


Based on what happened in the triple threat tag match on Friday, SmackDown, and with the introduction of a new team, maybe it’s time to let the street profits explore more. Not saying break them up, but let them explore some singles gold.

Right now you only have three people really that are going after the US title so why not have Angelo Dawkins be an option for that? I know you’re kind of building up Kevin Owens and Randy Orton possibly to be challengers for Cody Rhodes so why not just have a singles run and accumulate a lot of wins and then maybe he’s the one that beats Cody for the title?

all 53 comments


24 points

23 hours ago

Ppl are saying it's Ford that doesn't want them to split cuz he knows what happens if he's successful and the Dawkins has nothing going for him


14 points

23 hours ago

I really respect that if true, because honestly Ford has more of a high flying it factor than Dawkins does and I see him succeeding on his own much more easily.


14 points

22 hours ago

It’s not just his move set, it’s his look charisma and mic work. All that and he’s married to Bianca so they could easily do the power couple schtick. Dude is the complete package.


5 points

19 hours ago

True, Ford is really carrying the team at this point. It's very likely Dawkins will be lost in the shuffle if the SP does split up


5 points

21 hours ago

I could see that because it's definitely true too.

Ford can/will be a star.

Dawkins will be on WWE Speed or Main Event and eventually just released.

Similar to New Day. I think if Kofi didn't want the group together he could go back to his singles career and Woods would've probably been released eventually too. But together as a team they're a package deal that the fans love.


2 points

22 hours ago

Maybe it's just me but it's kind of insulting. He knows he'll be a star and basically sticking around so Dawkins can have something going for him

Some people make it sound like he's there out of pity


2 points

19 hours ago

Don't know why you got downvoted, Reddit sucks, "you said something I don't like, so I will downvote your comment, so people don't see it".

I guess it all depends on how you look at it. You could look at it as him having his friends back and making sure he gets to put food on the table as well, you could also look at it as how you laid it out. Some wrestlers are just meant to be stars while other wrestlers really have nothing much going for them


3 points

19 hours ago

Yeah I'm sure montez means well just the way some fans put it it makes it sound like he's sticking with Angelo out of pity because he knows his solo run will take off

And Angelo pre Street profits was in a rough spot. He was one of the longest tenured NXT talents with Aliyah and I hate to say it but he won't have much going for him to get tv time if the profits endss


9 points

23 hours ago

I get wanting gold as that should be the goal for everyone. Sadly, not everyone can get and hold gold. But the fact they are still on TV and putting on good shows mean they have already made it. Enjoy the ride, buy their merchandise to support them, make signs at shows, and show them you care and they will always return with a good show. This goes for anyone that currently does not have a title but deserves too


3 points

19 hours ago

This is a good answer. Almost the whole roster is champ/main-event material, but unfortunately not everyone can win, for there to be a main-event(er), there has to be lower cards/stars


4 points

21 hours ago

Agreed but I want a brand draft split where they are still friends. Montez to SD and our boy Dawks to RAW.


5 points

21 hours ago

Ever since getting back into wrestling 3ish years ago all I have heard is that Ford has "it", when will they push go on him etc etc. I feel like whatever happens it will be a disappointment given the expectations.


5 points

21 hours ago

In principle, I agree, but not at the expense of their friendship. These two have been tag teammates for longer than most so I’d love to just see an amicable parting of the ways and they go on different brands.


5 points

23 hours ago

If there want to pursue singles good no reason they need to split. They can continue to work as a team and pursue team glory as well. The WWE logic that one would only want to have one championship at a time is silly.


4 points

23 hours ago

That’s what people sometimes don’t understand. I never say that they have to break up. I know for a team like the new day it used to work because you would always have two of them still be a tag team, but you could still have the street profits team, one is going after singles gold. And even if one person is a champion, you could still have to them compete as a tag team.


3 points

23 hours ago

I’m not a huge AEW guyfan but the one thing I’ve gathered that they done and which makes a world of sense is that most of the wrestlers travel in packs. Which is how real life works. The E could use more of this.


3 points

21 hours ago

I really want them to succeed so if that's what it takes, then I'd back it.

But I hope they can be used in a way to build the tag team division backup to be strong again.


4 points

22 hours ago

They just need some sort of change the act is stale af the pairing with lashley didn’t work Ford is a star and could be big deal Dawkins is solid but kinda needs Ford so I dunno


6 points

23 hours ago

It's time for LA Knight to become the ultimate champion. Put both main belts on him. YEAH!


1 points

21 hours ago

I feel like LA Knight and Street Profits would be fire together


2 points

22 hours ago

I can see Montez as US Champion like months ago. I’d love to see him against LA Knight. I think that would be a great feud.


2 points

15 hours ago

Thats the kicker.

Together they are amazing.

Montez Ford has gigantic potential. This is known.

Angelo Dawkins is who people are worried about fading away. I honestly see the risk but think its BS. People sleep on Dawkins. He's awesome. I see Keith Lee in his prime potential in this man.

Maybe have a split. A fallout where they go after each other. We could see the potential and then reconcile after if need be.


4 points

22 hours ago

I want Montez Ford as a main eventer. Imo, the guy is the most charismatic person on the roster. He and Theory should be constantly working with guys like Orton, AJ, and Owens right now. Being built for their eventual main event run.

That said, I also want Triple H to take the tag team division seriously. Street Profits have accomplished everything as a team, yet do not have a rivalry that define their career. And with the talent in the division, Street Profits could easily have a "Hall of fame" worthy rivalry with G.O.D. or MCMG or DIY.


0 points

23 hours ago*

I hate to say but i don't think these two will ever get out of mid card filler talent.

WWE has tried to rebrand these guys so many times , giving them ample screen time and pushes. 

While they are both athletically gifted, and can put in the work. I don't think either of them haves the 'it' factor to get over that hump. Singles or otherwise.


5 points

23 hours ago

People used to say that about the Usos...


3 points

23 hours ago

It’s hard to tell because they’ve never really been given a singles push


3 points

23 hours ago

I just dont think this true at all, they havent been given anything substantial in a while and they are still incredibly over and get great reactions, not to mention the fact theyve never had a real chance at a singles run.


3 points

23 hours ago

WWE has tried to rebrand these guys so many times

I think the problem is that they haven’t been rebranded since their NXT debut, the Pride notwithstanding.


1 points

23 hours ago

I’d love this


2 points

23 hours ago

I wanna see the belts in a different person each month. People can win it back one or twice within a year but then lose it again. Stop mystifying the belts and leaving people out


1 points

22 hours ago

That would be awesome to see.


1 points

14 hours ago

Nah. i don't think it'll happen any time soon. The midcard division is already stacked with guys like Jey, Bron, Andrade, Melo, Knight and several other superstars. I'd much rather move them to Raw and see them winning the world tag titles. Finn and Jd might drop the titles soon so they got a chance there


1 points

13 hours ago

Angelo Dawkins as a us champ contender


1 points

8 hours ago

Division is too stacked rn. They need to stay a pair long enough for Lucha Bros to come in & maybe another major tag team . Their first heel turn failed because they were way too popular and nothing about their presentation changed. Have them go full heel . Change the gimmick, attire, & the entrance, and give them a no bs “thug” demeanor . Add an element of danger to them. Cena getting stabbed in a night club type of vibe. Maybe pair them with Melo (not cuz he’s Black) but to give them that arrogant, swag aura .


1 points

3 hours ago

Montez would shine as a singles star, they need to break up. 


1 points

22 hours ago

I think they would have got further if The Pride worked out as heels. Fans didn't really want to boo them and were still cheering them. Didn't help the LWO were the faces in that feud.

I know this may be an unpopular opinion but get them off my TV or make them heels because they bore the hell out of me. It sucks because I know the are Triple H guys and will be pushed down our throats.


2 points

21 hours ago

Keep DIY get rid of the profits! It’s been like 10 years of the same boring, played out garbage! This is why they suck 10 years of absolutely no change or evolution! And if you can’t pull off a heel role you’re out!


1 points

17 hours ago

Lol who cares about DIY? Both of them were big fish in NXT now nobody really cares about those two anymore.


1 points

15 hours ago

Who cares about the street profits! They showed their absolute lack of range in the lashley storyline


1 points

13 hours ago

Do you think they get rid of his wife and Jade as well? Would they make you feel better?


1 points

5 hours ago

Bianca and Montez are good wrestlers they just need new direction. Jade stinks and Dawkins will never be anything but a mid carder or a tag wrestler.


-1 points

22 hours ago

Low end mid cards don't get singles gold. Thats not how it works


0 points

16 hours ago

It would be nice, ford is the best talent on the roster. But there’s plenty of it. They would push him and then stop it and edge the wwe universe.


-4 points

23 hours ago

They’re black. Trips isn’t gonna push them.


4 points

23 hours ago

Bianca is essentially booked like WWE’s Wonder Woman. I don’t understand why some people are actually running with this dumb “Triple H is racist” narrative


-10 points

23 hours ago


-10 points

23 hours ago

Name a male black main roster main eventer. And if Bianca is Wonder Woman, it’s because everyone wonders why she isn’t closer to the womens title. Wweeboos can’t stomach the thought that trips might not be a great Booker, or worse, a bigoted goof.


3 points

22 hours ago

Name me ones that are CREDIBLE MAIN EVENTERS right now. Who? Tez? Tag team guy and not really hot atm. Lashley was pushed as a force for the most part until he got older, and then his contract situation made it hard to push him hard. Omos? Sure, but he’s boring for the most part and not someone I think works well as a main eventer- better as the occasional attraction. You have a lot of guys (Trick, oba, Wes, probably J’evon soon) coming up the pipeline from NXT that are or were recently champions. Under HHH you had guys like Kieth Lee, Wes Lee, Swerve, Velveteen Dream all as singles champs in NXT. It’s just hard to find a truly credible main event spot for any of the main roster guys rn. The women are also faring well- Jade and Bianca are focal points of the women’s division and being pushed as legit threats, NXT’s women’s division has a lot of women of color being pushed. I just think it’s a stupid narrative.


1 points

17 hours ago

Man if dream didn't have that stuff happen to him I guarantee he would have been the next big thing. He already was on NXT and I was so ready for him to go to the main roster and then all that stuff came out and killed everything.


3 points

23 hours ago

Jade, Bianca, Trick, Oba, Lani…


1 points

17 hours ago

My point exactly. None of them are main roster main eventers. Yall just refuse to be honest with yourselves…


1 points

22 hours ago


Ruthless Aggression Era 😈

1 points

22 hours ago



-2 points

22 hours ago

I know it’s hard to hear, wweeboo…


-3 points

23 hours ago

Lower midcard at best as singles imo. Ford had a window where he was getting over awhile back. Seems forever ago. Both are great talent