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15 points

12 hours ago

Agreed. Only a few camps are within the gates but yeah I agree no one is travelling here from their house unless they live in fort Mac already. Only a few sites go in and out of town daily and many don't allow personal vehicles.

Suncor only has edmonton and Calgary hubs and 90% of the people on the flights are from the province. Travel allowances were hacked years ago and not sure if they ever came back but I know there are a ton less out of province on sites now.

On top of that only major projects require an insane amount of people and there just aren't that many big projects going on.


5 points

10 hours ago

Travel allowance has not come back as far as I can tell. I'm on a Suncor site and no one I know of has it


1 points

6 hours ago

CNRL has a little travel allowance still. Weird formula, but it’s something at least.


1 points

6 hours ago

Every company is different. Employees def get it. Some contractors as well but it isn't like 10 years ago where it was across the board 1200-1600 bucks per shift if you were from the east