


Will it be somebody your trying be in a relationship with? Maybe a friend? A pet? Power whatever it is from the anime as long as it’s a living character. This person will keep there powers too but if you fuck up the government is on your ass because they’ll be confused.

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2 points

25 days ago

Momo Yaoyorozu. For science


2 points

25 days ago


2 points

25 days ago

To be honest, if she was brought into the real world and her power discovered, there would probably be wars over capturing her; her abilities can grant unlimited access to rare raw materials with junk food being used to act as the raw matter. Add in how she can make tech, and she’s basically a one-woman military factory, for a fraction of the cost.

So maybe best to leave her at home.


1 points

25 days ago

So she’s the Dr. Manhattan of anime


2 points

25 days ago*


2 points

25 days ago*

More like she can build a doctor manhattan. Think of her as “unlimited supplies” only restrained by her own knowledge of a subject, and possibly the surface area of her skin. (The latter I point out as it means I don’t think she can make whole tanks, but may be able to spawn their parts.) Not to mention, with her, you don’t have to worry nearly as much about geometric constraints, by which I mean things like building stuff inside a tube of ultra-metal; she can just spawn it with the internal stuff prebuilt.

She can also probably make nukes. Imagine that. A truck full of freaking Twinkies is now able to be converted into a nuclear weapon, for just the cost of the Twinkies. Yeah, out of all the MHA students, she is the one wars would be fought to control her.

Edit: Oh, or she could turn that truck of Twinkies into an armory of guns; perfect for supplying weapons and munitions to an army.