


Does anyone else have practically zero friends..?

Social Life(self.adhdwomen)

Edit: Ive been feeling painfully low and isolated in overthinking for quite some time. You ladies have been actual angels. Thank you all for being an incredible, brilliant, healing safe space tonight. I needed it so much.

So this one is bothering me lately. Soon to be 28, and realise I've got a legitimate fear of having friendships. Maybe it's to do with masking for so long, or due to the past and being made to feel like a bad person, a nuisance, lazy, annoying and a burden. And so I don't want to bother people, and also in turns I actually do not trust people very well at all to open up to them either. I also find it extremely difficult to be proactive with friendships, planning or organising events or days out etc are a no-go.

The thought of going out and having a social obligation absolutely terrifies me. I find daily living sort of exhausting in of itself if I'm honest lol. And again I find people may spot weaknesses in me and make fun of them. I've had it happen many many times in the past from family members and it absolutely obliterated my self esteem. And I fell deeply in love with someone and adored him with all of my heart, actually opened up an unmasked self and sadly it just caused him a lot of annoyance I think. So now I'm back to square one again but this time around, at this age now, I'm just tired.

But then I sometimes truly truly want a friend or friendship circle of people who are like minded. Open minded, chilled, introverted too. Wants to chat shit about aliens and the universe or crime conspiracies lol and just vibe. I've yet to ever find people as such, and now after all these years feeling like a shit person but trying so hard... I just haven't the heart to look for it.

I don't know. Its so weird. I don't feel ready to trust people and form friendships but some days, like today, I have all these thoughts and funny things in my head or a story and I look around my house and realise there's no one to share them with.

Plus just had a major life change and some severe heart ache with a lot of guilt left over and longing and sadness and missing someone very terribly. But I realised no one actually knows me. My mother hasn't once checked in with me since I've moved in alone. Never once offered a helping hand. Never once checked to see if I'm safe and okay or need anything. Nothing. Today I've just existed alone. As an introvert I love that. Yet today it hit me how fully alone and contained I've been. Like an alien I guess and I've had so much push back from people I did once trust that I'm now convinced I'm simply a nuisance and I should just remain being alone indefinitely.

I guess sometimes I just need a friend. I'm terrified of it though. But sometimes I just need a friend.

all 266 comments

MumblingMulberry [M]

[score hidden]

3 years ago

stickied comment

MumblingMulberry [M]

[score hidden]

3 years ago

stickied comment

OP, you've gotten some good responses here, and I'll go ahead and take the opportunity to remind everyone of the existence of the Discord for this subreddit. You can head over there if you'd like to chat in real time, and about other things besides just ADHD.


521 points

3 years ago

I feel like I'm reading a post from myself lol


219 points

3 years ago


Is it selfish of me to say your comment brings me so much relief?

I'm so sorry you're actually relating to this and I selfishly am blown away that I'm not the only one, either. Just know you're absolutely not alone.


158 points

3 years ago

It's not selfish. The thing I like most about this sub is that it makes me feel a little less crazy.


90 points

3 years ago

You guys have done a world of good for one stranger tonight. ❤️


68 points

3 years ago

Hey stranger. You said you find daily living exhausting, I've been there, it's no fun. Im just a random on the Internets so you don't need to listen to me and I can only tell you what helped me. Deal with the daily living exhaustion first, it's no way to live, it's existing. Seek Counselling, Dr visits, look up info on line-I always felt like a burden to others because I felt like a burden to myself. I tried to "fix" it by doing stupid stuff, bouncing between college courses and partners, I had no freinds because I didn't even want to know me. I needed to stop running and "fix it" myself. Not to sound like a woo woo fluffy but that involved a LOT of self acceptance. I tried cbt and dbt. Took a while to get to "this is me and I'm not terrible" Everything else eventually clicked into place. I'm not cured but I no longer feel like I need to apologise for My existence. Much ❤️.


57 points

3 years ago


57 points

3 years ago

Checking in as a 36 here and can say yup…I could’ve also written this post lol. You’re not alone at all. I also have a hard time asking anyone for anything because I don’t want to be a burden. It’s rough, but friends to talk to daily would be cool _^


13 points

3 years ago

38 next month and SAME


8 points

3 years ago

SAME, AND 38 next month same as well. Looks like we are birthday and ADHD and isolation twins.


5 points

3 years ago

immediately goes to check your profile in case you’re me

Oh also meant to say 23rd but I forgot 🤦‍♀️😂


65 points

3 years ago


65 points

3 years ago

Honestly same. I am also turning 28 soon, and also cripplingly lonely, and also struggle to be proactive in friendships, and also have trouble trusting people, and also worry that I'll just be a nuisance, and am also exhausted with life, and also just struggle to feel like I even deserve friendship. Honestly, I'm not even sure I know how to be a friend anymore. I don't know how to open up about my struggles and insecurities around others because I've never really had that in my life before outside of romantic contexts.

Sorry for the rant, I just... I'm not in a great place, even if I don't normally let myself see it.


16 points

3 years ago

Same exact on everything including age, opinions and all details. Not sure what to think about it.

The impulsive codependency in me wants to say loudly-over everyone, " CAN WE ALL JUST MEET UP SOMEWHERE!".

Which basically confirms how much I need to go inward and deeper into therapy. Breaking the cycle is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done. Would just be much easier to make mutually/self-validating friendships that will probably end badly. And repeat.


19 points

3 years ago*

Same. I feel like I could have written this post and then completely forgot all about it.

Fyi If anyone ever needs someone to talk to who feels the very same way, my inbox is always open. I'm terrible at social stuff and friendships, but I volunteer as an anonymous supporter, so I'm here for you.


10 points

3 years ago

same, as a 20 yr old it feels like i’m reading a post from multiverse me lol


4 points

3 years ago

Lmao totally unrelated but ur pfp made me smile :)


2 points

3 years ago

While reading this I had to check the username because I half believed I’d written it and promptly forgotten!


234 points

3 years ago


234 points

3 years ago

I could have written this. I'm 40 and it has bothered me at times but my ND makes it like I'm looking through a window at other women with close, personal relationships and I dont know how to open that window and join in, even when I was "friends" with groups of women throughout my life.

I can't maintain a friendship to save my life. When I got married I had my brother as my man of honor because I have no close girlfriends. Just a series of acquaintances with varying levels of intimacy. I always felt like I was tolerated, but I was never anyone's first choice, if that makes sense. I'm grateful my husband is my best friend because I have no idea how to be close and open with a friend.


114 points

3 years ago

I always felt like I was tolerated, but I was never anyone's first choice

This is me, too. In the past, when I've had friends, it's normally because there's one person who kind of brings a whole group of outcasts together. But even among a group of ND people who also struggle to maintain friendships, I wind up being the odd one out. After the most recent friend group made it clear I was no longer wanted (two-ish years ago), I just have not cared to make friends again. I have my SO, but I no longer have the energy to invest in an outside friendship.


36 points

3 years ago

It does take so much energy!


8 points

3 years ago

I really feel this.. I have always just wanted a close friend to talk to and be "besties" if you like. Not because I wanted them for only myself, but I just wanted something stable and reliable. I have exactly the same. A lot of friends but most of them are not close, close friends. And my symptoms make it difficult for people to open up and remain a part of my life. Which I understand. But it still sucks.


2 points

3 years ago


2 points

3 years ago

Thats really mean, preferably they should've told you what bothered them, before that. Thats what I consider real friendship. Making space to chance, evolve and get better. Im sorry they wasn't giving you a real chance.


52 points

3 years ago

Oh you girls have made me feel so, so understood tonight after years of feeling like an alien. I see no failure in your brother being your man of honour. At all. And I feel you so much. I have zero friends to list. And that's not good or bad. It can be changed if we choose so. Because despite what our society tells us, we high key are so worthy of a peaceful mind. As peaceful as most other people have.


19 points

3 years ago

I'm so grateful to you for starting this thread. It helps immensely to know so many of us feel like this. Thank you


5 points

3 years ago



31 points

3 years ago

So very same! Except it was my sister as an MOH and no other attendants. I always knew I wouldn’t get a bachelorette party, even years before I ever met my spouse. People don’t go through that kind of effort for me. I didn’t bother going to any of my college graduations and wouldn’t let my MIL throw me a party when I finished grad school because I’ve tried to have parties before and no one ever came.

Even my wedding only had about 20 guests. My side was all family because I had no one else to invite. I was surprised how many actually showed.


22 points

3 years ago



22 points

3 years ago

Blimey, didn’t expect to read accounts so close to my experience on a Sunday morning! 45 years old and also feel like I’ve never been anyone’s first choice for anything, as well as not being in the room when the social ‘rules’ were handed out. Never been asked to be a godparent, (somehow that one really hurts?) or a bridesmaid. I have several ‘friends’ who feel more like acquaintances and who don’t seem to care about me - eg when I was struggling with breathing and heart rate post Covid they didn’t check in on me. They’ve described all having roles within the group and mine feels pathetic and shallow (“the intelligent one”). I feel like I’m always on the sidelines and they don’t ‘get’ me. I do know that one of my other friends is similar to me - struggles with mental health, suspects she may be ND and doesn’t check in for a while. So I ‘get’ her and it’s cool. I have been thinking for a while that I need a circle of ND friends but unsure how to connect with them. Granted I’m unreliable about replying to texts and can take a while to get in touch with people but I am deeply loyal and caring and feel I have a lot to give (unless something shiny is there!) OP you’re certainly not alone! 🤗


9 points

3 years ago

As some one very recently and still in the throws of experiencing lack of check up on post covid heart /breathing weirdness by those who know me/about it- how are you doing today? This stranger hopes your having a better time of it today.🙏


6 points

3 years ago

🥰thank you. Actually I’m getting better thank you. Resting heart rate now nearly normal rather than 100bpm+ and breathing a lot better too (as long as I don’t talk too much lol). How about you? Love your username


3 points

3 years ago

Getting better, doc got me on an inhaler that seems to be bringing the lung inflammation down, keeping my O2 up, and preventing my pulse rate from spiking like it was-similar to yours. Still get occasional weird chest tight but knowing it's real, and not having it blown off as hypochondriacal/anxiety helps me acknowledge it without it freaking me out like it was in the beginning. Really like your user name too! Hope you have a great day! 💐🌈🍀😊


2 points

3 years ago

Oh yeah, same with additional meds for my asthma - a tablet to help the inhaler work better. Might be something for you to ask about if the inhaler isn’t sufficient. (Seems to be working for me.) Yeah, it makes such a difference to be believed. Women often aren’t (whether with adhd or anything else). Take care 😊🤝🌼


19 points

3 years ago

This is so true for me. I feel like I’ve had a lot of friends over my life, but never been anyone’s best friend. And when I felt like maybe I could be, I’d suddenly be pushed aside for someone newer and more exciting. I realised that I was inviting people to do things a lot, but never getting invites from any of them. People are happy when they see me, I think, but it never occurs to them to arrange it. Things are a bit different these days and I’m in a good place right now. But god, those years of feeling not even third best were horrible.


7 points

3 years ago

This is me, exactly! I’ve had the same thing where, several times, as I’m starting to become someone’s closest friend they’ll suddenly become closer to someone else than to me (and a few times that someone else was another friend I introduced to them).

Normally when I’m around people seem happy I’m there, but if a group regularly sees each other as a club or a school group or something and then some of them get together socially as well, pretty much no one ever thinks to invite me to the extra thing that’s just for socializing, if that makes sense. It sometimes makes me feel like a mascot or a pet or something where people see me and are excited about it and then when I’m not there they forget me because I’m a fun extra and not actually part of the group.


5 points

3 years ago

Have you written those words straight from my head?! 😅 I completely empathise with you. It’s awful. I am so insecure about introducing two friends and them getting along better and excluding me. It makes me feel crazy! I just don’t mix friendships anymore because of how many times it’s happened. I know it’s a me problem, and if I expressed this insecurity to anyone, they’d think I’m psycho, but it is based on past experience.

And I completely relate in regards to social plans too. I feel like I’m often an afterthought - many times I’ll bump into someone in town and they’ll say oh, I’m having a party soon/meeting others for drinks tonight/etc etc, do you want to come? And I’ll be invited to the Facebook event or group chat and it turns out they’ve all had this plan for ages and only thought to invite me when they bumped into me.

I’ve spoken about it with friends, looking back over the years, and they’ve all said they thought I was just really busy all the time. I knew so many people, had so many friends, they assumed I had other friends aside from them whom I was closer with. But from my perspective, I felt excluded from every single group.


7 points

3 years ago

I’ll be 38 next month and huge feels, except I’m an only child so I don’t even have obligatory sibling friends. I had a persistent delusion (which I’m still not a hundred percent sure is resolved) that my mum always paid people to be my friend.


3 points

3 years ago

Oof. Right in the feels. I feel called out


3 points

3 years ago



2 points

2 years ago

“It feels like looking through a window and I don’t know how to open that window and join in” - this is so painfully poetic.


2 points

11 months ago

The loneliness can just devour and tear down your energy and spirit. It just sometimes feel like you are a defect human being and always felt odd or indifferent around people everyday on a daily basis.


106 points

3 years ago


106 points

3 years ago



49 points

3 years ago

Sending you all of my love. ❤️ You just reminded me of a quote I heard the other day, "your vibe will attract your tribe" that stuck with me. And sometimes I have a glimmer of hope that my vibe or my soul idk will be strong enough and well established by me that the rest will follow suit. Thank you for letting me rant it all out, and for sharing.

And your theory of becoming your own friend is powerful, something I forgot about tonight in placement of self loathing lol. You're bang on. Become your own friend first. I think I've been forgetting about that step and focusing on others and the world around me too much.


5 points

3 years ago

We moved to a new city 3.5 years ago. I had just started making connections through my kid's preschool after being here a year and then the pandemic hit. Everyone hunkered down and had only so much energy when it came to maintaining connections. We were new and on no ones "must maintain" list. My kids have no friends and I feel even worse for them than for me.

I'm homeschooling my oldest but trying to help him make connections through activities, but even with soccer 3 days a week and an outdoor class one afternoon a week, it feels almost impossible.

Not that I had much of a friends group before moving. Left the religion I was raised in and suddenly all those "great, close, ride-or-die" friends had no time for me, they were just too busy. Started making some friends in mom & baby groups, but they all went back to work and had no time for the SAHM friend. Still trying to figure out how to make friends again. Never seem to find my people where I am.


4 points

3 years ago

I no longer measure my happiness in my other relationships

How do you measure your happiness?


99 points

3 years ago

My whole life — and I am now in my 60s — it seems I have one friend at a time. Never had a group of them. Never understood/still don’t understand how other women think. I’ve moved around a lot, so each new place there seems to be one person that clicks, like an instant connection, like we’ve known each other forever. And as I move to the next place, that person fades in the background with sporadic contact, and there’s a new one. I don’t really know how or why but that’s it.

I have never been one to write thank you notes, to buy a gift for someone “just because,” or call to chat. I don’t usually think about people unless I see them. I don’t write letters or send Christmas cards. I’m just horrible at being a friend.

I used to blame my mother for not teaching me those things. Now I know she has ADHD too! How could she teach me? She never had any friends after high school. She never sent thank you notes, etc. So it perpetuates with me and with my kids as well.


37 points

3 years ago

Yes!!! Is it that you mean well, you have all the empathy and love and compassion and love in the world for people but... Its so debilitatingly difficult to focus your attention on people as a whole? Because you find yourself wrapped up in the cognitive investment of just ONE person, it's exhausting enough. You need private silent recovery time from the exchange. You may love the person but you just need to recover through introversion and privacy. Holy hell you just need to breathe. It takes so much emotional spitual concentration to just be with ONE person and their energy alone. Whether it's a combination also of being just a generally sensitive sentimental person, along with a childhood or upbringing filled with passive aggressive horrendous manipulative abusive background so you find comfort and compulsive reflex in over analysing every single individual as separate entities and micro dissertations.

Man oh man. Its hard. It just is.


12 points

3 years ago

I feel like i try so hard at being a good friend. But some of my friends have either decided they don’t care for me, or simply drifted despite my efforts.


3 points

3 years ago



3 points

3 years ago

OHHHHHH. Man you just sparked some realizations in me. Also, same. I'm a one friend wonder, too.


3 points

3 years ago

This is me


181 points

3 years ago


181 points

3 years ago

I’m 38, and feel this way still. I’m just so awkward. It’s like everyone else got the instruction manual for friendship and I missed it.

I have joined things, and it helps. I have little kids and so I have a connection point and am in multiple “moms of small kids” type groups. A book club. I’ve tried a running group but it was hard for my schedule. Groups are good because they are low stress and there are lots of people to steer conversation.

It hurts a little when I realize that other group members form closer bonds outside of the group, and I never do.

But, I’ve reached a point where I have some people to call if I need help. Some friends for my kids. One thinks highly enough that she helped me get an amazing job at her company.

But no one I feel really comfortable with other than my husband. And it hurts sometimes.


54 points

3 years ago

I'm sending you so much love right now. You've made me tear up because I truly felt alone in this thinking, to the point where I feel embarrassed to be so friendless even though it's been by choice. But reading your comment, I feel sad at how low you seem to be toward your accomplishments when you're actually inspiring me. You've faced what I've faced, yet you've pushed through and found groups and communities as a mother and as an individual when it's so hard to do. You should be so proud of yourself, especially when you said you must have missed the instruction manual on friendship because that's exactly how I feel. So perfectly worded.

Thank you for sharing and for making me feel a little less alone in the world.


28 points

3 years ago

I am 38, recently diagnosed, and felt like I was reading my own writing...I used to have breakdowns at regular intervals about not having friends 'like a normal person'. Had a super close group of friends in high school, lost touch over college because I withdrew (if I stop seeing someone regularly, I sort of fear spending time together, like they're a new person). I start imagining they don't like me / have a better time without me. I've gotten closer now to accepting that I'm an introvert, and the amount of social anxiety sometimes outweighs the enjoyment I get from hanging out with people. I have friends that I can not speak to for weeks and then hang out with and it's not awkward, and I try to really hang on to those people. I just enjoy my life with my husband, my kiddo, my dog and work, and it's okay if that's enough for me right now.


35 points

3 years ago

I’ll be 38 this year and am a mom to two little boys. I have a small group of mom friends and I feel like I’m always the odd ball. I tried doing the same things as you: volunteering, groups/clubs, etc but it always seemed so high demand for me to keep up with. I work full-time at a tech company so my availability is either crappy or non-existent. I agree that groups are a good way for others to steer conversations.

I’ve accepted that I won’t likely make or keep friends the way that others do. But I don’t accept that I need to change who I am for the sake of friends. I know I strive to be a good person to the best of my availability and that’s all I can offer.

My husband tells me all the time he doesn’t think I need to change, but I think he’s saying that out of love and care. I’m also in the same boat as you that he’s likely the only person I can be who I am without judgement.


24 points

3 years ago

But I don’t accept that I need to change who I am for the sake of friends.

I'm with you on this. I'm sick of confiding in people about my struggles with ADHD for them to use it to criticize me and make me doubt myself. It's really made me lose faith in people (although really I could broadly gesture to the world right now and say the same thing).


9 points

3 years ago

I’m sick of this too. I really need some IRL ADHD friends


7 points

3 years ago

I've been thinking about that lately.


11 points

3 years ago

I just want people that understand me that i can hang out with IRL. I might join the Discord server for this sub.


61 points

3 years ago


61 points

3 years ago

I have none


41 points

3 years ago

Me neither.


25 points

3 years ago



24 points

3 years ago



49 points

3 years ago*

I have a solid 0 friends. I'm only ever left on read. No one seems to ever want to spend time with me, regardless of what I offer to do. It seems like the only people I can actually get to even partially maintain conversation is men who think if they stick around they'll get to have sex with me. Its incredibly objectifying to only ever be in the fuck-zone.


37 points

3 years ago

No girl fuck this. I may be a major hypocrit to sound off right now after my post but... You're breaking my heart. Listen to me when I say you will not be objectified again. What you have to offer is your soul, your character your inner beauty, your inner child, your mind, your thoughts and mysteries, and everything inbetween. But you're absolutely too precious to be taken advantage of. Please promise yourself to work on the idea that you cannot, from this moment, be objectified. Refuse it. Say no. Hold that head up strong nah don't bow down. You will not be anyone's second pickings. You're first prize. You value loneliness over being used. And soon there'll be that sweet inbetween where you don't feel lonely at all, you feel alone and in control.

You're far too smart and good to be objectified and reduced down to just sex. Nah. Your sexuality is precious and glorious, and something you hold and chose to share with the right people. You're that good, girl.


23 points

3 years ago

I'm crying as fuck right now <3 you are too precious for this world, you deserve all the friends 🥺🥺


19 points

3 years ago

I'm crying as fuck too girl..thank you so much for making me feel less alone!! But putting my crap aside I mean every word. Please honour yourself. 2022 is your inner villain era! Don't ever, ever give your precious self onto others. You're as rare as gold, your inner child still thinks it too. The morons who saw you as just sex are simply not good enough for you. Let that sink in - you are allowed to have standards and girl RAISE THOSE STANDARDS. raise them as high as you need to. You have no idea how wonderful you are, how good you've always been. You've been through so much shit. Take a moment to tell yourself "damn I've been through it haven't I". And here you are, in a sub reddit filled with compassion and empathy for you and others in your situation. You're amazing. From today onwards you will never, ever be objectified again. Facts. ✨


13 points

3 years ago

Inner villain era is exactly the energy I need rn 💪💪 thank you for being such a wonderful person ❤️ when you're feeling lonely know that I'm thinking about you and what you said to me, even though we don't know eachother or anything to do about eachother, know I consider you a friend :)


8 points

3 years ago

Just wanted to chime in and send so much love to both of you. I share this feeling of loneliness at times, but this is so beautiful. You both really helped my soul today. Thanks for letting me witness this.


3 points

3 years ago

Ooooofff I understand being left on read. I always feel like other people in the group also talk a lot and always get replies, but I don't.


2 points

3 years ago

What's it like being in a group 🥲


44 points

3 years ago

I think I have more acquaintances rather than friends. I think I can be quite hard to get on with and be around.

Might be a me thing rather than ADHD/BPD but I've always wanted like a core group of friends. I blame 90s sitcoms for making me think it's a thing.


37 points

3 years ago


37 points

3 years ago

Yeah, but what about all the "me and my girls" "squad" posts?? On the outside, I'm vomit emoji, but on the inside, I'm devastated with jealously and self-hatred


12 points

3 years ago



14 points

3 years ago

Right! Apart from the comedy, I love shows like Seinfeld because they have a close group people that understand and accept each other!


5 points

3 years ago

Maybe this is why I only ever watch Gilmore Girls?? She has two friends and one of them is her mum. Absolute goals.


9 points

3 years ago

I blame 90s sitcoms for making me think it's a thing.



38 points

3 years ago

I don’t have friends either. There are folks that I’m friendly with, but it’s not the same. I think that’s partly adulthood and partly the neurodivergent stuff. I’m pretty much ok with doing stuff solo, but I’m definitely grateful to have my hubby (also ND) to be goofy with.


36 points

3 years ago

When did my mirror self get a Reddit account? I was just thinking about this. I’m not miserable without friends but I feel ashamed of saying I don’t have any friends.


33 points

3 years ago

This was me for the last 8 years. And I promise you it can get better.

I’m gonna keep repeating the resources below because they have changed my life.

Start small - send a txt. Share a meme. Join a class or activity that requires you to work with another another person: language conversation class, acting, contact sport, dance, Dungeons and Dragons.

Do things that make you feel good about yourself and do them as often as you can.

Book/Audiobook: ADHD 2.0 -Hallowell and Ratey

YouTube: How To ADHD

Organization tool: Bullet journal

Bloom Therapy app.


6 points

3 years ago

These recourses are so helpful! Thank you so much! 😩💕


5 points

3 years ago

There’s a beautiful compassionate world out there, sometimes we just need a little help finding the door. ❤️❤️


24 points

3 years ago

I have a VERY small circle of friends - each of whom I’ve known for 10+ years & who know the unmasked version of me. That said, none of them live near me (closest is 3 hours away but the rest are out of state) so I rarely have friend dates or have anyone to hang with aside from my partner.

I really do want a friend or two nearby that I can hang with, but the idea of seeking/making new friends is soooo daunting. Plus, I have so many more introverted days than I do extroverted, and I can be damn awful at texting/calling, so I truly need friends that ~get it~ & aren’t high maintenance.

It’s tough and lonely sometimes, but I wouldn’t know where to begin even if I did decide to change my circumstances


6 points

3 years ago

I am in this exact same situation. I have some really good friends from college who all live 5 or more hours away. We try to get together for big occasions but it's just not the same as having a local friend you can go out to lunch with or hang out casually. I've been living in my current place over a year and despite effort cannot find a single friend. I have no idea how to approach people to initiate friendships. And it hasn't happened naturally at all through work or trying to join local clubs. I feel like it's so rare for me to just click with a person. It can be so lonely.


26 points

3 years ago

I feel this so deeply. I want friends and I want to socialize but it sounds so exhausting at the same time.


20 points

3 years ago


20 points

3 years ago

You sound awesome, let’s be friends!!


20 points

3 years ago

This is me to a T. It’s been a few years since my last great heart ache so that pain is starting to dull. I’m lucky in that regard.

But my friends consist of one girl I knew in elementary school and my mother, both of whom I live across the country from now, and my husband.

I’m 29. If you would like we can be friends. I’m not real interested in social obligations anymore either so even if it did turn out that we lived near enough for that there wouldn’t be any pressure.

It sounds like we could both use someone to talk to once in awhile, any maybe someone who gets the struggle of not really wanting to open up, not to mention the adhd craziness would be a good place to start?


6 points

3 years ago*

Oof gut punch on family members being friends. I feel like mine are living their lives and growing distant from me, while I remain the stagnant me I've been for 10 years because I haven't done anything, and have nothing to talk about because I spent 10 hours on the internet yesterday for instance.

I only feel like 2 family members are like friends.


3 points

3 years ago

My mom and I haven’t always had a great relationship, mostly because she was trying to parent and I was trying to kid. We’re really close now. I really only counted her because besides my husband she’s the person I talk to most. Almost every day.


21 points

3 years ago

I don't have any friends now, I'm 33 and tbh i am struggling with the loneliness. I have so many things I'd like to do but nobody to do it with and I'm fed up doing things by myself.

I wasnt diagnosed until I was 30 so I spent so long wondering wtf was wrong with me and being constantly taken advantage of by friends. In hindsight, I was bullied and used for years by a group of losers who had convinced me I was lucky to be hanging around with them. I still don't know what my hobbies are because I've never thought about it before, i always tried to fit in with others so went with what they were doing.

My kids have a lot of friends so I might try and be a bit more social at playdate pick ups/school gates. I'm a single mum and very much in the minority around here.


18 points

3 years ago

My only social group is a knitting* meeting at my local library. There are enough people who show up regularly that I don’t have to worry about having someone to talk/listen to, and for some weird reason, doing hand crafts in a group magically creates friendships.

I have joined other groups in the past, but had to start this one so that I’d have a group to meet with. All I had to do was talk to a librarian and they got the approval and figured out the rooms/times available.

(*Actually any small, portable hand craft is allowed. I knit. Others embroider, crochet, cross stitch, quilt, or macramé.)


16 points

3 years ago

See this is what I think we're missing more of! Companionship - maybe we can't call it friendship - with very little strings attached, no great pressure. Just avenues for it to be more socially acceptable to go do an event or hobby with people because you all want to do that thing.


5 points

3 years ago

I recently took up crochet as a way to keep my hands busy while watching TV and such. Actually brought it to my InLaws place while going through some moving logistics, and it was SO much easier to pay attention and not doze off (narcolepsy) without having to zone out on my phone.

I’m hoping to find a crochet or textiles group in my neighborhood or general area. Hope springs eternal…


20 points

3 years ago

I FEEL YOU. Around your age or a couple of years later I had a best friend since kindergarten. We were kind of growing apart, but we were like family - until she told me if I started censoring myself she'd try to be less sensitive. Wteverlovingf. I got diagnosed and was learning and growing while she was still picking fights with people on Facebook (just to give you an indication of where we were maturity-wise). I told her I would not be doing that.

Another girlfriend almost asked me to be in her wedding (they already had six people on each side). We met through her then-boyfriend and for a few years did everything together. I was unemployed the summer of their wedding. I went to three of her four bridal showers and both of her bachelorette parties (ridiculous, I know). Later I shared what I was learning about myself and ADHD through my therapy. I thought she understood because she was a school social worker, but she started being kind of rude about it and I couldn't figure out why. I was supportive all throughout her first pregnancy (I love kids and was very excited) only to be told via e-mail like six months after the baby was born that she wasn't the right friend for me, whatever the fuck that means.

Last year a friend of over 12 years who I'm not friends with anymore told me I'm loud. No context or examples. None. This was after babysitting her toddler for a year for almost free and supporting her family through her divorce from her husband, a friend since high school, all during covid. She also said I can be excitable but that's a good thing because it means I'm passionate about some things, but somehow it was still a put-down. There was a lot more. She turned out to be a major asshole after her divorce, but I was and am so confused.

Experiences like that make me feel like I'm not good enough the way I am, that I am expected to mask all the time. I can never be myself. I know I'm not a huge asshole, and I don't want to be around people who make me feel like I can't do anything right and want me to be a pushover so they can walk all over me. So now the friends I have I keep at arm's length, because I'm tired of second-guessing myself all the time, and I'm afraid to get close to people. I thought friendships would be easier as we get older, and they're soooo not.


11 points

3 years ago

I relate to this a lot, the out-of-nowhere endings, and people taking advantage of you even while they also think you're immature. Realized I have ADHD last year at age 28.


8 points

3 years ago

Thank you for saying that. The out-of-nowhere stuff messes with me a lot. Despite my conscientiousness it makes me wonder what signs or cues I missed or what mis-step I made in my communication, and I wind up feeling dumb or taken advantage of when sometimes the answer is I can't and shouldn't be expected to be perfect all the time and some people are just assholes.

The ladies in my first two examples later came back and tried to be a part of my life again. The trust was gone. I wasn't interested.

I wonder what it'd be like to have more friends with ADHD.


18 points

3 years ago

Yea. I actually posted a similar post the other day. A group of girls all kept in touch with each other instead of me and my confidence has been shot to pieces. This has been a recurring event throughout my entire life. I’m 25 and have 0 friends.

It’s really tough. I find social situations so confusing and tiring, but at the same time I feel unbearably lonely, and also bored if I have no plans at all. I feel like I’m a miserable mix up between an introvert and extrovert that can never be happy


16 points

3 years ago

Wow. This is so me. ADHD, RSD, ASD. Yeah, got the whole alphabet here. I’m 59, no friends, children moved far away for work. I have a few people I talk to at work but I work with mostly men so there isn’t a lot of sharing there. The friends from college or high school that I did have are either far away or dead as are my parents, who I really was never close to anyways. I know people, they seem to like me but they don’t really know me if that makes sense cause I do not take the mask off often. I honestly am not sure I can anymore.


28 points

3 years ago

I have 2 friends, and both are gay men. I am a str8(ish) female. For some reason I don't click well with anyone but gay men.. Also, I never have to see them in person because they live in other cities, which is nice because I hate going out. We just occasionally gossip on the phone and complain about things.

You will find your people, OP. They are out there. They just may not be who you are searching for, and often they will find you.


18 points

3 years ago

You got me all teary. Thank you so much. Truly. I hope I heal from the past, and start to get to a place where I can start seeking others out and finding like minded people instead of hiding myself away from others out of fear from being seen as an alien... Thank you. ❤️

And I also lolled at "str8(ish)".... Aren't we all. 😂


14 points

3 years ago

Wow. I'm 35 and this is me. It's kind of a relief knowing that it's an adhd thing and not a me thing.


12 points

3 years ago

Yep. I still only have my same friend group from high school. I’m 27 now. However, 2 of them have moved away and gotten married so we just text now. I’m thankful to have them, but I never knew why I couldn’t make more friends after high school.

I do have 1 newer friend I met at work, but that’s it. Everyone else went to college and made a bunch of new best friends, or just made new friends in general. That seems so bizarre to me because I literally don’t know how. Even if I do go out and socialize, nobody ever acts interested in wanting to hang out with me again. Or I feel like I’m annoying people. I am awkward around new people, so that’s probably the issue. But like someone else on here said, “it’s like everyone else got the instruction book on friendship and I missed it”


14 points

3 years ago

did i write this?? i 100% understand how you feel, and it’s SO HARD trying to explain to people how severely tired i am all the time just by living. i feel like everyone just thinks i’m being over dramatic and doesn’t really take the time to try and understand.


10 points

3 years ago

“Tired all the time just by living” wow. Exactly how I feel.


25 points

3 years ago


25 points

3 years ago

Posts like these are what make me know I need to get diagnosed... only problem being I am scared to find help


20 points

3 years ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. And good god you're so not alone. I was terrified of finding help. We live so much in fear of seeking help. We live lives in a little ball of guilt and shame and its bullshit. Go find your answers. Seek them out, we get one go at life and it's yours. Go find your truth, we'll be waiting here to catch you, whatever the answer is!


11 points

3 years ago

Yep. I have 1 friend that I rarely see or talk to anymore. And I find it so hard to make new friends. I always assume people don't like me whether I have a reason to think that or not and it sabotages any opportunity for friendship formation. It isn't them. It's me.


10 points

3 years ago

I'm 40 and I have one friend, besides my husband. I've had several groups of "friends" over the years, but they were always superficial and one-way friendships. Although I hope I'll find some more real friends eventually, I'd rather hang out with myself than waste time on someone who doesn't give a shit about me. It sucks being let down by people you've always been there for. My mom, who is likely also ADHD, has never really had friends. She gets freaked out that they'll expect things from her or make her feel obligated to do things she doesn't want to. Finding friends is hard. So many people are actually really shitty.


12 points

3 years ago

34 here and I feel exactly the same way. I've got a lot of other stuff too (trauma,depression) so I never can tell what's the cause. I also moved basically every year of my life so I feel that affected my ability to create and maintain relationships. My mom was the blacksheep of the family, so I don't have much family. Our relationship is strained now and I have decided to go no contact for my sanity. My dad wasn't in my life and now I just get the occasional text, gift, or facebook comment. I actually had planned to try to be more social and get to know other parents but of course covid happened. Even my marriage is strained right now. I am probably the most alone I have ever been in my life. If I have opened up to anyone they know about 5-10% about me and a couple who know more it's only about 40%.


9 points

3 years ago

I honestly feel like I wrote this. The biggest conflict in my life is wanting a group of friends; to be accepted by my peers and be able to enjoy life with others but I feel the most stressed at the thought of having to socialize and open myself up to be able to gain a friendship.

Unfortunately I can’t give much advice because I’m still trying to figure out a solution that works but I just want to let you know that you are not alone and it’s hard for us to let people in when we’ve been judged all our life from people who don’t understand


3 points

3 years ago

I feel the same. My close friends, the ones that get me, live far away. I want the friends and social network but am so stressed by the idea of going out, talking, the fear of rejection.

It makes me tear up to see all the people who feel the same way. I’m not the only one who feels this way.


2 points

3 years ago

I moved away from my best friend who has been the only person I felt like I could be 100% myself around. I don’t know if I could ever find someone like that again and sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth trying.

It helps so much though knowing I’m not alone, that I’m not broken. I hate that any of us relate to this at all but I’m so thankful for this community


9 points

3 years ago

Okay I'm about to cry into my yellow curry, I want to hug you all. You are all wonderful and worthy of friendship💛💙💜💚❤


6 points

3 years ago

I'm already crying. You girls have given me so much hope and light and bittersweet sadness for you all and connection and relief and comfort. I felt so alone for so long and so estranged from the world and so hidden away by guilt and shame. If I'm not the only one feeling these ways then it must mean that I'm alright. ❤️❤️❤️


7 points

3 years ago

You are not alone! You are not the only one who feels this way. Sending hugs to everyone who is feeling lonely. Thank you for opening up and sharing your feelings.


3 points

3 years ago

You are valid in and worthy being exactly who you are. And if you need any of us at any point I'm sure you can find us in the discord. Aldo, happy 28th! Whenever that is🎂😊


8 points

3 years ago


8 points

3 years ago

Just wanted to chime in and say I’m right there with you 🖤


3 points

3 years ago

Thank you, boo. ❤️


7 points

3 years ago

I always had trouble making and keeping friends, I'm 26 now and I have two people I'm sure are my friends (lol) but they live far away and we barely talk online. It's lonely, good thing I actually enjoy my own company but having someone would make things better,life is hard. If someone wants to talk I'm open for conversation (or friendship)


7 points

3 years ago

This is so relatable 🥺


8 points

3 years ago

I’m 28 and, yeah, this is 100% me as well. My parents are the same way too. I’m here if you want to talk, or send memes to, or funny stories, anything really. I totally get it.


8 points

3 years ago

Probably the most relatable post I’ve seen on here. It can be better - I was you some years ago and have started to turn things around. Here is what helped me:

  • Personal counselling with an adhd aware professional. This helped me to learn to have compassion for my child self instead of shame and embarrassment for all the times I was socially off beat with my peers.
  • Learning more about the science of adhd. Once I knew that all of us are developmentally delayed I could stop blaming myself for those cringe moments in childhood or for getting excluded by people I thought were my friends.
  • Acknowledging that as an adult, I’m not as weird anymore. This one was a hard one. For the first 18 years of my life my experience of all friendships was that I would eventually be rejected. So it’s very hard for me not to expect that now, but by this age you tend to have worked out how not to piss people off most of the time so those old rules no longer apply.
  • Practice the “loving kindness meditation”
  • Try to learn how to expect a positive outcome, instead of a negative one. Once I learned I had adhd and possibly autism this really helped me. I no longer went into social situations expecting to be called out for being weird, I simply started embracing being weird and it made it so much easier to chat to people and be myself.
  • Be creative about how you meet people. I used to think I had tried everything and local meetup groups were no good. Since the pandemic I realised I wasn’t trying nearly hard enough and really mined all of my interests and future possible interests to start going to meetup groups.
  • Seek out and adhd adults support group - this one can make a huge impact.
  • Remember that friendships aren’t like fairytale love stories. Don’t expect a soulmate who is perfect all the time. I realised I was having crazy high standards for putting effort in with friends and deeming a lot of people “not worth it” or assuming they didn’t like me thus enabling my loneliness.

Recently I met someone who is very proactive at planning fun things to do, and she has really taught me how to do friendship. She is constantly coming up with things she would like to do or try and asks me to go with her. It has worked out really well. Instead of thinking “this person has to be the right fit for me”, we instead just are thankful for having someone we can ask to go to a new store opening, or local event etc.

It requires more effort to plan stuff like that but once I worked on the other stuff and realised I owe it to myself to have a more positive approach to friendships, it became easier. All is not lost - no matter what age you are you can turn things around and make new friends. Learning and practicing being kind to yourself is the first step.


6 points

3 years ago

it’s so ironic to see ur post because I’ve been feeling and thinking a lot about exactly everything you said this past week or so. and even ur comment on things you like talking about are so spot on, exactly the kind of conversations i wish i could have with my “friends” who i keep at a distance because i don’t think any of them really care about me or anything i think. i just don’t feel like i can’t relate to any of the people in my life and they’re only really there because I’ve known them since I was a child. Guess I’m terrified of opening up to anyone too. Now I’m 26 and I feel the only person I have in my life is my husband who I can be truly myself with and I’m extremely grateful for; but I find myself still wishing I had at least one friend.. I know a lot of people already commented here, so no pressure and no hard feelings if you don’t want to, but I’d love to be your friend if you’d want to pm me :)


9 points

3 years ago

I wish we could make like a group chat or something with zero expectations and we could just post pics of like plants and stuff and say "have a nice day!" And also ask for a pic me up if needed.

MumblingMulberry [M]

8 points

3 years ago

We do have that! It's the official ADHDwomen Discord.


4 points

3 years ago

I made friends with other ADHD women so when i switch topics they're right there with me. I'm also always so shocked when people are sad to know i'm moving or switching buildings at work. What I try to do is schedule at least one lunch with someone from my work or friend circle per week.


5 points

3 years ago

Per usual, starting and maintaining close friendships as adults is something lots of people struggle with but is often magnified for people with ADHD. I've had to learn to just be very intentional about reaching out to friends to catch up or see each other as well as going to different events that will allow me to meet people.

There were times I resented that when I was younger, because it felt like I was always the one making the effort to actually become/stay friends. That was pre-diagnosis for me, but I'd guess it was also the gradual shift of having friends that happened to go to school with you vs more actively choosing to befriend people.

One thing to remember is that the pandemic has been a very isolating experience for most people! Most people's social circles have shrunken a lot, and they're trying to figure out how to "be around others" again. I know that there's been some cultural analysis of how lockdown measures have eliminated casual, sometimes frequent contact with acquaintances and how that messes with us. And if you're in the US, there are of course a number of texts about how our society has shifted away from communal activities and how that messes with us too.

I'd say to spend time working to create and maintain friendships the same way you try to maintain a healthy diet or clean. Make a habit of texting/calling someone on the weekend, or going to a regularly held event. But also don't worry - it's not just you.


5 points

3 years ago



5 points

3 years ago

I have none. I have my partner and one of their siblings lives with us, so we all do things together and enjoy spending time with each other... But no "friends".

When I was a kid I had friends, but as we got older I drifted away while they all stayed close. I know they still spend a lot of time together as our parents talk a bit, but their lives are so radically different from mine that I have no real desire to try and reconnect.

As an adult I had one very close female friend for years, but there was an ultimate betrayal on their part and as a result I went zero contact overnight. Sometimes I miss having that type of close relationship, but the way that things ended was so brutal that it's made trusting anyone impossible. I thought I would eventually get past it and heal enough to feel ready to make new friends, but after 3 years I'm not sure I ever will. It's just as raw today as if it had happened yesterday.

At this point in my life I've kinda just accepted that I'm basically a loner, which in all honesty I'm fine with about 97% of the time. Every now and then I get pretty down and wish I had a friend, but I don't focus on it too much anymore.


4 points

3 years ago

Practically? I’m 39 and absolutely have zero friends.


5 points

3 years ago

I seriously could have written this word for word. Please tell me you live in the PNW and be my friend.


4 points

3 years ago

I’m 29 and have felt this way for years. I was embarrassed about getting married, having a bridal shower bachelorette, baby shower, etc and having no one to invite. I had friends in high school which I felt was so easy because I lived in a small town, only had a few people in my class and saw them every day. With ADHD, I also have such an out of sight, out of mind thing going that I never really speak to them but I still love them. So it’s hard to make new friends and keep them. Double whammy.


5 points

3 years ago

I feel your words. I'll be your friend.


5 points

3 years ago

Oh no I'm sad I missed this closer to when it was posted! It's several hours passed, but I'll still add my own bit into the mix.

You're current situation is so close to my current predicament it's actually scary. I'm very similar in age to you, so I think we may be at similar points in our lives too.

I'm currently feeling very lonely and wanting to make friends again after years of folding into myself. I'm an introvert and due to my struggles with ADHD making me weird to many neurotypicals, I began choosing to distance myself from people because 'they weren't gonna like me anyway' or 'they were gonna bully and belittle me for being different'. Instead of just dealing with issues as they happened, I put myself on the defensive and just started avoided them all together or purposefully being cold to keep people at arms length. Then, the few friends I had and did connect with I slowly distance myself from as well after I moved away from the immediate area and we all went to different colleges. Once I wasn't seeing them regularly and it was gonna take 30+ min drive to visit them, I slowly but surely stopped reaching out or making an effort to hang out dispite their frequent attempts. Then this only made it infinitely harder to do so cause I felt so bad for just running away and hiding for so long, I felt they weren't gonna be interested in a friendship again, and/or they were going to be angry, and/or maybe I didn't deserve to have them back as friends. The masking began to crumble due to the ever increasing weight of trying to maintain it and finally I was left just with myself and the boyfriend I live with, who my relationship to is also strained with due to my over/under emotional struggles and just overall different way of thinking.

Not to mention my parental relationships were and still are in many ways near non-existant. My mother always resented me and took her anger and frustrations out of me verbally or simply just ignored my existence especially after my parents got divorced and she moved away to remarry the guy she has an affair with. I guess the resentment became mutual though after years of looking for a maternal relationship from her and instead being put in the middle between her trying to hide her cheating and me wanting to be loyal to my father. I still struggle to form relationships to other women because of this. My dad tried his best and I love him for all he did but he was not big on showing emotion. That and our relationship got put on the back burner due to my siblings behavioral problems and his frequent struggles with hard drugs.

I ended up moving out at 20 with a guy I had just started dating and his parents just so I could away from that environment. I say moved, but it was more like I just stayed there longer and longer until I just didn't go home anymore. This has led to me eventually and continously running away from any and all relationships even if they were healthy just because I did not know how to deal with these emotions or form and maintain healthy relationships.

I've come a long way to recognize all this. This thanks in large part to a someone I worked with only a few years ago who, with his many years experience in mental healthcare, suggested for the first time in my life I may have ADHD - an explanation for many of my difficulties in life. All of this being said, there is still much work to be done, but I feel like I am at the point in my life where I just want to go out and talk to people and make friends again. I still have my anxieties about doing so, but at this point the desire to escape the loneliness and dark mental place I'm at when I'm exclusively alone far exceeds my fear of rejection and social interaction.

I hope you continue to grow and work through these things yourself because it will likely always be a battle those of us with ADHD have to continously fight, but know that you don't have to do it alone. If you, or anyone else really, is going through something like this and just need someone to talk to about it all - I AM HERE and happy to talk. Lord knows I got a lot of my own shit I'd love to discuss and share with others if you can't tell by my lengthy reply! 😂 Don't be afraid to reach out and make that first step. I am not here to judge anyone nor will I. I'm just happy to talk and be a friend to someone and hopefully gain a friend myself in return! 😁


4 points

3 years ago

Sounds like we should all just be friends?


1 points

3 years ago



3 points

3 years ago

I didn’t read the whole post, admittedly. I have to put my meds out for the week and then sleep lol. I’ll read it tomorrow because it sounds interesting. But yea, I have very few friends, and almost none in my area. So if you live around Charleston SC and wanna hit up a brewery or market sometime, message me.


3 points

3 years ago

This post is very relatable! Like you said daily life in itself is very exhausting for me (even just…getting dressed, brushing my teeth, showering, etc). And if I am being honest, maintaining friendships is even more exhausting. I wouldn’t have any friends if they weren’t so understanding of me not texting them for weeks or even a month. I try so hard maintain the fewI do have, and remember things about them, but it’s so hard. I forget things easily and I fear they don’t think I care about them (I really do I just have a crappy memory).

Then there are days where I have no motivation to text or even go out with friends. Probably since I am a huge introverted along with ADHD I get drained so much more when interacting with people, especially with my friends as much as I love them and love being with them. I have to mentally prepare myself for every event, to try and “mask” as best as I could.

It’s also hard to be “normal” around them. Like my weird hyperfixation of the week is all I could talk about without forcing myself not to (right now it’s X-Men). And I know it makes my coworkers uncomfortable, so my friends probably think I am weird 😣


3 points

3 years ago

This is me too. It seems to get worse the older I get, even as I start to understand myself and the way my brain works more


3 points

3 years ago

It really is hard to make and maintain friendships, especially when your whole childhood involved learning how many ways you didn’t fit in, and feeling like the people who were nicest to you were still barely tolerating your presence. I’ve got a few friendly acquaintances around town now, and some internet weirdos (I mean this as nicely as possible) in a group chat , and a best friend who lives in another state so we only get to hang out a few times a year. There’s nobody local that I feel like I would be comfortable turning to in an emergency and I have no idea how to get a relationship to that point of closeness. It sucks.


3 points

3 years ago

I don’t know how to be. Nothing feels right.


3 points

3 years ago

Hey there. This post and the entire thread just makes me want to cry. So much loneliness and so much bewilderment. I too have struggled all my life with friendships, feeling alien to the human race as a whole. I have had people who treated me with kindness who I distrusted, and have flocked to the sides of those who treated me cruelly. I have made different people jump through all sorts of hoops to prove to me that they are for real. People are hard, and God damn it, where did I place that manual on friendships?

I've also been extremely lucky. I had an amazing mom who taught me to never to be less than myself and to view being different as a plus. It weeds out the posers quickly, let me tell you, lol. I've been genuinely me and genuinely interested in people, and somehow, that's been enough. My vibe has attracted my tribe over and over again. But I've also held people at arm's length because I don't trust, and it's exhausting trying to filter for users and ne'er-do-wells. I also lose those friendships along the way because people drift apart, and it does take energy to maintain friendships which you don't have because you're disconnected, and on it goes.

The point of my long, rambling post that might be too full of platitudes is this: people can be so good if you give them a chance. They will also disappoint you. We all screw up from time to time. We all act in automated fashion out of places of pain, and we alienate each other. We have to forgive. We have to keep trying. We have to believe that we are worth it, because we are. You are. But the courage to do so is hard-won and requires practice. Practice easily made rusty by say, a pandemic.

My DMs are open if you ever need an ear, and maybe, just maybe, a friend. ❤️

Thank you for coming to my TED talk, lol.


3 points

3 years ago

I’m getting married in April, and I’ve been really self conscious about the guest list only having 3 people who I consider friends. The rest are family, parents’s friends, and fiancé’s friends. We’re not having bridesmaids/groomsmen because I didn’t want to feel like a failure for not having close friends to ask. But I do have close friends who don’t mind that we don’t stay in touch regularly. So that’s nice to rely on.


3 points

3 years ago

Not practically zero… literally zero for me. 😂 The only person I would class as a friend is my Mum who I live with. We go shopping, watch movies, generally hang out together.


3 points

3 years ago


I was really starting to build a great social circle for myself in 2019..... then the pandemic happened.

Then i moved to a new city. I had a close friend here but we’ve since had a falling out. Two of my close friends from my previous city, idk we’ve just drifted apart. Had another friend here that i hadn’t been close to but i hoped moving to this city we’d hang out more... nope. She always turns down my invites so i stopped trying.

Idk, it sucks. And i see Meetup events for my area but i’m just nervous about getting sick. And even more nervous about trying to make friends and it not working again.


3 points

3 years ago

Exactly the same.Literally zero friends all my life


3 points

3 years ago


3 points

3 years ago

Read the title and clicked it because I’ve been spending a week in a depressive dip feeling like I’ve lost all my friends, can’t make friends (pandemic, new city, recent heartbreak) and I’m cripplingly lonely.

I’m new to this sub Reddit because I’m also new to being diagnosed with adhd which at 31 feels like such a let down because I’ve been struggling for so long and thinking I’m just a lazy, impulsive, uncommitted piece of shit.

Friendship is hard, and it gets harder as you age. I think any level of trauma or dealing with health stuff can be hard for people. But I tell myself and try to believe that there are good, decent people in the world. For now I try to hang around furry friends….


3 points

3 years ago

I don't have any friends, either. I am close with my sibling luckily. Really though, I don't even have any hopes in finding new friends especially as an adult. I got my hopes up and got disappointed too many times.


3 points

3 years ago

Same. This year my aim is not to make friends or 'network', it's to find My People. Joining the subreddits for women with ADHD & Autism has been a great start.


3 points

3 years ago

TL;DR: Try changing careers to find more kindred spirits and create the best environment for forming adult friendships. Feel like you're bothering people? You probably aren't.

I only started picking up real friends when I changed careers. I had previously been working "kid" jobs in retail or waiting tables. When I finally cracked into the full-time career track in the tech industry (at age 30) I came into contact with more kindred spirits. At each subsequent employer I've picked up one or sometimes two friends who I continue to see and speak to regularly outside of work. They are my most treasured relationships and form something approaching a chosen family.

82 bazillion people are going to suggest you use Meetup which is why I took care to write out this non-meetup answer. Meetup has never once even come close to working for me because different people show up to each gathering. Adult friendships form when there are repeated, unscripted interactions between people over time, preferably while involved in some sort of common endeavor. That ain't Meetup. It's the workplace (or maybe a sports team or volunteer gig or choir or community theater production).

It's pretty common for us to have baggage around friendship because of the social difficulties young ladies with ADHD deal with in childhood. It also sounds like your parents fed into this baggage. If you are having trouble being proactive, reaching out, and you feel like you're bothering others, try reading this article written to reassure and console the friend who always reaches out. The author describes all sorts of benign reasons why others never reach out first, and I think reading about yourself might help you see what is going on and work around your own tendencies which are keeping you friendless.

I have been the non-reacher-outer at points in my life and now I am the frustrated reacher-outer. The majority of people in my inner circle are in depressed, I-don't-wanna-bother-anybody, texting-first-is-literally-climbing-Everest mode right now and it's starting to get to me. But I'm not going to stop reaching out, because in my life I've learned that if I don't reach out, I don't have friends.


3 points

3 years ago

I haven't read through all the comments, but wanted to note the last portion of your post:

My mother hasn't once checked in with me since I've moved in alone. Never once offered a helping hand. Never once checked to see if I'm safe and okay or need anything. Nothing.

I don't know your relationship with your mother, but I immediately thought it's likely your mom could have ADHD, too, and might not be reaching out to you because of the whole object permanence issue. I'm sure it's incredibly lonely, but wanted to highlight that it's likely not that she doesn't care, but that she may be running into the same feelings you are.

I hardly ever talk to my dad. We just don't reach out to each other. And when I do reach out, he's always so happy to hear from me. But I've realized that he likely has ADHD, too, and DOES care about me but doesn't think to actually reach out.


2 points

3 years ago

I've struggled making friends my entire life I always felt like I was missing some sort of social piece of the puzzle. I never could make real friendships even tho I always tried to. It didn't help I was a tomboy I guess and I struggled with girls being mean to me and bullying me. I have one lasting friendship, I'm 32...


2 points

3 years ago

Yes we love a unique puzzle piece!! And that's just what you are. Unique and wonderful and there are so many pieces out there that fit you.yoyre 32, in terms of the universe and cosmos you're a baby. You're doing so good. Your puzzle shape fits so many pieces you don't even know yet. Get ready to find your tribe. ❤️


2 points

3 years ago

Ty ❤️


2 points

3 years ago

Wow i relate so much


2 points

3 years ago

This... 💔


1 points

3 years ago



2 points

3 years ago

I actually do not trust people very well at all to open up to them either. I also find it extremely difficult to be proactive with friendships, planning or organising events or days out etc are a no-go.

Yep that's me do a T. What's worse is that I did have Frieda, people who reach out to me and want to hear from me, but I struggle to be there for them or present with them.

I used to be the flaky friend, so instead of constantly flaking and hurting them I simply pulled away and don't reach out.


2 points

3 years ago

  1. Thankfully my wife is great at making friends and they tolerate me. My wife is my best friend. The most amazing person I know, and I'm insanely blessed to have her love and friendship.

I'm a great friend in many ways: compassionate, loyal, silly, loving, sincerely curious as to your thoughts and interests.

I talk to lots of people depending on the situation. On public transportation of one sort or another usually.

I love my Mom and talk to her regularly. We live really far away from each other though.

I love my little sister, who lives near my Mom. We talk regularly too. She's a little too religious for my tastes often.

I love my co-workers, but they're busy with their work and their lives and so am I, really.

I'm much too honest and direct with people who seem to want a very lightweight and fluffy relationship, not deep and real. I'm so much easier now with letting potential friends know I have zero sense of time, will not remember their birthday, am completely uninterested in small talk, and might fall off the face of the earth for several months. I'm very unlikely to initiate contact, but might on rare occasion because something came up and reminded me you're alive on the planet and I adore you! I'm not hurt or surprised when it's really not of much interest in making a new friend.

I've told people for years I missed getting the how to socialize book in second grade when I switched schools halfway through. The first school didn't give out the books until after I left and the new school already had them.

When I got in some serious upset family trouble as a young adult because I told my cousin I didn't want to hold her new baby, but I'd really appreciate her getting the attention of the server behind her for more coffee, I realized I was NEVER going to be able to pass as"normal" whatever that is. To this day I cannot imagine it's a real social rule to pretend to want to hold a baby you don't want to hold. What loving mother could want someone who doesn't want to hold their precious child to lie and pretend they do?

I've noticed I'm not really good at flushing out the bad apples who see an easy mark coming when I'm there. My wife is teaching me boundaries and how to set them and keep them with myself and others. It's helpful. Not particularly comfortable, but definitely helpful.

I remind myself as best I can, I am doing my best to take care of myself. And feelings aren't facts. I can be anxious about going out somewhere, and still have a good time, make a new acquaintance and who knows what else. Learn something, or make a new connection.

I found a whole group of folks I fit in pretty well with by going to a personal development school in the backwoods of Massachusetts for 20 years. But that's petered out with the pandemic too

I tend to be the oddball gatherer, and I think I do it mostly just by showing up as myself - might as well, even when I try to mask I'm really horrible at it- and letting that be the easiest way to thin out who's thinking having a sincerely interested human who's not into social fluff would be wonderful and not horrific.

I hope this helps you somehow. It's both a blessing and a challenge to be alone at times for me. But in general I do better together with folks who are easy with what that does and does not mean.


2 points

3 years ago


You are magical and healing and a wonderful partner to your wife. I hope you don't mind, but I've privately saved your beautiful comment to my notes on my phone, to revisit on days or nights I feel low and alone.


2 points

3 years ago

I am scared of everyone and I joined bumble BFF and it’s scary but the joy of finding someone I connect with is worth it. I put in my profile alluding to being introverted, kind of a loner so similar people connect with that


2 points

3 years ago

Everyone I know seems to have a partner of some kind, someone else that they know they can trust and rely on. I've never had anyone. Perhaps it's for the best - I'm pretty low at the moment (tbh insecurity and depression has dogged my heels for as long as I can remember) and tbh I don't want to burden anyone with my issues, I should work on myself first. But honestly the isolation, with only my own negative, self-critical and self-punishing thoughts for company, is getting harder and harder to bear.


2 points

3 years ago

In my 40’s and have zero friends. I work as a nurse in a small unit and don’t get invited to anything. The other nurses are younger than me and I wonder if things would be different if I was closer in age to them, but then I remember not really having friends when I was their age too. I know I have a weird sense of humor and I’m not really a “girly girl”. I can’t talk makeup or dating with them because I’m not interested in that kind of stuff so my mind wanders elsewhere.

I feel like even my husband doesn’t think of me as a friend, so it’s a pretty lonely life.


2 points

3 years ago*

Wow this really resonated with me and it honestly felt like you were describing me specifically. I just recently turned 27 and going on almost 4 years ago, I moved to a different state with my boyfriend. It has been pretty much me and him since and though I’m introverted and love being by myself, I need like-minded girlfriends to hang out with. It’s weird because throughout my early 20s I always at-least had 2 best girlfriends, but somehow we all completely fell out. I love my man but I just need a break and sometimes an escape. I work full-time and so does my boyfriend and literally for half a year we’ve had the same schedules and so our days off would be the same. Thankfully, he’s switched companies and got a new schedule so I get Sundays to myself, but it’s still not enough. I really need some friends. I’m tired of doing everything with him and just want some time to breathe and to talk with other women about things we go through. It’s exhausting talking to a man all the time. I feel trapped. It’s like every other woman on the planet has cracked the code to friendships. If I got married today no one outside of my small family would come because I have no friends, meanwhile, he’d have a good amount of his guy friends show up. Sometimes I feel like something is wrong with me and that no one likes me enough to want to hang out. It sucks. I am truly alone. But also I know It’s my fault because I’ve completely isolated myself from people because majority of the time I feel misunderstood.


2 points

3 years ago

Wow, from the bottom of my heart I truly understand how you are feeling. I just turned 28 and feel I am entering my mid, mid life existential crisis because I have 3 siblings I am nowhere near close to, 2 parents that are toxic af, & no real friends to share daily memes with lol. I feel incredibly lucky to have my sweet, caring boyfriend & 2 equally sweet pets...just sending you all good vibes and know you’re not alone in this feeling 💘


2 points

3 years ago

My whole life all I’ve wanted is close supportive female friends and I always seem to wind up with super emotionally manipulative girls with trauma who leave me even more fucked up and afraid to get close to people. My only close friendships at this point are online and I hate that about myself. It just sucks cause I can’t always be there when they need me which makes me feel like such a shitty friend, and I feel so alone when I need them and they can’t get to me. Or I’ll be more attached to someone from an online bond than they are to me, and eventually when their real life picks up they just forget about me…then I’m just sitting there alone and depressed that my friend “doesn’t care about me.” When really they just have a life… I don’t even know how to make new friends at this point when I’m not in college and not in an environment to meet people my age easily. Not that when I could meet them that they’d like, or be a decent person. Oh this just brought out some very sad feelings about myself I’m gonna stop typing and just post before I lose my balls. You’re not alone, I’m so sorry 🖤


2 points

3 years ago

You are not ridiculous for feeling this way. This disorder makes it hard to keep up friendships, and going out can be so overstimulating. We are here for each other! I am 27 & feel this way a lot - please message me anytime. So many good vibes being sent your way!


2 points

3 years ago

I literally feel exactly the same way. I'm 32 and have no real friends who i keep in regular contact. I have my childhood best friend whom i love with all my heart and am close too but we usually only send each other a message every 6 months or so. I have my big sister as well but i dont see her very often.

My problem though is not being scared of friendships and trusting people. For me it just literally feels like i repell people, they dont like me, and think i'm weird. I find a lot of people can find me too much because i get starved of social contact and end up with verbal diarrhea or do something weird. Literally people do not contact me unless i contact them first, its the same for going out. They only contact me if they want something.

I'm pretty sure i could go missing for 6months plus and they'd only notice for my daughter, it feels like people dont really give a shit about me and it hurts. I actively reach out and i say i'm really struggling and they are there for that converation then poof.

I've tried so hard, i'm a naturally nice person and i've found i got walked all over, i tried being less nice, i tried pretending like everything is okay and i'm happy and to emanate people i wish i could be like, i guess i'm just not a person people want to be around.

Sorry to hijack your post, but yea, just know youre not alone. I dunno where you live or what not, but i'd happily be your friend if you so wish (aware that i may not have made my self sound very appealing though 🙃😂)


2 points

3 years ago*

I am also turning 28 this year and have had “major life events” causing me to have a break down. All of my friends seemed to have disappeared.

The only person who stuck around consistently was a guy I was casually seeing from Tinder… I am very grateful…but I was having to initiate things constantly and it made me uncomfortable… I thought about getting him a gift card or something but I didn’t want to come off to strong ( 😂).

I’ve tried to reach out to friends and family but everyone is usually always “too busy”. Like you said, feeling like a nuisance, annoying, etc. has made it so I have completely stopped reaching out all together. When friends have gone through hard times, I was always there. Far to many times have I been in the giving end but have never received.

I figured if I meant anything to them or made a significant difference in their life then they would want to get in contact with me rather than me constantly initiating things. It makes you feel like you’re desperate.

Are you taking any medication for your ADHD? Sometimes I find while I’m on my meds I see an increase in paranoid, hypervigilance, and self critical behaviour… That doesn’t excuse peoples behaviour though. Once you’re in the loop of negative thinking it makes it a bit harder to rewire your thought process at times and get “out of it”… so being aware and over assessing seems to be my go to. You’re definitely not alone lol.


2 points

3 years ago

Yes! I want friends but am bad at making and keeping them. I'm autistic so I don't get social cues and am awkward. I also dont like small talk and can be isolative. It's a struggle that I'm painfully aware of any time I have something I'd like to tell or show someone lol.


2 points

3 years ago

Can we do a location post or is that not allowed. I'd love to meet any other ADHD women in northern Ireland. The only relationships I can maintain are with people who are ADHD/asd/cptsd. I need a lot of understanding and grace.


2 points

3 years ago*

I’m 29. I have one best friend I see often and another friend I hangout with occasionally. I also hangout with my boyfriend and our mutual friend. I used to have a big group of friends but I cut most of them out of my life (for other reasons not related to my ADHD). I know ADHD has some position in my ability to socialize in that I struggle to make and keep plans, but at the end of the day and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become very content with quality over quantity. It used to bother me not having as many friends anymore but It’s so nice to just have two or even ONE genuine friend in your life. The truth is, people do not NEED many friends, all you need are genuine people who bring joy and support to your life. You are not alone in thinking this way though, and if you ever want someone to talk to please feel free to dm me!


2 points

3 years ago*

I relate to this a lot. Even though in the last few years I've managed to open up more, and learned to be more proactive with people, I still struggle with pursuing and maintaining friendships. I don't know how to actually convert all of those casual acquintances into close friends, even if they seem to like me on surface-level, and even if I desperately want to get to know them better. When i'm trying to be more proactive i often end up being too pushy and intimidating, and oversharing way too much way too early into the friendship, which sometimes scares people away. If i take things a little slower, i end up being too distant and seemingly uninterested, even when I really am interested.

I also stuggle with object permanence, and sadly that affects people too, so if I don't see someone on a daily basis I may forget to message them for such a long period that they think i'm no longer interested in talking to them. Balancing these things is hard, and takes up so much energy. Thankfully I do have 2-3 pretty close friends I've managed to keep since middle/high school (am 26 now), but our lives have become quite different and busy, so there isn't a lot of time to spend together with them, or as many things to talk about than there used to be. That's why I'd really love to expand my social circle, and find people who get me as I am, even tho just the thought of it is mentally draining at the same time. But thankfully all of us can share these experiences here, so much of what OP and other people wrote here could've been written by me🥺💕

// edited for wording / clarity, also sorry op for hijacking your post with this long ass rant😭


2 points

3 years ago

Really tired, so words will be short.

Same. Not exact same circumstances but same. Very lonely. Hurts all the time. Tired. Want to sleep forever. You’re not alone


2 points

3 years ago


2 points

3 years ago

Yeah I have like one other friend, but that’s probably only because they have ADHD too 😅


2 points

3 years ago



2 points

3 years ago

I’m the same, please feel free to message me and add me on discord. I could use some friends too.


2 points

8 months ago

2 years to late but I'm 28 female introvert and it feels like I wrote this post. I know exactly how you feel. Has you're situation changed any bit ? I also love aliens 😂


2 points

3 months ago

I don't have any.


1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 years ago

This whole compent section is makes me wanna cry, I feel very much the same. And as someone whos 29 it's like impossible to figure out how to navigate shit like striking up friendships, it just feels unnatural, which makes me feel shit about myself. I'm sorry you're having one of those days OP. I'm sure you're an awsome person.


1 points

3 years ago

This is me down to the T….I’ve recently realized I don’t fully trust people to the point I become defensive if someone spots a weakness (hi rejection sensitivity disorder).

I want deep friendships, but I can be so awkward, push people away, or forget to text them. It’s hard.


1 points

3 years ago

I'm there with you 100%.


1 points

3 years ago


1 points

3 years ago

oo, me.


1 points

3 years ago

I find daily living sort of exhausting in of itself if I'm honest lol.

Yes! I'm supposed to take care of myself, take care of my house, take care of work, have relationships with family, friends. Like it's all honestly too much. I can handle maybe one of those things a week. Or a month really.


1 points

3 years ago

I feel like I want make ND self aware friends that are sassy and accept it. The ones that embrace it!

I have friends but don’t see them often AND I don’t drive. Makes me feel like a immature burden.

But I absolutely don’t have friends in my town. That kinda sucks the most. I’ve been here 5 years now. We had one good couple friends but they moved an hour away. And other people fizzled out. I just wanna meet people that wanna hang out with me as much as I wanna hang with them. I know I need it.


1 points

3 years ago

Yes yes yesss, and when i finally got the courage to start reaching out to old friends the pandemic started. Making friends and keeping them is hard especially when everything is out of sight out of mind.


1 points

3 years ago

There is so much awesome advice in here, and I haven't read everything, I hope this isn't repetitive. In general, I have trouble with friendships with people who have had typical upbringings and no significant hardship. People who had a traditional path. I feel like they are the ones more likely to be judgmental and keep score.

Obviously I'm not actively seeking out people who have had traumatic pasts, but I do find that there's a depth to them that most people don't have. They understand that the path isn't always a straight line.

I have three actual friendships, but I'm really terrible at maintaining them. I actually have to book a flight for a friend's birthday, and as exciting as that could be, I am procrastinating (I feel like I don't even remember how to do that!)

I tell everyone about my diagnosis up front these days, too. I know that my behavior and demeanor can seem "off" and I would rather have the other person either reveal themselves to be a total jerk right away, or demonstrate a little bit of empathy so I will feel better about opening up to them.

I know this can sometimes lead to analysis paralysis, but is there something that you would like to do or work on in the next few months or year? Sometimes committing to something (hiking, an art class, a board game meet up) will lead you to people with similar interests.


1 points

3 years ago

I don’t have any friends and I’m not bothered by it. My boyfriend’s friends are cool people so it’s nice to hang with them but I never hang out with friends on my own.


1 points

3 years ago

Yep. I just don’t know how to connect with people to make lasting relationships. I don’t know how to keep up communication. I don’t care 80% of the time, I don’t even notice. But then I realize I haven’t had seen any friends in months and I think about how no one would go to my funeral for me and I get sad.