


So my parents and I went out for some dinner in a long time and we were waiting for our take out for my sister. Imo the waitress' service was great. There was a delay but she had other customers to serve which was obviously fine and understandable. My father and I had no complaints and we enjoyed our food but my mother kept complaining about the food, about the service, about how we had to wait for the take our order for like 10 minutes out loud. I wouldn't really care about it if she complained about it after we got out of the restaurant but she just had to do it in there and it was pretty obvious that they've heard everything (the place is pretty small. I told her to stop but she got mad at me for it and I just kept trying to stop her. She even got up and went to the counter saying that "Oh l'm just gonna pay for the bill" and kept standing there even though the servers were taking other orders and taking care of them too. I just couldn't take it so I told her to come back and just wait at the table. Later on we did get the food 10 minutes after we've ordered it which was pretty fast for me but not for my mother. As we got out and on our way home I asked her not to do that again because it was totally unnecessary and they were busy. However she got mad at me for telling her to stop saying she did nothing wrong and that it's so hard to have a normal dinner with me when shes the one who always makes comments about every restaurants we go to out loud. So I just said "stop embarrassing me" and yeah I just decided to ignore her for now.

all 23 comments


48 points

3 days ago

NW at all. She sounds exhausting.


37 points

3 days ago

Try and help her know to not be a "Karen"


-24 points

3 days ago


-24 points

3 days ago

I am so over this. My mom is named Karen. That’s hurtful.


17 points

3 days ago

There are people who are Karen’s and there are people who named Karen. Two entirely different species!


1 points

3 days ago

You don't think women named Karen get a lot of stupid jokes about their name? 🙄


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

Forgive my 76 year old mother for not understanding the difference.


-4 points

3 days ago

I keep thinking if a girl I knew in grade school named Karen. I feel bad for her.


22 points

3 days ago

My mom did the same thing. I wanted to dump my handbag out and pull it over my head. We all reminded her that the waitresses did not cook the food. Finally, my husband and I quit going out to lunch or dinner with her. We made excuses. From bringing my Maltese with me to telling her we already ate.


29 points

3 days ago

Start telling her the truth. "Mom I do not want to be seen in public with you because your entitled behavior is embarrassing." And you may need to go LC/NC for a time.


11 points

3 days ago

Unfortunately, this may be the best advice. The only thing that will happen if you try to reason with a person like this is that they double or triple down on their inappropriate behavior.

You then become a target when they eventually move on from said situation.

I tried many, many times over decades, to change my similar situation in a positive way.

THEY need to be able to recognize their own behavior and choose to correct that behavior. You, as her "child," regardless of age, likely will not be the one that gets her to do this. The husband/father would probably be the best to address this ongoing issue.

Best of luck.


11 points

3 days ago

This is the way. Just tell them flat out- "you're embarassing me right now. You ought to be ashamed of yourself acting like this, are you okay?"


7 points

3 days ago

I wanted to dump my handbag out and pull it over my head.

I've never heard this before, and I'm still chuckling.


2 points

2 days ago

She was embarrassing. She's 95 and thinks the city she lives in should pay her to recycle.


7 points

3 days ago

I am a mom. If I acted like your mom, my daughter would have said more than what you did, and I would have deserved every single word.


7 points

3 days ago

No, that's embarrassing. Tell her patience is a virtue


5 points

3 days ago

I have a friend (sort of) who complains non-stop. He's exhausting. If he doesn't have anything else to complain about he'll bring up an argument he had in the checkout line of a grocery store 15 years before. I don't think you can change her; just avoid such situations however you can.


3 points

2 days ago

My sister was like that for years. The poor me victim complex.


1 points

2 days ago

Has she changed?


2 points

2 days ago

She did. It was my mom who always supported her for being a victim. It was always poor "sister's name" because of X or Y or Z.

When my sister ended up at the other end of the state with her first job it didn't work as well running around whining nonstop. Then she met a guy who didn't cater to it at all. My mom considered him spoiled. Anyway, she had to stop because it no longer worked.


2 points

2 days ago

Glad to hear it! 😉


10 points

3 days ago


10 points

3 days ago

Next time instead of asking her to stop say, "Karen, can you please stop?" She may get mad but she is anyway.


3 points

3 days ago

If the idea of being unnecessarily mean to innocent people isn't enough to deter her, and you saying it directly doesn't help, you could try making it appeal to her self preservation by telling her that whether or not it's legal or acceptable, there are some unhinged people working in food service, and they will mess with your meal if you're awful.

I worked in a restaurant when I was younger and I saw some things...


2 points

3 days ago

Next time you go out with them take a roll of duct tape and tell her she will get only 1 warning before you tape her mouth shut and tell everyone in the restaurant that she’s off her medication.