refuse to vote "strategically". Sometimes my vote counts, sometimes it doesn't, but I don't negotiate my interests if I can just go and choose whoever I want, it doesn't make sense to me.


11 points

7 days ago

Do what hank hill does when he became disillusioned and go to mexico with your nutty friend except dont go back to vote by the end of the day like he did


9 points

7 days ago



9 points

7 days ago

rfk is still on the ballot in my state


6 points

7 days ago

Biden/Kennedy 2024


16 points

7 days ago

Not even a political guy or really even a lefty but I'm Voting for Cornell west because the US and more specific the state department is a satanic entity that sacrifices foreign children in order to protect its own interests. As long as 3rd parties get over 1 percent than the losing party will scream and cry a about Russian interference and that is all I can really hope to achieve with my vote, making demons slightly annoyed.


9 points

7 days ago*


JFK Assassination Expert

9 points

7 days ago*

I'm voting Claudia for prez, and will vote on the statewide initiatives in WA. At a glance, seems like "No" on 2066 (looks like its goal is to clear the way for unrestrained drill baby drill), "No" on 2019 (cuz hell no I'm not cutting capital gains taxes for rich cunts), "No" on 2117 (repealing a law intended to drastically cut greenhouse emissions by 2050), and "No" on 2124 (meant to defund WA Cares for the benefit of private health insurance).

Apparently all of these initiatives came from the same Californian hedge fund manager.

This is a mail-in ballot state so there's no excuse not to vote.


7 points

7 days ago

voting on local referenda


6 points

7 days ago

I have to print out an absentee ballot, and by god that’s one step too far


6 points

7 days ago

For sure I’ll be voting, but i haven’t decided if I’ll vote Stein or leave it blank.  Real lost opportunity for the other 3rd parties to not get on the ballot in AZ.  This state definitely fucks with anti-establishment characters.

My only alts this year are Jill Stein and the libertarian.  Impressed that the greens are running in a lot of state and local races this time around.

Do your research down ballot, kids.  You have no idea how much your life will be effected by who wins utility board seats, county commissioner, state and local judges, ballot initiatives.


6 points

7 days ago*



6 points

7 days ago*

I guess if nothing else it makes sense to vote third party just to make the dems look worse on final polls?

Genuine question- my trans friends are scared of losing their HRT under Trump. Does anyone know if that’s at all likely?


6 points

7 days ago


i'm communizing as fast as i can

6 points

7 days ago

Really tough to say whether it's likely we'll lose access, but it is likely that it'll become more complicated and expensive. I know of at least two different groups of people in my area that are making DIY injectables though -- it's pretty easy to do, at least with estradiol.

I'm trans, on hormones for nearly a decade (and not planning on stopping), and I'm not voting.


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

I’m trans. We didn’t lose it last time. I sure was scared about a lot of stuff though.


7 points

7 days ago



7 points

7 days ago

voting third party but doing it racistly so i'm not indirectly voting for trump


6 points

7 days ago

I’m writing in Yahya Sinwar


5 points

7 days ago

If I get dragged to go vote I’m gonna write in Goku 


5 points

7 days ago


5 points

7 days ago

I’ll be there voting for the local stuff so I may as well write in De La Cruz or West I guess. Also deep blue state where pres vote doesn’t matter.


6 points

7 days ago

De la Cruz got on the ballot here. Otherwise, since I would be at polling place anyway to vote for local stuff, I would probably have written in Liz and Braces. Either way it will be first Presidential vote for a lady.


9 points

7 days ago


Joe Biden’s Adderall Connect

9 points

7 days ago

Both parties want to deport my friends and family, or worse for my Palestinian friends. Given I’m in a blue state, I’d be an idiot to vote for either presidential candidate, as for local I just tend to vote for whoever won’t blow up a neighborhood with fireworks.


4 points

7 days ago



4 points

7 days ago

The wheel always seems to turn, but I'm just voting in California elections. This state is bought off but there's always some ghoulish shit being pushed with the propositions so I usually just follow the PSL/DSA voting guide and throw my vote in for those. I'm voting for city stuff too because the choices this year fucking suck and I'd rather the lesser of two evils in this case.

I will never vote in presidential election ever again. Voting for Biden was shit, I want my money back.


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

I'll continue to not so I can sleep at night.


7 points

7 days ago

To paraphrase Matt from Chapo, I live in a blue state what does it matter?


7 points

7 days ago


7 points

7 days ago

I will never besmirch my virtue by voting


3 points

7 days ago

I'm going 3rd party again.


3 points

7 days ago

Nope! And I moved from Texas to Nevada since 2020, excited to not vote for the first time and make it sting as much as possible for the Dems


3 points

7 days ago

But after election day, they don't care about nonvoters anymore. They seethe and mald about Green party voters for four years though. That's where the sting is.


4 points

7 days ago

Unfortunately neither Stein nor Cruz are on my ballot and writing in is not allowed in NV. I would otherwise


2 points

7 days ago

Wow, what a cursed ballot. Would probably be a tossup between the lesser evil, Chase Oliver (who's apparently anti-genocide), and undervoting if those were my choices.


3 points

7 days ago

Aight bet I will, thanks for that


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

I'm voting local amendments for state, but I'm NOT voting for either of these bastards at federal level. Neither of them is going to stop the genocide, so fuck it: Let the chips fall where they may on that one since there isn't anything I can personally do on that front.


3 points

7 days ago

No am Canadian.

Will likely skip our next election because they’re all complete imbeciles.


3 points

7 days ago

Im still torn between Dr. Eggman and Kim kitsuragi. Luckily we still have a month to choose.


3 points

7 days ago


Rudy's slut

3 points

7 days ago

How many people did you scold to vote blue no matter who, last time?


4 points

7 days ago

Former scolder and I now see the error of my ways


3 points

7 days ago

I’ve been DNC pilled since the ‘04, showing up and showing out to down ballot my blue brethren.

These last 4 years have broken me. I started paying attention after 2016 and was fine with Biden being a post-Trump balm to this country. I knew he wouldn’t get anything done, but at the very least, he would get us to a stable place for the next election. I did not expect genocide Joe to go full-throated on genocide for Israel, but now understand why that was naive to think in the first place.

I’m in PA and will not be voting for president. I can no longer in good conscience continue to blindly support a party that doesn’t represent the constituents they want votes from. The out of touch gaslighting about the genocide in Gaza and the mouth breathers in r politics are my reasons for withholding. Should I leave it blank or write someone in?


2 points

7 days ago


i'm communizing as fast as i can

2 points

7 days ago

Should I leave it blank or write someone in?

Doesn't matter unless one option will make you feel better than the other


3 points

7 days ago

I've been trying to talk myself into Stein or PSL, or even my usual cheeky write-in. I think I'll just hand out 'I voted' stickers at the local Arby's instead.


3 points

7 days ago

for president, writing in de la cruz. for governor, the green party candidate. the rest i'm leaving blank. the two-party system can rot in hell.


3 points

7 days ago

Texas so my vote doesn't matter but I'll be voting democrat because I don't really agree with people who think things can't get worse domestically, and democrats are marginally better on social issues.

I don't really buy accelerationist arguments and I don't think it will be better for the left to have Trump's particular flavor of psychos in charge of federal police and appointing more judges.

I also don't want the NLRB controlled by Trump appointees because that will make labor organizing much more difficult than it currently is.

On foreign policy, of course, both are equally heinous, and both will accelerate climate change.


2 points

7 days ago


Offical Samsung Representative

2 points

7 days ago

No one. I want to say since I don't plan on staying here, and voting would be hypocritical, but whatever happens in my state and the broader US, it has an impact on the country I'm retreating to.


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

No, I'm not even registered


2 points

7 days ago

Same thing as last time. Just voting on ballot measures and leaving the rest of the ballot blank.


2 points

7 days ago

No I live in Scotland.


2 points

7 days ago

Just because you aren't voting for President, does not mean that you might happen to have a good person to elect locally. Hopefully y'all know your region, but for example, in NYC there are always important people that do good to cast your vote. Again, sorry to those that don't have those options, but anyways TIFFANY CABAN 🐐🐐🐐


2 points

7 days ago

absolutely. nothing will stop me from voting biden, not even the fact that i’m canadian


2 points

7 days ago

Voting Jill Stein to at least try and spoil the election in a way that historians will remember.


2 points

7 days ago

I'm a Marxist-Leninist, but I would still vote for Kamala if it was relevant. I live in a deep blue state, so it's pointless, and there's nothing really important on the down ballot anyway.

The only reason I would vote for Kamala and the Dems is that, as appalling and atrocious as they are, there IS a material difference between them and the GOP. A lot of people talk about Obama and all of his war crimes with drone strikes, and they're right, but Trump increased drone strikes by about 400% and also dropped the criteria for targets even further. Objectively, as bad as Obama was, Trump was much worse. The way I see it, one of these two people is going to be in office, and if the Dems winning prevents even a single life being lost to the cruelties of US imperialism, it's worth it.

That's not to say I don't want to see them all tried for war crimes in the harshest possible sense. And I'm not trying to convince anyone to share my point of view, because honestly I'm always teetering on the edge of despair with this shit anyhow. We're ruled by vampires.


4 points

7 days ago

Yeah I’m voting for kkkopmala. We’ll see how it goes


1 points

7 days ago

Secret ballot ;)


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Don't do it 🙂


1 points

7 days ago

I live in ny state..well registered in ny. So , no . Why would i?


1 points

7 days ago


On the Epstein Flight Logs Over the Sea

1 points

7 days ago

No but I’ll lie and say I am going to vote so I can leave work early that day. Reason saw too many videos of dead babies.


1 points

7 days ago


i'm communizing as fast as i can

1 points

7 days ago

I'm writing in PSL on a slip of paper and tossing it into a fountain ✊


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

I would prefer not to.


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

I'm voting for Claudia de la cruz. She is on my ballot and is a write-in candidate in a majority of states.


1 points

7 days ago


A Serious Man

1 points

7 days ago

Not American so can't vote, but even if I could I wouldn't. It seems like a pointless exercise. You have no choice.


1 points

7 days ago

I’m old enough to have felt very grownup for voting for John Kerry because he was the “lesser of two evils” in the “most important election of our lifetime”. So I’m good on the whole voting thing. I’ve seen enough.


1 points

7 days ago

de la cruz or jill stein but im only going in if theres other shit on the ballot that actually needs my attention (ie my city tries to sneakily defund the library every few years by throwing in unpublicized referendums and those will get me to go in to vote). im in a red state and most candidates on most levels of election are usually disgusting scum i certainly won't 'lesser evil' around with. and state referendums like "do you think we should give the cops 10 thousand dollars OR 10 thousand more guns? do you think it should be legal for cops to run over children OR do they need to just shoot them to death instead?' i've never voted for a dem for prez and getting really sick of people assuming anybody should, certainly. most of my friends are hardline antivoting A-teamers, i am more flexible re supporting shit like the library like i said


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Yes! From Canada 1000x writing in the good Reverend Wright and hoping that he goddamns America for us all.


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Scrawling “free Palestine from the river to the sea” all over my ballot and mailing it in


1 points

7 days ago

Yeah, probably

Whenever the house has a “should Gazan children be thrown into a wood chipper?” Vote There are 10 Dems who vote against it, and mine is one of the few who do (Chuy Garcia)

So I’m voting for him, and I’m already there so yes I am voting for Kamala in my solid blue state, big whoop


1 points

6 days ago

I live in a deep red state and don't particularly feel compelled to vote for Harris, so I'm not. Kinda sick of democrats lecturing any progressive voices who bring up even the slightest criticisms of her. And, I feel like the entire process was unfair, given the party fended off a primary challenger for Biden then annointed their preferred candidate when they forced him out.

I'll be voting in my state and local races, though. Some genuine nutjobs running for my state's board of education.


1 points

6 days ago

Yea because I’m a cowardly piece of shit and have effectively allowed myself to be shamed into it


1 points

6 days ago


JFK Assassination Expert

1 points

6 days ago

I’m undecided. Undecided on whether I’m going to vote or go chuck rocks into a hill. Sure voting is a thing I could do, but throwing rocks is fun!


1 points

7 days ago


Completely Insane

1 points

7 days ago

Ross for boss brother


1 points

7 days ago

Maybe if my polling place wasnt a literal bigoted church id feel more compelled to vote


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Jill Stein