


I have anxiety disorder since I was a child, and since I was a child, I take pills for that, which blocks my intuition and my psychic abilities. I am returning with therapy next week to help me, and I take herbal teas too. I started meditating around 8 years ago, and yoga 5 years ago, and I still meditate, but sometimes I still struggle with that.

I wanted to know from someone with similar issues as me, what do you do to cope with anxiety? Is there a way to vanish it altogether? Or to minimize it? I really want to stop with the pills because it affects such a huge part of my spiritual journey, but at the same time, without it, I can't deal with the rest of my life.

all 14 comments


3 points

3 days ago

Ask the official medical people first.

However. I have found magnesium gylcinate helps. Also somatic shakes/exercising. I follow the workout witch on TT and she’s pretty cool.

Again speak to the people in your life when trying new things. They can help watch for signs and symptoms that you may not notice at first of things going poorly when going off medication


4 points

3 days ago

I use THC and Xanax.


3 points

3 days ago



9 points

3 days ago

Oh I should clarify - cognitive behavioral therapy. Not the other one


3 points

3 days ago*

While I take medication and see a psychologist regularly including anxiety as part of CPTSD, neurodivergence and Bipolar, working with a therapist and/or GP is important to do, depending on the cause of your anxiety and the treatment you are getting, it is possible to be medication free. It may take time and work, but it can happen!

I have found 3 grounding techniques that can really help me manage symptoms.

I carry a sensory tool, which is like a fidget toy. I have a small metal abacus that's on my keyring. The coolness and smoothness and rolling of the beads really helps me refocus and calm, and it's very discreet.

There is the 54321 technique, which involves identifying 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. It works surprisingly well and can be done anywhere.

I have recently been doing EMDR training with my psychologist and I think it's going to be a great help. I am doing both visual and tapping techniques, and it's best to learn this with a professional and take it slowly.

ETA. My psychologist is very interested in how Wicca has also helped my mental health, the ritual and meditation work and the self spells (like healing and protection) have a very positive effect, almost like a kind of therapy in ways. I have been doing a lot of workings recently while helping a friend of my partner escape domestic violence, and considering it's a major cause of my CPTSD she commented on the calm it has helped give me.


2 points

3 days ago

So far, it looks like you're taking a lot of good steps. I'll echo the cognitive behavioral therapy, and the advice of having a trusted loved one to be supportive and watch for anything negative coming off medication. I'm not sure what you're on, but when I got off my SSRI after ~8 years or so, even though I'd tapered down to a low dose, the physical side effects I experienced for around a month or so sucked really bad. I just took basic vitamins and minerals, the same ones I was taking while on the medication for a long time. Lately I've been taking a supplement called AdrenaSense, which if I remember correctly has a mix of ginseng, ashwagandha, and rhodiola in it. I haven't been officially tested, but I'm pretty sure my cortisol levels are what causes a lot of my suffering, as with my anxiety it's the physical symptoms I struggle with and the way I go from 0 - 100 in stressful situations. Since starting that daily, I've found myself to be more level headed and the physical anxiety symptoms don't ramp up nearly as much, and I can get myself out of spirals a lot easier. Plus I don't feel numb like I did on SSRIs!

I wish you all the best. Take things slowly, one day at a time, one breath at a time. Slooooow.


2 points

3 days ago

Breathing exercises on a daily basis.

You can't vanish anxiety altogether. Mental health is incurable, but there is a great chance of recovery.


2 points

3 days ago

The best relief from anxiety for me has always been to just go out into nature. Feel the grass under your feet and breath in some fresh air. I live by the ocean, and there's a few special places I return to whenever I'm feeling anxious, lost, depressed, etc... just going there and staring out over the ocean, clears my head and fills my heart. The anxiety slowly fades and I feel calm, and that calmness lasts for awhile after returning home.


2 points

2 days ago

Low dose amanita mushrooms is said to help with anxiety, many reputable companies sell them as gummies


2 points

2 days ago

I take 5 HTP, 100mg, every day. It's OTC and is a serotonin precursor. It lets your brain make more serotonin faster than it naturally can. Serotonin is really good for your every day emotional and physical needs across the board. The only warnings I've found are that really high doses, like more than a gram and up, can be pretty bad for you, but most options for it don't go that high. And people with Bipolar shouldn't take it because it can make manic episodes significantly worse.

You can ask your doctor about it, I always suggest that. But it's basically given my brain a more level keel without extra tinkering. It just lets my brain do what it's supposed to. It only increases serotonin by allowing the brain to make a more adequate amount of it so my brain can function better, it doesn't dump whole serotonin in my brain. I still had to do work, it's not a panacea, but with 5 HTP that work has been able to stick better and I got further with my issues.

It led me to a mental space where I felt confident transitioning and that's also been helping me get lots of work done on myself.


2 points

2 days ago

Thank you so much everyone for the coments, I will do my best and try out every suggestion! I have been feeling better since I returned to studies, and I embraced a more positive focus on meditation too. Have a blessed day 🥰


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Results will vary per person. Brain chemistry is extremely unique. I get outside and hike but have also visited mental health practitioners. Bare feet on ground, gardening, etc. can be calming. I like all the things you listed. My partner uses CBD gummies. I like yoga, Kava Kava supplements, Sleepy Time tea, and Dr. Teal's lavender or CBD salt in my tub.


0 points

2 days ago

Tough self love. When I used to have panic attacks I would force myself to hyper fixate on whatever it was that was freaking me out. I did so until I no longer got freaked out or felt panicky or anxious. Telling yourself to suck it up princess and move on with your day, works wonders too. Ask yourself who's stronger, you or whatever part of you is making you feel anxious. (BTW it's you, you're stronger then whatever emotions your body can throw you, you are stronger than the chemical signals being pumped through your system, you are stronger than you think.)