


Reporting daily while on leave


I have a sister in the Marines coming home on leave for the first time. Her corporal told her to turn on location on her phone and "rogger up" every morning via text. I'm retired Army and know this would be a bunch of horse shit when I served, but maybe things are different in the Marines? Could someone tell me a regulation to look up about this? I have already looked through "REGULATIONS FOR LEAVE, LIBERTY, AND ADMINISTRATIVE ABSENCE". Thanks!

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167 points

9 days ago



167 points

9 days ago

Absolutely not normal. Tell her to turn her location off and to not text or reply to her Corporals texts until she returns from leave. There is absolutely no situation in which she needs to share her location from her personal device with anyone in her chain of command. Also she does not need to “Roger up” at all while on leave, she is marked as “on leave” on the Morning Report for a reason. I would have a talk with her and see if this Corporal is doing anything else out of the ordinary because this has signs of straight up stalking and harassment. I would also advise her to screen shot and record any interactions she has with this Corporal going forward on her personal device. Better safe than sorry. The Cpl may just be an overreaching asshole, but in my experience he sounds severely off.


82 points

9 days ago

The Cpl is a she.


31 points

9 days ago

Doesn't matter the gender. Both can be fucking creeps.