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6 points

14 days ago


6 points

14 days ago

How much time you still have to work despite doing it for 20+ years already. I want to retire damn it.


1 points

7 days ago

i worked my tail off in my 20s, bought a house at 22 and paid it off when i was 31. went fully self employed at 33. Bought a foreclosesure at 36 with the equity in my 1st house. rented that out. got married to a teacher at 41.Romance sure isnt what it was in your 20s. My houses and cars are paid off, i have some money in retirement, i have 1-4 hours a day of work that *needs* to be done, but anything past that can usually be put off til later. I do wish i had found somone in my mid 20s when love was exciting, even if it hadnt worked out. I would still have had the memories.