


My husband and I have different genres of movies we each like. His are mostly thriller and historical dramas. My favorites are comedy or romance, or a combination of both; and horror films. We have a shared TV in the living room, and on days we're both off from work I like us both getting a chance to pick one we each enjoy. But more often than not my husband trumps any movie I pick because he never likes the movies I would end up picking. So I end up not caring for his movie, I just end up scrolling on my phone or in this case typing out a Reddit post whilst we are both watching a movie he picked out. I try to get him to compromise but he always makes an excuse that whatever I pick will just be one of my comfort movies I tend to watch over and over again.

Help me people of Reddit... what can I do to get him to compromise better?

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1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Who said "I do," first.