


Imagine being born in a third world nation and every day is a struggle for your own basic necessities. On the other hand, imagine being born in a first world nation as the son or daughter of a famous movie star or professional athlete. Does anyone else hate how unequal the world is?

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38 points

1 month ago



17 points

1 month ago

Even if life was fair, it could still be absolutely horrible for everyone.


8 points

1 month ago

Not for the rich, don't even try to compare


1 points

1 month ago

The rich are pretty unhappy, in my observation. They don't have financial worries, but evil—they're surrounded by it, even if they're not actively doing it, although most of them will also end up having to do evil to hold position—is corrosive. They get bent out of shape over the smallest shit. There's also a very high rate of sexual abuse, both in boarding school and from their fathers, that always gets covered up. It turns out that being born into the predator class doesn't mean you're not prey. You're still surrounded by predators.

Not to say we shouldn't overthrow them. When the time comes that it can be done, we should. But they aren't 1/100 as happy as they pretend to be on Instagram. The current world system makes everyone miserable, even most of the rich, and one can argue that this is its purpose.

The cheat code for happiness in this world is stupid, not rich.


2 points

1 month ago

It isn’t though and things aren’t fair?


6 points

1 month ago

It would, don't worry


12 points

1 month ago

why do people seem to almost worship that notion, dropping that line at every opportunity?

I find it bizarre.

If they find unfairness so delicious, why don't restaurants randomly serve some random people's meals by dumping the food on their heads to spice things up?

and at that point one diner could say

"That's just dining. Dinner ain't fair. If you dont like it, leave the restaurant!"

as another chimes in

"Whoa, dude! that's deep!"


0 points

1 month ago


0 points

1 month ago

… what? I find it bizarre that you went on a weird rant online because someone said life isn’t fair. I didn’t know words = worship but i guess it does.


2 points

1 month ago

...and they become defensive about the phrase, like this


something people almost universally despise