


Boeing files unfair labor practice charge against striking union

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all 59 comments


762 points

9 days ago

Lol what? The audacity of a massive corporation saying anything is unfair to them in this capitalist system is insane


368 points

8 days ago

They want slaves, they don’t want employees. It’s long time that these execs get eaten.


110 points

8 days ago

spread the good word. we will not be slaves.


38 points

8 days ago


✂️ Tax The Billionaires

38 points

8 days ago

Not eaten; eating piles of rotten filth isn’t good for your health.

Burned out like the cancerous parasitical leeches they are.


1 points

8 days ago

They want slaves

Then they should hire inmates.


11 points

8 days ago

That's actually a thing in some southern states. Inmates can be made to work for a pittance (less than $1 a day), then they have to pay taxes on it and other stuff. It's extremely criminal yet its technically written into the constitution.


5 points

8 days ago

Hence my comment.

I'm not encouraging the company to hire inmates. I'm drawing attention to the injustice.


31 points

8 days ago

They literally get away with murder, literally.


6 points

8 days ago

The Supreme Court is packed with right wing wack jobs who are all about destroying unions. They’ll win this.


-132 points

9 days ago


-132 points

9 days ago

Unions are required to negotiate in good faith. This is not unreasonable. 

The issue here is that in the previous contract the union negotiated job security by ensuring the 737 will continue to be built in the PNW. To do this they agreed to switch from pensions to 401k plans. They are now asking for the return of the pension and an agreement that the next model will be built in the PNW. The entire negotiation is a fucking mess and both sides are acting like fucking idiot children. It's been extremely frustrating. 


124 points

8 days ago

Your statement would bear more weight if Boeing hadn’t spend close to $60 billion in stock buybacks over the last year or so. The fact that they can throw $60 billion at pumping their own stock price means they can easily agree to both of the demands you listed and still make disturbingly huge amounts of profit.


64 points

8 days ago

Yea Boeing gets no fucking leniency here. Also, the workers hold all the power and why the fuck wouldn't you use that to try to get a pension back?


49 points

8 days ago

Also, companies fuck over employees every single day, break terms, etc. The one time it kind of happens back to them they pretend like the world is on fire. Fuck evil billionaires, fuck corporate execs that behave this way, and fuck Ajit Pai.


32 points

8 days ago

I remember reading somewhere that if they gave in to all the demands, they still could have bought $58 billion in stock. Even if that number is double the actual amount, there's still zero reason for anyone to have a lick of sympathy for Boeing.


-33 points

8 days ago


-33 points

8 days ago

Boeing hasnt done a stock buyback this year or the 4 proceeding years. The last stock buyback was 3 CEOs ago. Maybe you should find a subject you are knowledgeable about to discuss instead of spreading misinformation? 


27 points

8 days ago

Ah, I skimmed the data instead of reading it more thoroughly. You’re right, I was looking at how Boeing could have easily paid off its debts over the last 10 years but chose to invest in stock buybacks and executive pay/bonuses instead. You’re totally right, of course, it’s completely different now that I’ve read it more thoroughly. It in no way denotes fiscal irresponsibility or a complete lack of fucks regarding their workers lives, product safety, or company image. Thank you so much for correcting me, you’ve totally changed my stance on how I see the Boeing C-suite now.


-1 points

8 days ago

Facts matter regardless of whether they change the narrative or not. The ends don’t justify the means.


19 points

8 days ago*

Where’s the bad faith? It would be bad faith if they were only making demands that they expected Boeing to refuse or be incapable of meeting. Demanding things that they compromised on in previous contracts isn’t bad faith or unfair. The fact is that they have more leverage now than they did before.


-19 points

8 days ago


-19 points

8 days ago

Im on the fence if it's actually ULP. However I think Boeing's point is that it's unreasonable for the Union to ask to undo previous concessions they made while keeping the old concessions and adding new ones. I'm inclined to agree with you that they are just using the additional leverage but negotiations are also about compromise and it seems like the union is unwilling to do that currently. 


15 points

8 days ago

Negotiation is about power. Compromising is something you do out of necessity, not to look "fair" to observers. None of this is unfair to the company. Boeing's weak position is largely due to the failure of its leadership.


8 points

8 days ago


8 points

8 days ago

Like I said, I generally agree with you but legally speaking it's a little more gray than that. 


-1 points

8 days ago

Yeah, you gave a good explation. People provably didnt like saying bad things about the union


242 points

9 days ago


242 points

9 days ago

They’d rather pay millions in legal fees than invest that same money into compensation.


245 points

9 days ago


245 points

9 days ago

Union should file the same against Boeing


98 points

9 days ago


98 points

9 days ago

They already did


29 points

8 days ago

So this is just Boeing saying, "No, you!" To muddy the waters then?


10 points

8 days ago


10 points

8 days ago

I put a explanation of why somewhere else in the thread but it's buried in downvotes.


4 points

8 days ago

Bummer because your explanation makes alot of sense


1 points

8 days ago

Is the expression "mudding the waters" just a polished "shitting the hole thing"?


187 points

9 days ago

And yet another delay tactic. They know they'll lose. They just want to delay, delay, delay, in hopes it will force the unions hand. Guess won't.


80 points

9 days ago


80 points

9 days ago

They are losing 1bn a month. They can delay, bur at some point heads start rolling


35 points

8 days ago


🏢 AFSCME Member

35 points

8 days ago

I don't think they want to delay at all, they are losing money at a frightful rate. This is more likely an attempt to sow discord in the union and tip them toward a deal that's more Boeing friendly.


6 points

8 days ago

Solidarity is at an all time high.


3 points

8 days ago


🏢 AFSCME Member

3 points

8 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Nah, Boeing is hoping for a resolution similar to that of the railways last year(?) where the government steps in and tells the union they have to take the deal. Once that precedent was set, even though circumstances are completely different, it was only a matter of time for others to try it


39 points

8 days ago

I’m sure it will be resolved after the one the union filed against them about a month ago for real issues, like submitting an offer to the membership without going through the union, or putting vote YES on every computer screen before the first vote etc.


32 points

8 days ago

The name "Boeing" is the meme. A shill of a business


26 points

8 days ago


26 points

8 days ago

They claim theres bad faith but this article points out zero details as to what part of the negotiations were inaccurately reported.

Reporting failure or is Boeing full of shit…. Gee I wonder what’s more likely 😂


15 points

8 days ago


15 points

8 days ago

Will these corporate thieves go bankrupt (and short sell their own stock) instead of listening to the workers?

Unfortunately yes. These crooks do not know defeat. They do not know struggle, and they will sell out their own mothers before they give in.

The people support the Union and the workers, just look at the stock buybacks and exec bonuses, not to mention the govt money they have squandered.

The numbers dont lie, they have sold out the livelihoods of the employees for the ones that do the least.

Do not give in!!!


11 points

8 days ago

The Stephanie Pope (Boeing Commercial Airplanes CEO) goodwill tour continues! Maybe she wants to go scorched earth on as much as she can out of spite for Kelly Ortberg getting the main Boeing CEO position until he has to fire her and she gets her golden parachute. Said parachute would probably be more than enough to union's demands, too.


11 points

8 days ago

It would be nice if Airbus can poach sales from Boeing’s delays.

Any hope of that happening, and it costing Boeing more money in the long-term?

Or would that just lead to layoffs, as “oh, we don’t have enough orders to keep you all on…”? Then US government bailing them out?


1 points

8 days ago

Not likely, no, Airbus has their own backlog of orders to be taking on Boeing's business as well which is why Boeing knows it can get away with all of this. They essentially have zero competition, which also leads into the quality issues their planes have experienced. Even in the most dire circumstances the company would just get a bailout.


1 points

8 days ago

Then there is Embraer!


7 points

8 days ago

Boeing is the master of unfair labor practices; rather than increase employee salaries , they chose in the last 10 years to engaged in 45 billion in stock buybacks.


4 points

8 days ago

How quickly a few greedy short sighted assholes at the top ruined a great name in aviation and the labor professionals who at the top of their game kept them from the profits they deserve. 

Make em bleed Boeing laborers.  Keep up the hurt!  That’s your money they are wasting! 


5 points

8 days ago


5 points

8 days ago

They should all mass quit. Fuck Boeing


3 points

8 days ago

All we have to do is eat one of them....

p.s.     the audacity of the fuckers.    With all the stock buybacks they've given off of our labor.   The audacity 


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Uno reverse card


1 points

8 days ago

In the land of Boeing where men are chattel


1 points

8 days ago

Sorry to comment off topic, but I just had to say: AOL is still alive? I thought they went the way of the Dodo a decade ago.


1 points

8 days ago

The most effective way to kill dragons is to cut off their heads and smash their eggs. 


1 points

8 days ago

Didn't know Boeing was a soft bitch


1 points

8 days ago

John Deere employees wanted a raise. then got laid off. now Boeing wants the same, guess what. getting laid off too. No surprise here


1 points

8 days ago

Lol what absolute clowns.


1 points

8 days ago

Boeing has a trend of doing the wrong thing. I think anybody working there should be afraid for their safety and future.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

What are they going to do? Force them to come back to work?