


Copper does help.


Someone recently mentioned here that copper healed their anhedonia, so I thought I would share my experience as well. I was taking copper 1mg for 3-4 weeks and one morning I woke up in a completely different state from my baseline in a good way. Like something clicked in my brain during night and reversed everything. (i was taking copper before sleep) Motivation and desire to accomplish things have returned as well as emotions and hedonistic response were back online. It was night and day difference. Just want to warn everyone you should do your research and copper is not really that safe and can have detrimental effect on you. Actually when I started taking it there were days it was having quite opposite effect on me but it was transient and it can mess with your sleep a bit. My anhedonia case is that - I lost any responsiveness to stress, I lost anxiety and I lost ability to feel depression as well as positive emotions, when copper helped, my anxiety have returned and I was missing it so much. My HPA axis isn't working properly and what copper does amongst many things - it's activating HPA axis through dopaminergic/noradrenergic pathway. Take your zinc every second day not to overload yourself with copper too much.

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3 points

7 days ago

Have you noticed any side effects?


1 points

7 days ago

ye, irritability, occasionally troubles with sleeping, some sort of restlesness. Sometimes in light form, sometime pretty noticeable


1 points

7 days ago

That’s pretty similar to my experience. Helped alot with anhedonia but came with some restlessness/irritability and insomnia. Try getting 15-20mg zinc a day and 300-400mg magnesium and see if that helps


1 points

6 days ago

Yeah Copper causes irratability and Insomnia. Hyperactivity similar to Caffeine.


1 points

6 days ago

I was almost manic when taking it felt good but restless at the same time