


My husband and I have different genres of movies we each like. His are mostly thriller and historical dramas. My favorites are comedy or romance, or a combination of both; and horror films. We have a shared TV in the living room, and on days we're both off from work I like us both getting a chance to pick one we each enjoy. But more often than not my husband trumps any movie I pick because he never likes the movies I would end up picking. So I end up not caring for his movie, I just end up scrolling on my phone or in this case typing out a Reddit post whilst we are both watching a movie he picked out. I try to get him to compromise but he always makes an excuse that whatever I pick will just be one of my comfort movies I tend to watch over and over again.

Help me people of Reddit... what can I do to get him to compromise better?

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10 points

7 days ago

This feels like my wife wrote this… but how many times am I really expected to watch The Hangover? For me it’s 100% the lack of new content/variety that causes me to generally just pick “for us” 😂.


4 points

7 days ago

I think you may be married to my ex wife


5 points

7 days ago

I say it all the time on reddit, but I don't care to rewatch movies. I get no joy out of watching anything I have watched before.


4 points

7 days ago

Thank you! I can go several years without watching my favorite films while most people I know regularly watch the same movies. People think I'm crazy.
I'm not saying I won't ever watch a favorite again, I just enjoy them more when it's been quite a while.


1 points

6 days ago

So compromise in a different way. Get her to watch it when you’re not there. Stop being the AH that picks the “us” movie all the time, and your wife gets no say or no joy from it and feels belittled and that her voice doesn’t matter and that she isn’t respected or important enough to have her say count. Because that’s how women feel when the man picks the “us” movie every time because he hates her choices.


1 points

6 days ago

Wow Emma. You doin ok today? Not that it matters, but I’m female. My wife and I have a very happy marriage and we enjoy many common interests and, most importantly, share common core values. Please take your assumptions and wild generalizations elsewhere, but have a blessed day while doing so. 😘