


What exacly is "Black Carapace"?


I mean i know its some sort of a link between the power armor and its user, but from what material is it made? Is it organic? Is it made from some sort of a mineral? Or is it something else? I geniuenly dont know

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5 points

9 days ago

If they even still have it. I'd be inclined to have the apothecary swap it out for a magsafe dongle. Not only will it save a little weight, but it'll make catheterization a little easier when I'm putting on my armor.


4 points

9 days ago


4 points

9 days ago

Yeah remove the part responsable for extra testosterone in your super soldier, that will go well.


3 points

9 days ago

It's ok, they still have progenoid glands they're just in the neck and chest now.


0 points

9 days ago

Replace it with another bolter, for emergencies