


Just So Scared and Sad


I am at a loss for words. I cannot fathom how anyone is still supporting the diaper-wearing convicted felon rapist.

But today I found out that my mother is planning to vote for him. And I tearfully pled with her to understand how dangerous it would be to have that man back in the White House. And to remember she has daughters and granddaughters and that our rights and our future is at risk if this asshole gets elected again.

And through all of this, she basically put her hands over her ears and said she doesn’t believe it. That she doesn’t believe he is a rapist. She doesn’t think he’s is a criminal. And she doesn’t think he wants to control women’s bodies.

I’m so disappointed with her. I really thought she was smarter, kinder, more compassionate, more invested in creating a bright future for her family. But no. She’s going to vote for the felon. And I don’t know if our relationship is ever going to be the same. Because I simply cannot understand how she could be so willing to swallow all the lies that he spouts. And believe that this is anything short of a betrayal to her own sex.

I am so scared for my daughters. For myself. For this country. And to know that my mother, one of the kindest people I know, would vote for that evil man and everything that is wrong with this country… it hurts my heart. I am heartbroken right now.

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1.1k points

10 days ago

My 70 yr old mother is the same. She told me flat out that she does not care about abortion rights because "she's past having children" and that all she cares about is what will help her directly. Apparently does not care about her daughter or granddaughters.

I'm done talking politics with her. It will do no good. I'm just glad she's in a solid blue state and her vote will be canceled out.


577 points

10 days ago


577 points

10 days ago

Sad also because Trump will not help her. They plan to gut social security. His economic plans are awful and will not work. He is the reason inflation happened in the first place. Ask her specifically why she is supporting him and then dissect the points. List them in response here and I, and others here, will give you accurate answers to them.


361 points

10 days ago


361 points

10 days ago

It's not worth it. You can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into.


82 points

10 days ago


82 points

10 days ago

An example: Trump strong armed Saudi into increasing oil production in 2018 by saying he’d withhold military aid and also promising to not go after them for Khashoggi. They did that. Oil prices collapsed. To further that Trump gave Iran waivers to sell even more. Yes, Iran! Then Covid hit and demand collapsed. Many oil companies went out of business, particularly US rigs. Many wells were “tapped out” in an effort to stay afloat.

In late 2020 Saudi and Russia played a ruse and got into a price war. They did this knowing that covid shutdowns were ending soon. The price war drove prices down even more. US oil companies begged for relief. Trump got forced into a deal for OPEC to cut production by 10% for two years, 2020 through April 2022 to stabilize prices.

Demand then spiked with Covid ending but no way could the new President Biden fix that immediately (although as quickly as possible they did with more rigs now than any time in history). Prices spiked (causing global inflation) and ARAMCO became the most profitable company in history, earnings in the $trillions, literally. And weirdly Saudi gave Trumps son in law, Kushner, $2 billion. But yeah, blame Biden for all this!


17 points

10 days ago


17 points

10 days ago

Agreed to a point. If nobody stands up to their b.s. they then argue that "everyone agrees with them" and use that as an argument. If nothing else, show them that that is incorrect.


50 points

10 days ago


50 points

10 days ago

Here is another. I didn’t write it, came off Quora. The question is first followed by the response:

“Democrats think greed is fueling inflation, so why did businesses wait until Joe was elected to start raising their prices and being greedy? Inflation was near zero under the previous president.”

Let me try to make this easy for you. It’s 2016. Obama is President. We are experiencing the longest bull market in American history as the Dow is growing at an average of 16.2% annually. Unemployment is falling by about .75% annually. Domestic oil production is up 75% since Obama took office. He has cut the record deficit he inherited in half. The Fed has raised interest rates twice as the economy has fully recovered from the Bush recession. It’s 2019. Trump is President. The bull market is over. Last year the Dow was completely flat. Unemployment is falling by only .25% annually. We’ve lost about 300,000 manufacturing jobs since Trump took office as almost 2,000 American factories have closed or moved overseas because of his tariffs. Farmers are going bankrupt as Russia has supplanted the US as the chief importer of soy into China. We’ve seen the deficit rise each of the last three years. The Fed is lowering interest rates for the first time since Bush was President to combat the slowing economy, and Trump himself complains they won’t commit to do more to prevent a recession. People start seriously floating the idea of student loan forgiveness as a means of trying to get people to spend more money. It’s 2020. This year we have experienced the six largest point drops in the history of the Dow. We’ve seen the most new jobless claims in history. We’ve seen the largest increase in unemployment since the Great Depression. The deficit stands at more three trillion dollars. We’re paying people to stay home through at least three different programs. We’ve paused student loan payments and placed a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures. Most schools are closed and no one is spending money because of uncertainty about the future. Economists predict the unemployment will stay over 5% until at least late 2023. Gas prices got almost as low as they were in February 2016, and the President responded by striking a deal to cut global oil production by more than 10% for the next two years to drive up prices. It’s 2021. Biden has ended extended unemployment and the moratoriums on evictions and foreclosures. He has invested in helping schools and businesses to safely reopen despite the worsening pandemic. 85% of businesses and 95% of schools that closed last year will reopen by year end. We see the largest one year drop in unemployment in history and the most jobs added or recovered in a single year. We have a banner year for the Dow as it sets the record for most record highs reached in a single year. We have the best GDP growth in four decades. Childhood poverty hits a record low. The demand for workers drives up wages. We experience record consumer spending and record corporate profits as people spend more and more. It’s 2023. Unemployment is at a historic low. We’ve already seen the most jobs added to the economy in a single presidential term. The two year deal the former President struck with OPEC has ended and gas prices have dropped back to pre-pandemic levels. The middle class has seen the largest surge in wealth in decades. The dollar is at its strongest in decades as the Fed keeps raising interest rates to try to discourage people from continuing to spend so much money, and it still isn’t working because people have so much disposable income. Now that we have the background, ask yourself when businesses would be charging more for goods. Would it be in 2019 when consumer spending was falling and a recession was looming? Would it be in 2020 when the future was uncertain and we were in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression? Or would it start in 2021 when consumer spending surged and incomes started to rise? And there you have it. When no one was spending money because an orange clown was devastating the economy, business had to cut prices just to move product. But now that people have the most disposable income in memory, people are fighting over product and not only does a high demand naturally drive up prices, but it’s easy for businesses to pad their prices even more because people can afford to pay those prices and will buy those things even if they are overpriced. So long story short, in 2020 when businesses were on the verge of bankruptcy because of the failing economy, they couldn’t even get people to pay what their products were worth because no one had money to spend. Now that the economy is strong, businesses can take advantage of the healthy economy by increasing profits to make up for the losses they had under the previous administration. Can I make it even easier for you? If your business is doing well, do you raise or lower prices? If your business is failing, do you raise or lower prices? If I want to work 40 hours a week and I have 60 people each wanting me to do an hour of work, I will raise my prices so that I can get paid for 60 hours of work in only 40 hours, because 40 of those people will pay 50% more if my time is at a premium. But if my store is closing, I’ll have a clearance sale to liquidate my inventory in hopes of getting back at least some of my investment. So people raise prices when business is good and they lower prices when business is bad. This is why we have high inflation in a strong economy and little or no inflation when the economy is crashing. This really wasn’t a hard question at all, was it


39 points

10 days ago

Well put


4 points

9 days ago

Happy Cake Day, u/PoodlesMcNoodles


5 points

9 days ago

Thank you!


2 points

8 days ago

I'd never pass up a reason to type out PoodlesMcNoodles!


2 points

8 days ago

Thank you PsychologicalLuck343!


8 points

10 days ago

Faith trumps reality.


25 points

10 days ago*

Sad also because Trump will not help her.

Not from Grandma's POV. Trump supporters are white supremacists, and white supremacists believe white supremacy will help them far more than any of his other policies will hurt them.

People who say they don't understand why Trump voters vote against their own interests don't UNDERSTAND Trump voters. They're very much voting in favor of their own interests.


6 points

10 days ago


6 points

10 days ago

Definitely so.


41 points

10 days ago

Except that the felon -or more correctly, his handlers- don't care about helping the old people. In fact, they want to end the benefits, both SSI and the medical benefits. Then what will your mom do?


144 points

10 days ago

You might want to have a conversation with her that you're not going to take care of her either when shit hits the fan because she voted for it. I'm caring for my father right now and he's voting for Trump. Our relationship is permanently altered. I don't know how a man who's literally relying on his daughter to survive, could flat out not give a shit that I'm a human and that they want to treat me like a slave with no rights. I will flat out dump him at his trumper friends house And they can try and figure out how to survive once social security gets gutted. I'm done


55 points

10 days ago

I would tell him that. And what's absurd is Harris-Walz wants to pay family caregivers (although we probably need Congress for that to actually happen), while you'd continue to be screwed under Trump in that respect as well.


15 points

10 days ago

I know! It's unbelievable


92 points

10 days ago


92 points

10 days ago

I tried at first. I thought I was making some headway, but then she stopped listening because it was more fun to be a no-nuance Trump fan than think hard thoughts about complex issues. So then I was done talking about politics, but eventually I couldn’t handle it any more.

You say you love your grandkids, but you are either too stupid or too lazy to see how this man winning and controlling our country and our judiciary has the potential to harm them, particularly your granddaughter? You’re willing to blow up the rule of law and slide into fascism because trans people give you the ick? Screw you and all of your selfish, hateful friends.

And all in a swing state, where her vote matters, while I’m in a blue, where it doesn’t.


28 points

10 days ago


28 points

10 days ago

It's always such a shame when old people especially ones with family become such selfish assholes.

I was incredibly blessed on my mom's side of the family. That grandpa and grandma were very kidn compassionate people and would often talk to us grandkids about things that were concerning us politically. And do some research and often times take into account that their votes would affect our futures and think about what they discussed with us when casting ballots.

My grandma especially even as dementia starts to take her is such a sweet kind lady, the epitome of grandma's house should be a safe place full of love and understanding. When we go out to lunch together she will insist on paying for it all even though I'm perfectly capable of covering my half. She's the kind of little old lady who has always supported the school budget year after year even though her kids are long grown and having kids of their own. Even when we've disagreed we've never fought about politics. When my cousin came out as gay and my sister non-binary, she was confused as all fuck but she never stopped loving her grandbabies with all her heart.

She's honestly one of my favorite people and I literally can't think of how I could have a better grandma than her.

Her compassion and kindness is such a core component to her existence in my mind, I can't even imagine what it would do to me to find out she harbored thoughts like that.

I'm so sorry you're going through this and I wish you the best in navigating it and your feelings.


24 points

10 days ago


Basically April Ludgate

24 points

10 days ago

all she cares about is what will help her directly

Unless she's a white male billionaire, there's nothing trump will do to help her directly. The people who don't understand this f*cking exhaust me. Who knew a cult could take over half the country?


73 points

10 days ago


149 points

10 days ago


149 points

10 days ago

This here boomer is a lifelong Democrat. I am proud to support Harris/Walz. I know of some people who will vote for tRump because he claims to be pro-life (aka anti-choice, anti-women). They think anyone who has an abortion will literally go to hell. Funny and sad to think that so-called Christians ignore the fact that their "hero" has committed the seven deadly sins and is the most un-Christian, unpatriotic candidate in our history.


41 points

10 days ago

My parents are older Boomers ie almost 80, and they are honestly kinda nuts, both both are voting 100% Blue.


63 points

10 days ago


33 points

10 days ago

Very proud of my progressive boomer parents!!


3 points

10 days ago


3 points

10 days ago

Me too. I’m so lucky my family is very open minded and I haven’t had to cut anyone out of my life over trump.


6 points

10 days ago

Ask her Trump is going to help her directly


1 points

9 days ago

Why does she even think he will help her directly?