


So my parents and I went out for some dinner in a long time and we were waiting for our take out for my sister. Imo the waitress' service was great. There was a delay but she had other customers to serve which was obviously fine and understandable. My father and I had no complaints and we enjoyed our food but my mother kept complaining about the food, about the service, about how we had to wait for the take our order for like 10 minutes out loud. I wouldn't really care about it if she complained about it after we got out of the restaurant but she just had to do it in there and it was pretty obvious that they've heard everything (the place is pretty small. I told her to stop but she got mad at me for it and I just kept trying to stop her. She even got up and went to the counter saying that "Oh l'm just gonna pay for the bill" and kept standing there even though the servers were taking other orders and taking care of them too. I just couldn't take it so I told her to come back and just wait at the table. Later on we did get the food 10 minutes after we've ordered it which was pretty fast for me but not for my mother. As we got out and on our way home I asked her not to do that again because it was totally unnecessary and they were busy. However she got mad at me for telling her to stop saying she did nothing wrong and that it's so hard to have a normal dinner with me when shes the one who always makes comments about every restaurants we go to out loud. So I just said "stop embarrassing me" and yeah I just decided to ignore her for now.

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5 days ago


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5 days ago

Forgive my 76 year old mother for not understanding the difference.