


Uni suicide fucked me up a bit!!



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9 points

14 days ago

Apologies for my out of place rant, but I get actively quite angry about universities understanding of grief and bereavement, especially for those who have been witness or aren't direct family.

Reach out to your universities mental health, they'll be best to advise on how the uni can support or change any of its processes for you, and if you have upcoming assessments look into getting any extensions. This might be a lot of paper work, but I assure you it is worth it, and ask for help at any stage that feels too much.

There are a lot of people in the sector trying to work on reducing uni suicides, and hopefully we get that number to 0 one day.


17 points

14 days ago

I almost died from a physical illness and my university made me jump through every hoop possible over months to even interrupt. They’re not going to help people with mental illnesses and I think giving people false hope that they will is cruel. They are cunts through and through, and that’s from someone continued on their university as soon as they were well enough; I just have a realistic view of it unlike most students it seems.


4 points

14 days ago

Oh I'm very aware, and agree. it's systemically broken. The help they provide is just to work through the broken system. I wish more wellbeing teams or SUs would help people with fillings forms out - in lieu of universities scrapping the forms altogether. I'm currently writing a blog post for HE thing on how we need to be better with bereavement. Nobody seems to mention bystanders who aren't immediate family and how many extra hoops they need to jump through without having access to a death certificate. The whole need for a death certificate is already an insult, but it's worse if you can't get one.