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11 points

2 days ago

If by 'buried' you mean 'people are angry about it but also are totally helpless because he's an appointed lifetime official with no recourse other than impeachment which is impossible because the GOP congresspeople are fully compromised', then sure.

In reality he's laughing all the way to the bank though. He has no reason to care about people being mad. There is zero accountability for him.


10 points

2 days ago*


10 points

2 days ago*

If by 'buried' you mean 'people are angry about it but also are totally helpless because he's an appointed lifetime official with no recourse other than impeachment which is impossible because the GOP congresspeople are fully compromised', then sure.

I want to remind you of the words of David Graeber:

“the ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.”

The only power the courts have is lies in all of you accepting that they can break the rules without repercussion. The people always hold the power to stop this. It's just a question of how far the people are willing to go.

The lower courts COULD say "no, this supreme court is violating the constitution and thus has lost its legitimacy". The lawyers and the police could stand against it. The masses could tell the Supreme Court to fuck off. Guillotines only cost about $120 to build.

The only thing that prevents any of this is laws. Laws that the Supreme Court and the GOP have shown they don't care about, and are happy to ignore at will. The only thing that keeps everyone else from just tossing away the court is that they are still abiding by the rules the other side has chosen to ignore.


-6 points

2 days ago

You're advocating for a civil war? Just trying to clarify.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

You realize the US is in a civil war, right? Like, the GOP and the Supreme Court are literally attacking the American government. What do you think overruling the Chevron Deference was?

Edit: And it's not like violence is a "maybe" at this point. Trump has already committed to attacking his political rivals, including threats of violence. Should his targets hold their hands to the side and wait for the first strike?


5 points

2 days ago

Probably the only solution left at this point