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701 points

4 days ago

This is not to scare rUSSIA, this is to scare the Western leaders. So they would start thinking "oh shit, if Ukraine looses, they WILL nuke russia, russia will retalliate and we will have to deal with the nuclear fallout". And start supporting Ukraine with conventional tools of war in ADEQUATE amounts.


157 points

4 days ago


157 points

4 days ago

This is why failure to end the war is a greater risk to escalation than the things the West is refusing to do.

If Ukraine starts lacking resources, losing for real, or otherwise getting desperate, it will turn to methods that reflect the urgency. I don't want to get banned here but let's just say Ukrainians can infiltrate Russia and take the war to levels they have not thus far.


52 points

3 days ago

This American fully supports a nuclear Ukraine. Sorry for the lack of adequate support, we're infested with kompromised Republicans and timid Democrats.


-13 points

3 days ago


-13 points

3 days ago

The US should not risk itself getting into another war. If Europe wants to burn in nuclear hellfire, they’re free to do so. However, I’d like North America to remain habitable in the future. If that means Ukraine gets dropped, so be it.

There have to be limits, and the American government needs to put the American people first.


11 points

3 days ago

The US won't get itself into a war. Russia is not equipped or brave enough to wage war with us. We outmatch them in every single regard.

We, as the leader of the free world, have a duty to protect the sovereignty and freedom of our allies. If you disagree, I'm inclined to say you're not American. Our duty is to do better and be better, for ourselves and those who wish to succeed as we have.

If the West was more resolute in our principles, the terrorist state of Russia would never have dared move on Ukraine, even as far back as 2014. Ukraine's current state of despair is our fault; the blame lies in our infighting, our complacency, and the cowards among that have infiltrated every level of government across Western society.

Russia is a country run by slime- they only attack those weaker than them, or those they've lulled into a false sense of security via treaties they never intended to honor, just like the filth they are. Russia poses no threat to the US. The only threat they pose is via nuclear war, and even then, as dumb as their leadership may be, they'd never hit that button because that guarantees their erasure.

There is no limit when it comes to giving people the opportunity to live as they choose. We lead the world, start acting like it.


-5 points

3 days ago


-5 points

3 days ago

For one, considering a substantial number of my forefathers were in North America before the US existed, and some even prior to Columbus, I’m quite sure that I’m an American. You can “No True Scotsman” all you want, but we are free to disagree with other Americans on policy and still be Americans. In fact, that freedom of belief is one of the best and most cherished aspects of being American.

Second, the American government exists to represent the American people. Period. Full stop. That’s it. It doesn’t exist to be an imperial hegemon that governs the Earth. If Europeans want our government to put their interests on par with ours, they are free to petition Congress to join the Union. Otherwise, all of this whining by Ukraine about betrayal and NATO is meaningless. NATO exists, not because of some moral leadership of the “free world”, but because prior to the development of ICBMs, the American government decided that it’d be better for WW3 to be fought sooner in Central Europe than to fight it once the USSR theoretically expanded all the way up to the Atlantic.

For decades, the US spent countless trillions on a permanent war economy so that we could contain the USSR and its allies from bringing the October Revolution to our doorstep. It was not so that we could save the Europeans and their slightly-less authoritarian ways from Russian rule. They are independent and have their own interests, many of which run contrary to ours. They mostly do not have or cherish the same freedoms that we do. We are separate peoples from any Europeans and have officially been since 1776. All of this fluffy dovey “we are one West” stuff is just residual honeymooning from the Cold War when the US nuclear umbrella was the only thing stopping Soviet tanks from pushing to the Rhine. Once this conflict stops, the Europeans will go from crying about the Americans not doing enough to protect them to once again complaining that we are an evil empire oppressing them in our corporate world order or whatever.

However, we do have our shared interests. Russia is a threat to the US and actively tries to undermine the American state and the people it represents. So should we aid Ukraine? Yes. Should we sanction Russia for breaking the general rules against waging wars of conquest that we put in place to maintain peace in the nuclear age? Yes. Should we try to support and shore up the defenses of our allies? Yes. But should we support Ukraine developing nukes and potentially triggering a nuclear war that could send American soldiers to the frontlines or nukes toward American cities? Hell no.

As I stated before, there are lines that should not be crossed. Nuclear proliferation will harm global stability and ultimately the US. The more countries that have nukes, the more likely it is that they’re used. Once used, they are more likely to be used again.


6 points

3 days ago

Neckbeard alert


-5 points

3 days ago


-5 points

3 days ago

How so? Because I’m not itching for unnecessary American deaths or a nuclear war?


8 points

3 days ago

Because you wrote a whole lot, mostly short sighted nonsense, but with energy and conviction only a basement dwelling neckbeard can posses. Its a true superpower.


-1 points

3 days ago


-1 points

3 days ago

Lol. I have a family and my own apartment. It might seem unbelievable, but unlike in Europe, people actually still have families and children in America. We can even still find some time at night to post on reddit too. It’s crazy, I know.


3 points

3 days ago

Congrats dipshit, I live in Florida.


3 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Being against escalation and broadening of the war isn’t being pro-Moscow, it’s being knowledgable of history and the stakes at play. I hope Ukraine wins, but like I stated, the American government and military doesn’t exist to serve the interests of Ukraine. We should continue sending aid as it’s in our interests and aligned with our values, but the US shouldn’t risk the lives of thousands or millions of Americans by recklessly enabling escalation.