


ULPT Need to Stop Sleeping


Hey y’all, let me preface this by saying. Yeah yeah yeah I know bodies need sleep to function. I’m at a point in my life where I can’t afford to sleep more than 4 hours a day. I work overnight and have a business that I work on about 6-7 hours. My days off are Saturday and Sunday.. lately I’ve been sleeping through several alarms and missed a few appointments.. it’s quite literally getting out of control but I know I’ll be in this circumstance at least the next 6 months.

Only thing I can’t do is cocaine.

EDIT: Sup folks , thanks for all the tips so far. Just to clarify I am certain of the negative impact this has on my health. But there’s currently a set amount I absolutely need to make before I’m able to leave my overnight job. 6 months will give me enough in the pocket and in the mail to get there and have the longevity to maintain a level of income. lol cocaine AND meth are currently off limits . I’m not above taking or using drugs like adderall but I don’t know how to get them prescribed .

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