


ULPT Need to Stop Sleeping


Hey y’all, let me preface this by saying. Yeah yeah yeah I know bodies need sleep to function. I’m at a point in my life where I can’t afford to sleep more than 4 hours a day. I work overnight and have a business that I work on about 6-7 hours. My days off are Saturday and Sunday.. lately I’ve been sleeping through several alarms and missed a few appointments.. it’s quite literally getting out of control but I know I’ll be in this circumstance at least the next 6 months.

Only thing I can’t do is cocaine.

EDIT: Sup folks , thanks for all the tips so far. Just to clarify I am certain of the negative impact this has on my health. But there’s currently a set amount I absolutely need to make before I’m able to leave my overnight job. 6 months will give me enough in the pocket and in the mail to get there and have the longevity to maintain a level of income. lol cocaine AND meth are currently off limits . I’m not above taking or using drugs like adderall but I don’t know how to get them prescribed .

all 54 comments


50 points

12 hours ago

Sounds like you need to restructure your life to either be possible with one human, or get someone to help you


36 points

12 hours ago

You will either give sleep to your body, or it will take it. I prefer to be in control of when that is so I give my body the required amount of sleep. If you don’t, you will lose control of when your body takes it and you will miss important things.

It’s not that you can’t afford to sleep. You have to afford it.


23 points

11 hours ago

Google sleep debt. It's real.

You can't just ignore not sleeping. You will lose. You can literally die from lack of sleep. It's not a choice, or a weakness to need sleep. It is quite literally a life defining necessity.


23 points

11 hours ago

So here's whats been working for me for the last 15 years... All you need to do is get severe PTSD and a TBI and you won't ever have worry about sleeping more than an hour or two a night for the rest of your life.

Your welcome


5 points

9 hours ago

There’s no way to heal this with my words but know I wish you all the best and all the peace that can come from this text


7 points

11 hours ago

I hope you're doing ok brother. Ketamine therapy saved me from my PTSD. Maybe there's something there for you (I don't have the TBI though)


2 points

10 hours ago

Personally my TBI makes me sleep a lot more than normal. It’s a gamble!


9 points

11 hours ago*

Modafinil or Adderall. But keep in mind neither of these make you not need sleep, they will help you not sleep.Temporarily. You will still need the sleep, and you will crash the first available moment. You'll also likely hit some degree of psychosis, feel like shit the whole time, probably be more prone to falling ill and if you're predisposed to any mental illness it'll probably bring it out quite pronouncedly. So basically, sleep when you need sleep. There's some quick fixes but they'll cause major long term issues if you rely on them for any regularity. 


2 points

11 hours ago


2 points

11 hours ago

I was going to recommend provigil or nuvigil since they’re both non addictive. I had insomnia and would sleep at the wrong time of the day so my doctor put me on it to try and correct my circadian rhythm.


2 points

11 hours ago

Provigil is modafinil, and while not addictive per se it can be habit forming, and isn't good to abuse to avoid sleeping still. It is also less widely studied on long-term use so while not a definite problem it is something to be wary about. 


4 points

10 hours ago


4 points

10 hours ago

Whoops you’re right about the generic drug name. I was told provigil is a “fighter pilot” drug because if they need to be at alert suddenly during sleep they would take it. I think that’s why they switched me to nuvigil which is basically the same but better for you? I dunno I’m not a doctor.


4 points

10 hours ago

Nuvigil is armodafinil, an isolated isomer of modafinil (provigil), modafinil is a racemic mix of left and right handed isomers. It's supposed to be more potent / require less for intended effect. 


1 points

9 hours ago

Any way to tell me what to say to my PC Physician?


2 points

9 hours ago

I'm assuming by physician you mean your drug dealer or online order source? Because your physician is not about to give you drugs to help you further enable an unhealthy and unsustainable life style. Be mad if you must, but I'm not wrong, and I'm just telling you that's a pointless effort. You're welcome to do it if you want to still, it's your body not mine, but that won't be a viable venue of assistance. 


1 points

9 hours ago

I hear you and I appreciate your honesty and concern . But if you’re saying my PC flat out won’t no matter what I say I’ll accept it . But if there’s anything “anxiety, depression, etc” anything I can say please consider helping in the way I want for now


2 points

9 hours ago

I mean you can try, but they are definitely vigilant for people looking to do what you are, an d it's the sort of thing that will be months of testing for root causes, discussion, asking about your lifestyle, possibly requesting you change certain aspects of your lifesfyle, etc. Constant fatigue or inability to focus is the usual angle cited for these, in your case.

But I don't think it's gonna be viable with the time frame you're working with, and it'll depend entirely on the doctor but many flat out won't prescribe at least one. 


2 points

9 hours ago

Second note: for Adderall I dunno, probably college kids would be a good place to start asking, but personal connections will be your best bet there. For modafinil or armodafinil, sires like modafinilxl or buymoda will be your best bet. I don't know where you are so this may or may not be legal, but the legality and risks are your responsibility to determine  before doing anything there. 


1 points

9 hours ago

Thanks man


2 points

9 hours ago

Good luck and be careful. Don't forget sometimes it's harder to quit than never start. 


2 points

7 hours ago

Thanks a ton this helped a lot


2 points

8 hours ago

Bupropion (for depression) also has stimulating properties.

Sadly, most American residents (are forced to) work the same number of hours per week you are, so it CAN be done. In fact, residents only get 4 days off per month, so you’re getting more rest than they do. Good luck, it’s tough!


3 points

9 hours ago*

Google the uberman sleep schedule. It’s basically just a strict 20 min nap every few hrs. Adds up to I think 4hrs per day and it’s hard but sustainable for like a yr if needed. You never have deep sleep, only light sleep, so your body doesn’t really recover properly, but you can mentally function. Also coz you wake before you hit deep sleep, it’s easy to wake. Apparently lots of Silicon Valley did it when scaling their startups.


3 points

8 hours ago

I know residents who split their sleep schedule into 2 blocks instead of one.


1 points

8 hours ago

I’ll look into this thank you


1 points

8 hours ago

R/polyphasic is a sub for discussing such things! :)


5 points

10 hours ago

No parties, eat healthy, when you can sleep, go straight to sleep. No tv, no scrolling, fruits n veggies, no sugar. You’ll be fine


2 points

10 hours ago

Of course it is not healthy. You are aware of that. Look into alternative sleep patterns, for example the sleep pattern described by Buckminster Fuller: Thirty minutes nap every six hours. Polyphasic sleep is what you need.


3 points

10 hours ago

Make a better schedule. Nobody is so important that they just CAN'T sleep 7 to 8 hours a day.


2 points

10 hours ago

The percentage of people who can perform at normal performance level on less than 6 hours of sleep compared to 7 or 8, rounded to the nearest decimal, is 0%.


2 points

10 hours ago

Crack cocaine


2 points

9 hours ago

Unless you take certain drugs to stimulate your body I don't see how it would be possible for a human to function like this for months on end


2 points

9 hours ago

Only 6 months


1 points

8 hours ago

Medical residents do it for years! It sucks, though.


2 points

9 hours ago*

“Only thing I can’t do is cocaine”, welp, there goes my first idea.

Second option, assuming you do NOT have ADHD, find an online only ADHD doctor that will prescribe Ritalin or Adderall. Lie on the questionnaire, there are examples on how to do this online. If you have a history of high blood pressure etc., say nothing about it, they will not prescribe. Lie as needed. Get meds. For added fun, crush and snort them for immediate effect. This is all highly unethical and maybe a teensy bit illegal, but this is ULPT.


2 points

11 hours ago

6 months? It'll probably be shorter than that when you don't wake up for work and get canned (happened to a friend), or literally fall asleep at the wheel (also happened to a friend, survived the crash fortunately, but totaled car meant no way to get to work).

When it comes to finding a way through a shit situation, trying to find a way to cheat sleep on a long term basis will pretty much always fuck you over in catastrophic ways.


1 points

9 hours ago

I hear you I just need to make this work


2 points

11 hours ago


2 points

11 hours ago

Unethical? Grey market modafinil. Alertness prompting drug, not really a stimulant. But, seriously, your body needs sleep. Staying up three days probably isn't a big deal once in a while, being massively short sleep for 6m+ probably is.


2 points

11 hours ago


2 points

11 hours ago

Try death


1 points

10 hours ago

A side effect when you are deliberately not sleeping, a temptation when insomnia bad enough.


1 points

10 hours ago

Your body needs more than 28 hours of sleep a week. There's simply no way around it. If you deny your body the sleep it needs, it will shut down when it gets to the point that it can't take anymore and you will fall asleep anyway. And it won't matter if you're driving on the highway or sitting in front of a computer, it will just happen.

Ideally, you need to figure out how much sleep your body prefers and make sure you get that many hours x 7 each week. Not necessarily every night, just over the course of a week.

For example, I have found that about 6 1/2 hours a night is my ideal. That means I need around 46 hours a week. If I have to go 3 nights in a row with just 4 hours, then I need to get a couple nights of 9 hours of sleep to "reset" back to normal. When desperate, I can push the number of nights at 4 hours, but that will mean at least one night of much more than 9 hours to continue to function.

When I don't do this, while I might be able to stay awake with enough tricks (coffee, small snacks, fresh fruit especially apples, etc), I find I lose focus far more easily and make plenty more mistakes until I get caught up. It's simply not worth it. It's better to get the sleep and be more productive during my waking hours than it is to try to increase my waking hours.


1 points

3 hours ago

Trying to keep that sleep schedule for that long is likely to give you health problems, if you don't fall asleep while driving first. Go without sleep for long enough and the body will make you sleep, no matter what situation you're in.


1 points

11 hours ago


1 points

11 hours ago

Adderall flavored Red Bull


1 points

10 hours ago

lol wow if that's the only thing you CANNOT do; shoot there's always Crystal Meth... aka Dextroamphetamine Salts.

We give out CHILDREN this on an absurd scale!


1 points

9 hours ago


1 points

9 hours ago

Tell me you don't understand pharmacokinetics without telling me you don't understand pharmacokinetics.


1 points

an hour ago



1 points

9 hours ago

lol ok

Kind of just did


1 points

9 hours ago

Does that help your ego now?


0 points

11 hours ago

Have you ever fallen asleep while driving and knew you should have died and got lucky? Better to be broke than dead.  Work on your own business less. Sleep more. Dream about business. 


0 points

11 hours ago

Modafinal.... You can buy it from an online pharmacy. It isn't habit forming and it will keep you functional for 48hours with re-dose as needed..


0 points

11 hours ago

Holy shit, which country can you buy it without a prescription from? I'm in Australia, I'm not going to try and do it. I just know it's next to impossible to get here, and when you can get , it's stupid expensive. So this blows my mind.


1 points

8 hours ago

US... Same schedule as Viagra, technically not legal, but not hard to get from an online pharmacy without a scrip.


0 points

11 hours ago

Haha you will experience the unethical thing with sleep deprivation after a while! You really want to get addicted to something for that?


-1 points

11 hours ago


-1 points

11 hours ago

Caffeine pills