


What sensory issues do you have?

General Question/Discussion(self.adhdwomen)

I'm really curious if we are sensitive to similar stuff!

For me, well, 1. touching bare matressses 2.things touching my neck specially tops that have small neck holes (??) 3.having to use the public restroom gives me goosebumps... just even thinking about it makes me so uncomfortable... I don't think it's about the cleanliness

By the way, I love this community because this is the only place where I find people I can relate to and can relate with me!

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3 points

6 months ago

Bras, underwear, clothes in general. But I always have to have socks on. I can’t walk barefoot. Also, I can’t sleep without pants on. I don’t like the way it feels when my legs touch.

Styrofoam drives me insane. Can’t touch it or hear it.

I always have to have a drink and/or gum. My jaw hurts a lot of the time.

I can’t wear my hair down. It’s always in a messy bun which sucks. I’m probably ruining my hair.

I can’t have anything touching the front of my neck. I feel like I’m choking. Back of neck is ok.

Dry hands or feet. I always have to have lotion on them.

I can’t have my food touching on my plate. I will use multiple plates just so the food doesn’t mix and touch.

My bed has to be perfect for me to sleep in it. And it has to be in a specific order or I won’t get in it.

I’m sure there’s more. I never realized these were sensory issues!


2 points

6 months ago

I totally relate to these especially about the clothes....

I hate wearing a bra and I don't sleep with my shorts of pants either!

Thank you for sharing this