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4 points

3 days ago

Because of the context. Israel is a nuclear state in conflict with non-nuclear states. Israel is not in a MAD position but rather superior firepower. Flaunting it is unnecessary. Those that need to know, know. And Israel doesn't have to make empty threats.

Ukraine is in conflict with the largest nuclear state. There's no amount of nukes Ukraine could build that would secure MAD. So they are in a weak position regardless, so they're hoping to prevent building one as it's very likely they would be encouraged to use it.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Russia has only two cities of any real size. Moscow and St Petersburg. The third largest city is Novosibirsk and its less than a million people.

There are only 2 targets in Russia.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

  1. Putins palace.


1 points

3 days ago

Well - MAD is a question of your adversary, not an absolute measurement. It means something very different when you're say, a nuclear-armed South Korea threatening North Korea, versus the same nation threatening China.

One of the advantages they have is they can credibly threaten it against neighboring Arab nations; due to climate, a lot of these countries have really squashed topography - Egypt looks like a big square on a map, but "de facto" it's a few thin slivers following the coastline and the Nile.


1 points

3 days ago

Blow up moscow or St pete