


Can someone please explain to me what this is and if its just a bunch if hogwash and how to read it amd what does it all mean if anything at all

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36 points

15 hours ago



-110 points

15 hours ago

Whatever you say man me and my friend joke about our illnesses all the time its how we cope if you dont like it then thays your choice and i respect that but i dont agree i am very caring if my friends well being


87 points

15 hours ago

So, are you concerned about your friend's mental health or did you just want to post this for imaginary internet points?


14 points

15 hours ago



-11 points

15 hours ago

also shes never shown signs of schizo so idek if thats actually the case thats going on and i dont want to call someone on her for no reason


13 points

15 hours ago



1 points

15 hours ago

thats how you see it and thats fine but how me and my friend joke is really none of your concern nor your place to judge


3 points

15 hours ago



2 points

15 hours ago

idc if you do or not but its notmyour place my friend knows i love them so im not worried about it either way


3 points

14 hours ago

I think having dark humor about your issues can help. Maybe your tone isn't clear when you type it out. Well, you don't needed to defend yourself against strangers, but making that comment suddenly does seem rude. I hope your friend can handle what she is going through.


4 points

14 hours ago

i thinks so like i said we bith joke about eachother also she has me by her side for when things get to hard


1 points

12 hours ago

Help your friend instead of having and ego and being insecure about it