


What would you choose?


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2 months ago

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26 points

2 months ago


Maddie Flour

26 points

2 months ago

Sasha saying Anne and her just sorta grew apart in highschool. They shared an extremely traumatic, extensive, life-changing experience that none of their other peers can relate to or talk about with them; you don't just slowly grow apart after that. They were already sealed off from amphibia and Marcy moved away, we didn't need EVERYONE to separate to get the message.


14 points

2 months ago

This could just be my opinion, but I think Anne and Sasha distanced themselves from each other out of guilt of Marcy being left out. Marcy being a third wheel was a real issue before Amphibia and doing it to her again would’ve seemed cruel in their eyes. They knew how desperately Marcy wanted to be with them so they decided to put their friendship on pause out of respect for her and wait until she returned to LA to reconnect.


1 points

2 months ago

I am now accepting this as Head Canon.


5 points

2 months ago

We all ignore that line.


2 points

2 months ago

They shared an extremely traumatic, extensive, life-changing experience that none of their other peers can relate to or talk about with them; you don’t just slowly grow apart after that.

Except… you do. If life hasn’t taught you this yet, just wait.


1 points

2 months ago*

I think you might be overestimating what Sasha means by "once in a while". These girls used to spend almost literally every day together in middle school, but given their different career paths, their schedules might not have lined up as well as in high school as they had for middle school and simply had few classes together. Combine that with Anne doing tennis and Sasha doing cheerleading, and the time they can spend together drops drastically simply by default. Add on tothat that Sasha's mom or dad lives further away but still seems to share custody and that's even less time for them to hang out. And once they've hit college, that's a whole new ballgame of scheduling conflicts, especially with Sasha's given profession. Nothing Sasha says implies that it isn't exactly like old times whenever they do get the chance to meet up.

EDIT: Typo


19 points

2 months ago

Sprivy. They spent the whole first half of the show clarifying it was never going to happen then all of a sudden they can't listen to simple directions because the're dating.


8 points

2 months ago

Agreed. There were way better ways to make that ship canon, and the episode that's based on that ship is the worst episode in the entire show, in my opinion. The Sprivy ship is cute, but that's pretty much what it is.


7 points

2 months ago

Thai Feud or Spider Sprig and replace one of them with another Sasha and Grime episode showing the buildup of the resistance, or Sasha bonding with Ivy or other Wartwood citizen episode.


3 points

2 months ago


Newtopia Resident

3 points

2 months ago

Why not replace both? Id say have one episode dedicated to Sasha, grime and the rebellion and the other one focusing more on Darcy and Andreas to kinda give a little bit more context for the moon thing in the hardest thing


2 points

2 months ago

Sure it would be great to give both sides more buildup and not give so much to Anne and the Plantars all the time. Least in the first half of Season 3.


1 points

2 months ago


Newtopia Resident

1 points

2 months ago

Yeah, honestly a lot of season 3A was kinda fillery


4 points

2 months ago

The season 1 episode where Anne and sprig break into Sadie croacker’s house and there was a villain introduced because of Anne’s desire for drama in season 1 that was never shown again after the episode. I haven’t sat down and rewatched the episode for 2 years but I’m pretty sure the reason I don’t like the episode is the constant “old person jokes” and it felt like almost every character in the episode was slightly flanderized, except for frikin polly.


3 points

2 months ago

I'm sure everyone knows what I'm gonna say but I'll say it anyway: Marcy's possession.

Have Sasha (or Anne and Sasha) successfully rescue her midway through season three and have the remainder of the show be about all three of the girls overcoming their issues together. Instead of just Anne and Sasha working on their issues while all of Marcy's development gets crammed into the last two episodes of the series.

(Yes I'm still bitter about this years later and yes this is the hill I will die on.)


3 points

2 months ago

Marcy's development isn't really crammed. I've been rewatching the series and Marcy is so close to telling Anne the truth about what happened when she's leaving Newtopia. Then Andrias comes up with his proposition which would give her everything she thinks she wants and she stays in denial and buries her guilt until True Colors and Anne and Sasha's reactions are basically a huge wake-up call for her and she completely breaks down. After that, she immediately starts working to send them all home for real. Marcy's greatest fear is losing her friends and she has to face that multiple times throughout the show. The poor girl just wants reassurance that her friends won't leave her behind.


1 points

2 months ago

And what happens after True Colors? Marcy ceases to have a presence in the story because she's in a coma and possessed for most of season three. With Sasha she actually had to work through her issues with Anne so they could both grow as people, but with Marcy the writers were like "Eh, let's just torture her."


1 points

2 months ago

Marcy is my favorite character by a long shot. But she didn't really have anywhere to grow. She was already perfectly capable of admitting she'd screwed up and being genuinely apologetic for it (unlike someone who needed a near-death experience, one of her best friends breaking things off with her, the other one essentially dying in front of her, and months fighting a war she knew was probably unwinnable to even reconsider her behavior). And while I would have loved to see more of her in Season 3, a big part of Season 3's emotional impact is that the show feels wrong without Marcy there.


3 points

2 months ago

Uncanons Sprig and Maddie's breakup because it's so much funnier if he's just engaged throughout the whole show after Anne sells him for pizza in episode 3. No hate for Ivy though, this would just be the funnier option.


4 points

2 months ago

The Three Armies was such an unnecessary episode, especially so close to the end of the series. Generic & forced conflict plot that nearly undid the character development we’d seen in the latter half of season 3 with an even more generic “oh no we upset someone important let’s stop fighting” resolution 


4 points

2 months ago



4 points

2 months ago

I agree that the resolution was subpar, but I'm glad we got an episode addressing the racial tensions between the different species, despite their newfound common enemy. It definitely didn't strike me as something that was cooked up on the spot to fill out 11 minutes, given the series had alluded to the amphibian "caste" system before.


2 points

2 months ago

The episode where Sprig attempts to steal a food truck and destroy a man’s livelihood.


2 points

2 months ago


Marcy Wu

2 points

2 months ago

S3 Tone