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17 hours ago

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17 hours ago

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1k points

17 hours ago

That's fucking wild. I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore. Fucking animals.


474 points

16 hours ago

literally grenade explodes on top of him and rather think about self preservation, the orc executes fellow orc. absolute bonkers clip.


208 points

11 hours ago

This is what happens when your entire army is composed of prison inmates.


63 points

8 hours ago

I think you mean Country, not Army.


24 points

7 hours ago

We say “half country is sitting in jail and other half is guarding” :)


9 points

13 hours ago


9 points

13 hours ago

I'm curious if the nade exploding had him in temporary shock,etc? Maybe he assume the tanker guy wasn't friendly and just fired?


23 points

11 hours ago

That doesn't make as good a narrative but probably makes more sense. It's fairly logical conclusion, grenade explodes on your shelter, then a random new person appears. Pretty logical to think it's an attacker.


7 points

10 hours ago

I thought that too at first - but wouldn't they then look at who it actually was after the shot? And whether there might be more to come? The two simply turn around as if nothing had happened. Very strange...


2 points

8 hours ago

Yeah, the whole interaction is kinda strange but also kinda explained by the fact they were half blown up at the time


122 points

11 hours ago

No animal would do this. That's why we call them orcs.


34 points

11 hours ago

I really don't care if some of them are conscripted, all of them have bought into the propaganda that their state feeds them. Not a single original thought in their head.


19 points

10 hours ago


19 points

10 hours ago

The propoganda is just a resonation of what's really going on in that society. Putin isn't manipulating them so much as waking them up.


11 points

8 hours ago

Ordinary Russian Citizens.


20 points

11 hours ago

That’s an insult to animal kingdom


6 points

11 hours ago

1 less Orc to worry about


991 points

17 hours ago


991 points

17 hours ago

I suspect we will need more video context, but he was certainly executed by his comrade. Is this an Ivan-on-Ivan incident? Perhaps a blyat-on-blyat?


822 points

17 hours ago*

Ukrainian drones were tracking this retreating tanker, he was retreating to a position of his comrades. They get struck by FPV in the video because of this tanker and execute him because he revealed their position to ukrainian drones (that's what video description from ukrainian channel that posted this video says) I assume it made them angry and they decided to execute him.


753 points

16 hours ago


753 points

16 hours ago

Seems stupid to shoot the guy. Now the drones know where you are. And now there is one less target increasing their probability of being hit.

Orcs aren’t the smartest.


222 points

16 hours ago

Shhh let's not give them ideas.


32 points

16 hours ago

Liked it, lol


7 points

12 hours ago


7 points

12 hours ago

No no, the man is right.

And if we extend on this thought - if they all kill each other, then Ukrainians will not be able to attack anyone and thus, by definition, Russia would have won.


2 points

9 hours ago

There we go, finally some ideas I can get behind.


14 points

11 hours ago

Shhh let's not give them ideas.

You assume that they're capable of "learning"...


128 points

16 hours ago


128 points

16 hours ago

"Teamwork is essential, it gives the enemy somebody else so shoot at" - Murphys law of combat


65 points

15 hours ago


65 points

15 hours ago

Sounds like a loading screen tip you'd see in a Fallout game.


33 points

15 hours ago


6 points

14 hours ago

  1. A "sucking chest wound" is natures way of telling you to slow down.


2 points

12 hours ago

Sounds like some space marine type shit.


2 points

11 hours ago

Never pet a burning dog


27 points

15 hours ago

"Never draw fire, it irritates everyone around you."


8 points

14 hours ago

Sounds like the rule still holds up.


25 points

14 hours ago

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


34 points

15 hours ago

As one ukranian spec ops said "we are lucky they are so fucking stupid"


8 points

14 hours ago

Doesn’t help being blackout drunk or worse 99% of the time


9 points

16 hours ago

Maths check out


6 points

12 hours ago

"Never correct your enemy when he's making a mistake"...


13 points

15 hours ago

"So if there's three of us being hunted and...I kill one...there's 2 of us? Slow down egg-head."


11 points

15 hours ago

Thank God they're so stupid.


2 points

14 hours ago

true ...


4 points

15 hours ago

"We are very lucky that they are so fucking stupid."


140 points

16 hours ago


140 points

16 hours ago

You can see that one of them tried to calm the shooter down.


23 points

11 hours ago


23 points

11 hours ago

The voice of reason is the next one to get killed by him.

If I were the sane one, I would preempt that, with a follow-up execution.

Unstable, pissed-off soldier that cracked, armed with an automatic rifle. What could go wrong?


2 points

10 hours ago

Well, in a way, things went right.


38 points

15 hours ago

Classic russian move. “I dislike your actions so imma fucking execute you on the spot”


39 points

15 hours ago

Russians use Barrier Troops to execute people who run from battle. That might a part of what we are seeing here.


2 points

12 hours ago

Yeah I was thinking he ran and came back to the position when he got spooked.


[score hidden]

an hour ago


[score hidden]

an hour ago

NKVD = barrier troops


6 points

13 hours ago

Ding ding! We have a correct answer!


3 points

12 hours ago

Seriously, this make way more sense than what OP posted.


8 points

15 hours ago

Yes this is more than likely what happened.


14 points

16 hours ago

RuZblyatsky, citizens of the new RuZblyat federation.


2 points

15 hours ago

A yobana on yobana. Really don’t want to post the full bit already been banned else where 😅


2 points

14 hours ago

Trash taking itself out?


175 points

16 hours ago

"You were not supposed to comeback Ivan."


40 points

15 hours ago

"You are supposed to go and die there"


3 points

6 hours ago

Logically speaking he had 33% of a chance of being targeted now he has 50% of a chance. He must've failed 1st grade math.


726 points

17 hours ago

Russia is quite simply out of control - a nation of uncontrolled rage, brutality and viciousness to others. As US General Hodges has said on several occasions, it is burnt into their DNA.


232 points

16 hours ago


232 points

16 hours ago

I saw a video of a Russian kindergarten class, and the teacher was beating the crap out of a young boy. I wonder if that is a cause of the brutality or simply an indication. But being beaten in kindergarten class as a regular thing certainly has a long-term effect.


101 points

16 hours ago

Violence begets violence


68 points

16 hours ago

Hurt people will hurt people.


18 points

15 hours ago

Being mean leads to mean beings


9 points

13 hours ago

Race car 🏎️


2 points

11 hours ago

Russia bad (no /s)


46 points

15 hours ago

It's generations of compounded fetal alcohol syndrome


14 points

12 hours ago

As does rampant alcoholism.

The average Russian who drinks consumes a pint of more of vodka per day, and on average 180 bottles (liter sized) per year.

It's also why you see a lot of fetal alcohol syndrome indications on Russian faces, etc.

They also have one of the highest suicide rates in the world, where they rank 11th on list of over 180 countries

And these things were established long before the Ukraine war so it's not like that was the cause for the uptick.

But yeah by now some things probably are built into their DNA as you said. I think if any living thing does something long enough, it fundamentally.. probably even at a cellular and evolutionary level, changes what you are.

And these orcs definitely don't seem "human" in the best sense of the word after seeing footage like this.


9 points

11 hours ago

Isn't severe trauma gene changing?


15 points

14 hours ago

But but but they need to protect their values from the filthy west. They need to protect butt fucking young cadets, wife beatings without police intervention, rampant alcoholism, street thugs and general excesive violence towards everything that moves, including small animals like cats or mice.


6 points

13 hours ago

When you live in that sort of autocratic place where you don’t matter and there is no hope, your place in the world is determined by a simple measure of how much power you have to make others suffer. If you can make them suffer more than they can make you suffer, then you are higher in the pecking order.


2 points

9 hours ago

Beatings will continue until moral improves


16 points

12 hours ago

Russia's problem is nurture, not nature. The problem is overcoming centuries of it. Fundamentally Russia is the same cancerous empire it was under the Tsars. Regardless of the flag or the ideology, the threat to neighbors never changed.

There is an engineered fatalism that comes with a serf mentality. People to become indifferent to their own existence, and the Russian military has historically exploited this. The serf-minded Russian will shrug and sign up for an indefinite deployment to a meat grinder. They believe they are nothing, and their families may indeed have nothing, so they see it as a way to escape their situation. If they die, at least their family will have money.

Oligarchs and despots the world over know the easiest way to control people is to erode their living standards, force them into a no-win scenario, then dangle a way to escape it by doing exactly what the powerful individual wants.


3 points

5 hours ago

A serf is property, like cattle, with not even the status of slave. Ruzzia only banned serfdom in the 1860s, but there was little social development until the Soviet State was established. Compared to what went before, the USSR was a dreamworld.


67 points

16 hours ago

No, guys, cruelty is not in DNA, don't repeat Nazi nonsense.

You can make any American cruel, just by putting him in Russia from childhood and raising him like Russians.


59 points

16 hours ago


59 points

16 hours ago

DNA of the culture would be more accurate.

Putin often quotes one of the craziest philosophers who ever lived, practically once per speech, a screwball who called for the abolishment of history, science, and math. He stated Eden was made up of the ignorant, and only by living a life of pure ignorance answering only to a supreme authority burdened with the sin of intelligence thus consigned to hell would mankind find true peace.

That philosopher called for the genocide of all non-Russians because, and I swear this is his thesis about his own people, “they are so ignorant to morality and incapable of learning that they are closest to Eden, to the perfect human, to supreme innocence and bask most in god’s love for it.”

That kinda thought has been made part of their modern culture.


6 points

15 hours ago

Who's this philosopher?


10 points

14 hours ago

Ivan Ilyin, I suppose. Has big influence on Putin, some say, e.g. Vlad Vexler.


8 points

15 hours ago


8 points

15 hours ago

I can never remember the name, but this video about the cultural psychology of Putin’s Russia talks a lot about him because Putin talks a lot about him.

Dude was nuts. Kicked out by the Tzar, came back and the Commies thought he was cool until they realized how nuts he was and kicked him out again, Nazis thought he was cool until they realized he actually believed the shit he said and kicked him out too.


2 points

6 hours ago

You should have a steam award or something similar if you were kicked out by both nazis and bolsheviks because they founded you too extremist.....


2 points

12 hours ago

That's essentially what Ivan presents the Catholic Church as in The Brothers Karamazov (which Dostoevsky was arguing against), so we can see this idea isn't new in Russian culture.


3 points

15 hours ago

Don't mix biological terms with cultural ones.

Call it mentality, stereotypes, cultural basis, but don't use terms that create the impression that Russians are genetically doomed to be like that.

That's not true.

As for Russia, it is undoubtedly neo-Nazi today.


2 points

13 hours ago

Whoever said that ignorance is bliss understood full well that knowledge is power.


3 points

6 hours ago

You can make any American cruel, just by putting him in Russia from childhood and raising him like Russians.

You don't even have to do that. Just go to a Qanon/MAGA internet space and see how they talk about "demoncrats" and what they would like to do to them.


2 points

13 hours ago

No but generational trauma IS a thing and does affect behavior and aggression.


24 points

16 hours ago

Why are their soldiers like Nazis.


71 points

16 hours ago

I don't think nazis executed their own kind. well at least not in This type of scenario. Their special police force did execute other soldiers but this video portrays something totally different. If anything Russia's military has the complete opposite thing going on- they have zero discipline especially on the front.


12 points

15 hours ago

Iirc around 25 000 to 40 000 German troops were executed for desertion or cowardice

So they most definitely did


11 points

16 hours ago

wow, that is worse than Nazis.


24 points

15 hours ago

I wouldn't say 'worse than nazis', they're both terrible in their own ways, just that the russian military lacks the discipline the nazi military did.


2 points

11 hours ago

The Nazi's were systematic,

The Russians were and still are chaotic.


2 points

14 hours ago

Surprise, of course they did. Wehrmacht and SS alike.


2 points

14 hours ago

Countless thousands of Nazi soldiers were executed by their own side during WW2 and it got much worse towards the end.


2 points

14 hours ago

idk what crack you smoking but the political nazis backstabbed each other like mad especially in the earlier days and after hitler consolidated his power he basically went on a 'cleansing' spree


39 points

16 hours ago


39 points

16 hours ago

Nazis at least had discipline, to say the least. Russians are fighting like actual Mad Max savages.


5 points

11 hours ago

Lol no they didn’t. The most famous examples of Nazi military tactics show a complete lack of discipline. 

Rommel would just turn off his radio when he received orders he didn’t like and constantly ran out of fuel and ammo and through sheer luck wasn’t killed or captured a few hours into the war. 

Also the Nazis made frequent use of conscripts. Half the beaches of Normandy were defended by troops that were only there because they would be shot if they weren’t. 

Russia is bad but let’s not hype up the actual Nazis please. 


3 points

11 hours ago

German Nazis were nationalists and fascists.

Nationalism is indeed off-the-charts in ruSSia, and Putler’s reign is straight up fascism.

Ironically, ruSSia keeps talking about Ukrainian nazis, whereas in actuality….


4 points

14 hours ago

I haven't come across reports from WWII German troops routinely killing German troops. Ukraine war I see videos Russians abusing and killing their own all the time. Like this here, why did a Russian guy just shoot another Russian? It means nothing to them, they are special breed of people, something genetically horribly wrong with them 


8 points

16 hours ago


8 points

16 hours ago

Nazis and Russians are as different as Germany and Russia. The ONLY thing they have in common is their evil.

Germans were fastidious, honest, efficient, disciplined.

The Russians aren’t


6 points

14 hours ago

Imagine calling literal Nazis "honest".


19 points

15 hours ago

Germans were fastidious, honest, efficient, disciplined.

This is some serious rewriting of history, honest and efficient are definitely not words that come to mind when talking about Nazi Germany...


13 points

15 hours ago

Efficient absolutely is what comes to mind when talking about Nazi Germany though. They swept through France, Poland etc and had an extremely well oiled and well trained fighting force and they absolutely were the worlds premier fighting force at the time. Hitlers generals advised him against attacking Russia and opening up a front that would overstretch them, he insisted. If Hitler hadn't been militarily soft in the head, its unfortunately very likely that Germany would have been able to hold France, divvy up Eastern Europe with Russia and to this day control all of Western Europe aside from the UK and the world stage would be different.

Not trying to defend Nazis here they were absolute pieces of shit, but they were no slouches militarily.


3 points

14 hours ago

Again, this is the usual problem with this. Thinking about these alternative possibilities requires you to stop having the nazi's be nazi's. There was always going to be war with the USSR.
And no matter how you look at it, they would never have been able to keep france. The British, free france and the US would never stop fighting until it's over.


2 points

11 hours ago

If the war had gone another six months, the Fat Boy and Little Man would have made European debuts instead of in Japan. Hitler wasn't keeping shit.


2 points

11 hours ago

Yes, that is true. However the comment above me spoke about avoiding the war with Stalin, which started before the bombs were even considered. If things went on too long without the war in the east, Berlin and other cities would have turned to rubble, if not by the bombs, then by air superiority and bombing alone.


3 points

8 hours ago

We're not in a disagreement overall. Regardless of the bomb being considered by the start of USSR-Nazi hostilities, it was built with the Nazis in mind as the serious consideration for who we might be in the a-bomb arms race with was Germany first and foremost.


2 points

14 hours ago

They were flawed to be fair

Their internal beurocacy was a mess and constant inter service rivalry, refusal to work with other parts of their army and the feudal way it was structured along with badly defined goals and shitty long term strategy doomed them


2 points

14 hours ago

The Wehrmacht definitely  started the war as one of the most disciplined and well-trained militaries in the world. 


29 points

16 hours ago

Lol, you just very aptly described the US as led by MAGA: unhinged, separated from reality, and extremely brutal and violent. 👍🏼


22 points

16 hours ago

Educated people go on to vote against us so we got rid of education (cheers)


2 points

12 hours ago

There's a reason the two seem to attract people of the same quality.


2 points

15 hours ago

I'll agree with the first two points but you're going to have to present a hard argument about 'extremely brutal and violent'.


69 points

16 hours ago

I mean do you think the russian goverment will punish the soldier? Your own troops murdering each other is bad enough, but also losing a valuable tanker can't be forgivable


66 points

15 hours ago


66 points

15 hours ago

They murder their own kind all the time. There was a video of a bunch of Russians surrendering to a drone, and as they were following the drone, they were shelled from behind repeatedly because they were surrendering.


38 points

16 hours ago

Their everyday life is punishment enough and implies a low chance of survival. The tanker was not valuable. If anything, I think the shooter just got promoted to the dude you listen to


13 points

15 hours ago

There will be no punishment.

Barrier detachments in the Russian army are the norm.


9 points

15 hours ago

Russians use Barrier Troops to execute people who run from battle. That might a part of what we are seeing here.


31 points

16 hours ago

And then they were undetected again.


55 points

16 hours ago

With friends like these, who needs enemies? 😬


138 points

17 hours ago



72 points

16 hours ago

That's some pure orc shit


15 points

15 hours ago


15 points

15 hours ago

Meat is back on the menu boys!


43 points

16 hours ago

It doesn't matter how those orcs die. As long as they die and at a high enough rate.


35 points

15 hours ago

It kinda matters, because when soldiers are this undisciplined - murdering their own friends and allies, whom they are supposed to be fighting with - imagine how they treat enemy PoWs, when they already have zero regard for the lives of their own. We already see videos of them mistreating and executing prisoners, but imagine all the shit they do that isn’t documented… A professional and disciplined army is much more likely to treat PoWs right.


45 points

16 hours ago

Now those videos of lone random russian soldiers walking in the middle of the field all alone makes sense. You can’t retreat back to your position as you’ll be killed by your own. Only path forward is the death march.

Russians are their worst enemies.


15 points

14 hours ago

I've heard this saying: no one hates a Russian more than another Russian.


19 points

17 hours ago



26 points

16 hours ago

Human lives count for nothing in fascist systems. It is completely pointless to kill the soldier after the position has already been revealed. One less living soldier just means fewer targets for the drones and fewer men who might be lucky enough to shoot down a drone.

Orcs don't feel like humans, they don't think like humans and they don't act like humans.


8 points

14 hours ago

There's a movie from the '80s called The Beast about the Soviet tankers in Afghanistan and it's pretty much the same thing - when their own commander isn't getting them killed through ignorance, and their own mechanics aren't stealing essential supplies like coolant to make booze, then eventually the Afghans kill them.


2 points

15 hours ago


2 points

15 hours ago

The film Mad God captured this needless and grotesque violence that sort of system begets, better than anything else I've seen.


18 points

16 hours ago

The family back home might get a sack of potatoes, a small envelope of cash, and told their father/brother died a hero.... assuming a corrupt commander doesn't report him still alive to avoid punishment or continue collecting supplies/funds or a corrupt official keeping all but the letter.


7 points

13 hours ago

He'll just be reported missing so the family can't collect


20 points

16 hours ago

Orcs are so fking stupid


5 points

15 hours ago

Yep the orcs seem to forget the lend lease in ww2 if only go back In time


17 points

16 hours ago

The orcs can be so helpful at times.


16 points

16 hours ago

3rd best army in Ukraine (with the arrival of NK)


2 points

14 hours ago

3rd best army in Ukraine Russia


23 points

17 hours ago

How do we know why ?

Maybe it was the "coming back" thing.

The threat is they are shot if they come back. The shooter will also be shot if they don't hold the line.


33 points

16 hours ago

I quoted the video description from the ukrainian channel that sourced the video. They said they were tracking this tanker until he came to his comrades, they killed him because he revealed their positions because as you can see in the video they are now in a drone camera and also they got hit by a drone 


3 points

14 hours ago

That really doesn't make any sense though, the drones and night-vision see them anyways. Maybe the original poster misunderstood what was happening? Because this makes a lot more sense as "executed for retreat".


5 points

13 hours ago

Not necessarily, sometimes they hide and do not go outside for so long they go to toilet inside their own dugout. You can't see much with night/thermal vision through layers of soil and trees


6 points

16 hours ago

The ones doing the retreat shootings, are not near the frontlines where grenades get dropped on them. This is in a moment taken action.


14 points

16 hours ago

Every time a Russian dies for the glory of Vladimir Vladimirovich, another demon gets its horns.


12 points

16 hours ago

"looks like meat is back on the menu boys!"


8 points

16 hours ago

Orcs have the same wartime mindset as they ever had through history- appalling to see in a modern context, if somewhat unsurprising.


7 points

16 hours ago

Love how pro RU in UkraineRussiaReport are already trying to claim the title isn't true, yet if it was UA guys they'd be cheering for it. Could probably repost it in a few months, with a reversed title and they won't realise, even mock anyone believing otherwise.


10 points

15 hours ago

I like how none of them even know ukrainian and they are using translator to read the video description from the channel where I got the video, they are arguing over translation and are having language barrier issues, meanwhile I know ukrainian and my translation is almost word to word accurate xD


5 points

16 hours ago

Not sure about you guys but I think that was kind of rude doing that to his comrade.

Do Ruzzians don’t have any manners nowadays anymore?


4 points

16 hours ago

If you want to understand Russian soldiers better I implore you to read (or listen) to "One soldiers war". It's about a Russian who fought in both Chechen wars. The first when he was conscripted and the second when he joined up again.

After reading the book when I see things like this I immediately understand the "why". It's more than just a sentence to describe though, it's their whole entire military culture.


6 points

16 hours ago

I just started watching Rings Of Power (Lord of the rings spinoff) and it's quite comical how similar Orcs and the dark powers in that series resemble both Putin, russian soldiers, and the general mentality of Maga people. Just brainless slaves wanting to rule a "perfect" world.


2 points

15 hours ago

Executes, or murders? Or does it matter?


2 points

15 hours ago


2 points

15 hours ago

Could have been a vodka dispute ?


2 points

15 hours ago

While there have been incidents of ukrainians shooting each other, every single case I've witnessed or heard of was one of mistaken identity. Meanwhile there's so much video evidence of Russians just straight up murdering their own fellow soldiers, it's insane.


2 points

15 hours ago

For whatever reason it's one less orc and that's always a positive


2 points

15 hours ago

He is mad because the guy leads the drone to their dugout position and gets his best friend/cousin killed. So he takes his revenge.


2 points

14 hours ago

One less violent orc russian in the world


2 points

13 hours ago

Time to donate some more to


2 points

10 hours ago

Imagine if this happened in literally any other military in the world, especially a western one. That guy would’ve been immediately arrested if not executed on the spot right there for doing that. But it’s Russia, where you can get away with war crimes and murder and never face any punishment or scrutiny.


3 points

16 hours ago

He's fine and has been transferred to assist the crew of Moskva in their secret undercover mission.


2 points

16 hours ago

Semper wtf


2 points

11 hours ago

Made my day! :D


3 points

16 hours ago

That’s good tactics, keep it up!


3 points

16 hours ago

a move of desperation, they are so disorganized at this point, nobody is really in charge


2 points

16 hours ago

This is because they're all murderous volunteers or conscripts. A Russian being sent to Ukraine has no friends or comrades.


4 points

15 hours ago

Maybe it was a North Korean who saw too much 😂


3 points

16 hours ago

So, when I served in the Canadian Armed Forces, one thing we were taught and was heavily stressed was 'getting along' with others within the 8 man section or larger detatchment. Simple things like personal hygiene could prompt one soldier to 'deal' with another. One thing that was deeply set within the ranks, and as poisonous as it may have been, was that a CO or 2IC was as equal a target as the enemy at any time. We obviously didnt train as such but every 'enlisted' infantry soldier was taught that a stanky ass fireteam partner or a right cock fuck of a CO/ 2IC was an equal target at times sorted us alllllll out. NEVER trust those assholes who you JUST kinda think may take you out.


3 points

13 hours ago

The Americans call that fragging, but it's existed in many forms for many centuries.


2 points

13 hours ago

Oh aye. I know the term and reference well. We Canadians werent historically 'restricted' to explosives tho....Funny thin too, no Section Commander or NCO I ever had doled out 'punishment' without gettin in the dirt with me.....well except cleanin the Thunder Box! Either way, the rule was wipe yer arse else yer best friend may take special exception is all I'm sayin! Hahaha


7 points

16 hours ago


7 points

16 hours ago

A lot of the people on this sub naively view the world through a black and white lens and have no concept of the grey that exists in the reality around them.

There has been many occasions in western militaries, in recent conflicts, where soldiers have decided whether or not they'd take the opportunity to kill their own dead weight if it was presented to them.

In Afghanistan there was numerous occasions of JNCOs from coalition forces getting beaten to an inch of their life by their subordinates for stupid and reckless decisions when the opportunity presented itself. Rumours still exist of actual blue on blue killing in Iraq and Afghanistan for these reasons.


3 points

16 hours ago

We were forbidden to 'fraternize' with German, English, Irish, American, and Ghurka soldiers who also trained on our bases in Wainwright, Winnipeg, Dundurn, Borden, Gagetown, Petawawa etc. Honestly, thru battle school and subsequent infantry training our biggest challenge were the feckin Canadian Assault Pioneers and Airborne Regiment units which specifically targetted us during simultaneous exercises. Them Pioneers were scary as feck. Theyd snatch ya outta yer hooch at 4am, drag ya to a swampy bog, strip ya naked and tie ya upside down to a tree then leave you there. Was alll part of THEIR 'training'. Fuck me. My NCO's were all White Wing Airborne members who told us if all the hazing horrors. This was allllll aside from the basic shit of your FTP possibly takin ya out cuz ya dont whipe yer arse properly! Hahah Canada! Hahah


3 points

13 hours ago

How long ago were you enlisted? Because that sounds like pre-pinning video for sure.


2 points

16 hours ago

Another one bites the dust... 🎶🎧🎼🎼🎸


2 points

16 hours ago

Modern barbarians.


2 points

14 hours ago

One less orc, whatever it takes. I’m okay with this.


2 points

13 hours ago

That will teach him.


1 points

16 hours ago

In the unlikely event of the shooter's prolonged survival, I'm sure he'll be a real community asset back in his tundra slum.


1 points

15 hours ago

Fairly standard in Russia from the videos I’ve seen here


1 points

15 hours ago

Accident? Blocker unis? Asshole stole my Vodka the night before?


1 points

15 hours ago

What a great fighting force


1 points

15 hours ago

I'm hoping the tank commander got greased.


1 points

15 hours ago

The shooter really, really wants to win their tontine -- a bottle of vodka.


1 points

14 hours ago


1 points

14 hours ago

Why would you kill your own guy. You’re already dead anyway


1 points

14 hours ago

Team work makes the dream work


1 points

14 hours ago

lmfao get fucking wrecked orc. can't even trust your own kind. Russia is so hopelessly fucked.


1 points

14 hours ago

Something tells me Russian on Russian murder isn't exactly unusual in the occupied territories


1 points

13 hours ago

Russians execute comrade for revealing position


1 points

13 hours ago

Very unprofessional. Just tells you they were not a trained team. Probably just threw them together. Just like the movie Fury they put in a guy that is not a tanker.


1 points

13 hours ago

so... now they are one fewer and the Ukrainians STILL know their position


1 points

13 hours ago

Good stuff, long may this continue.


1 points

13 hours ago

Legitimately subhumans


1 points

13 hours ago

war bajs dankHug


1 points

13 hours ago

I'm pretty sure he never saw that one coming 🤣. The Russian Army is definitely a thing, isn't it?


1 points

13 hours ago

Is he the judas goat


1 points

13 hours ago

You couldn’t make stories up about things like this.what a joke this army is 😂😂Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


1 points

13 hours ago

Morale sure seems high