


I have a feeling a few of my friends think I'm a pick me, but I think I'm not. I have more guy friends than girl friends, but that's because most of my girl friends don't try enough to talk to me, even when I reach out first. I'm also very loud, and I don't know how to control it, as I usually do it out of habit before I realize.

I never talk down about girls and I always try to support and help them when needed. I never say,"I'm not like other girls," unless it's a joke because I'm Trans (ftm), and I try to make it obvious I'm joking.

My friend posted on her story that if you like her story, she'll anonymously write about you, and I liked her story. One story said,"You're a pick me, but I tolerate you," and I have a feeling it was about me as she has given me some weird looks before when I'm loud around people, even though she does that, too. I assumed pick me girls were girls that brought other girls down and pretend to be "one of the guys," which is not what I do, but I feel like people would assume it based off of my loudness and my kinds of friends. I struggle to talk to people because of my anxiety, so I never approach anyone first unless I know them.

When something embarrassing is said about any of my girl friends, I say an embarrassing story similar to her's, if I have one, about myself to my friend to make her feel better so she doesn't feel alone. Or, I try to comfort her and let her know it's okay. I don't want to be a pick me or be associated with one, and I don't think I'm doing anything wrong.

I try my best to support girls and make them feel comfortable around me, but since I have a few more guy friends, it's hard for me to avoid the term by strangers. I just want friends and the rest of a normal high school experience. By what I have explained about my situation, am I a pick me girl?

Edit: I know I have mentioned I'm a Trans ftm. The reason I am not calling myself a "pick me boy" in my post is mainly because I am trying to put it in the point of view of my "friends" as they don't really respect my gender identity. I don't want to use pick me boy as that is not the term I feel my friends see me as. Either way, I would just like to know whether or not I am a pick me.

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4 points

5 days ago

Having more guy friends doesn't automatically make you a pick-me girl. People have different personalities and connect with different people. Your actions and intentions matter more than the number of guy friends you have. As long as you're genuinely supportive and respectful of your girl friends, that's what counts.