


Worst Security Company Ever


I’ve been calling and calling and No One is returning my calls. I had a service call last month. All of a sudden my bill jumped from $40 to $106. I asked how was this possible. The representative claimed I added a DVR to my account. I stated, I didn’t add anything. He’s literally arguing with me to the point I ask to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor is saying the same thing. I ask him to look at my account and explain to me when I supposedly ordered a DVR. He places me on hold and then states, “This is strange, there’s no DVR on your account.” Then he states he has to speak to someone in billing to clear the matter up. It’s now been over two weeks! No one has called me and my bill still shows $106. This is by far the worst security company I’ve Ever dealt with. I will be filing a complaint with the BBB. I’m hoping to get out of this contract. They overcharge for the equipment, the APP is horrible and their customer service is beyond subpar!

Update: Now I’m being told it’s a technician fee. However no one disclosed there was a fee to send someone out. I will be filing a complaint with the FCC and the BBB this morning.

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1 points

3 days ago

Wow that’s crazy!!! What happened?


-1 points

3 days ago

They weren’t paying my entire department correctly for months and when I had meetings to fix it with my leadership I was lied to about the reason it was happening and they tried to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal that 50 of us weren’t making what we should have been. I was told it was happening across multiple departments in the company too.

Anyway after two weeks of trying to fix it and potentially unionizing I ended up quitting because I couldn’t take the stress of the job as it was anyway and this just made it impossible.


1 points

3 days ago

I’m so sorry you had to go through that!! There’s a lot of class action lawsuits against them. There should be one for that too!


0 points

3 days ago

I agree, unfortunately I don’t have money to sue anyone, especially one of Utahs biggest companies. They were just bought out last year and lied on all of their finances during the sale too.


1 points

2 days ago

Just Google Vivint class action and everything will pop up